All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
688 Chapters
Chapter 111
After finishing the last bite, Nina set down her fork. She knew that Sally had long harbored resentment. Nash had defied Sally several times for her, making Sally increasingly disdainful of her. Nina stood up and locked eyes with Sally. "Mom, you never really wanted me to have Nash's child, did you?" Her sudden statement caught Sally off guard, and she quickly composed herself. "What are you talking about?" Nina continued, "You've always wanted Miranda to step in. How could you possibly want me to have Nash's child? You know he would never touch me. Giving me those herbal teas, claiming my womb was 'uncooperative,' was just an excuse to belittle me." Her words laid it all out, and Sally stopped pretending. "As long as you know. How could our York family's child carry your blood?" With a hint of pride, Sally sat down arrogantly. "Nash's affection is reserved for Miranda. Of course, he wouldn't touch you. If it weren't for Grandpa's poor judgement, he would've been with her long
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Chapter 112
The words made Nash stop in his tracks, turning back to look at Quincy. "Which woman?" Quincy, as the messenger, felt like he had a knife to his throat. How did this married couple end up like this? The wife had to help her husband find a one-night stand while the husband kept their marriage hidden from the public. However, there seemed to be feelings involved. He couldn't understand. But caught in the middle like a sandwich cookie, he lived each day on edge."It's... the woman you had a one-night stand with." Quincy felt Nash's displeasure just by uttering those words. Nash was still unhappy about Nina's rejection yesterday, and she already brought another woman to him today. Was she so eager? Did she want to push him away so badly that she'd be satisfied if he took an interest in another woman? Nash's displeased face turned extremely cold and unwelcoming, but he remained composed, saying coldly, "Got it, let her wait!"When Nina returned and hadn't even set her bag do
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Chapter 113
Nina looked at Linda. She was so confident it was herself and Nina almost believed it. However, Quincy was here, and there was work to handle. She didn't have time to respond and could only back away. Three hours passed, and Nina had not returned. However, at this moment, the meeting room doors opened. As the attendees dispersed, Nash emerged from the meeting room. Quincy stood to the side, saying, "Mr. York, the lounge." Nash furrowed his brows, his expression cold. He glanced at his watch and couldn't help but sneer, thinking they sure could hold out. He turned and headed for the lounge. At this point, only Linda was in the lounge. She stiffened when she heard the door open, seeing no one else was there, she lay on the couch for a while. Nash entered the room and saw a girl lying on the couch. His gaze swept around, not finding Nina, and he stepped forward. With one hand in his pocket, he stopped in front of the girl, his expression icy as he scrutinized her in silence. L
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Chapter 114
Linda's face stiffened, hands clenched tightly, digging into her palms. Nash saw her unable to speak, his brows furrowing tightly, and asked sharply, "Is it that hard to answer?"At that moment, Nina hurriedly rushed back from outside, just in time to hear Nash's sharp question from inside. She arrived late and then released her hold on the door handle.Linda hesitated for a long while, coupled with Nash's pressing demeanor, her inner pressure suddenly surged. She lifted her gaze to the cold and indifferent man before her. This man was not easy to deal with and quite dangerous; one wrong step and she could fall into irretrievable ruin. Timidly, she said, "That hotel... There are... many wealthy people. I need money. If I could meet a wealthy man, I wouldn't have to work so hard."Nash furrowed his brows even deeper, his gaze toward her changing. Her words amounted to nothing more than selling herself for money. Indeed, in today's society, there were many such people, exchanging th
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Chapter 115
Linda cried hard, her emotions breaking down, as if she had truly spent a night with Nash. Nina felt unsure now, as it seemed settled, so she had no choice but to leave the lounge.When she emerged, the office was abuzz, everyone clueless about what transpired inside. All they knew was that a unfamiliar girl had waited in the lounge for hours, and Nash had finally gone to see her, emerging with a cold and displeased expression."What happened in there, Nina?" a curious colleague asked. As soon as one person asked, countless ears wanted to eavesdrop. Nina glanced at them and remarked, "You're itching to find out, huh? Why not go ask Mr. York?" Her words held weight, and the moment "Mr. York" was mentioned, even the most curious refrained from probing further, turning their attention back to their tasks.Nina spent some time in the pantry. Everything seemed unrelated to her, yet somehow connected, but she couldn't speak up. She felt very conflicted. Why had she appeared again, goi
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Chapter 116
The helper brought the tea and placed it on the coffee table. "Madam, your tea," he said. Linda dared not be presumptuous. Upon seeing the helper approach, she quickly tossed aside the cushion and sat upright, politely addressing the helper, "Thank you very much." She looked at the cup on the table, still emitting steam. The porcelain was exquisite, and the tea was infused with roses, delicate, exuding a fragrance of roses. She took a sip, and the faint scent spread in her mouth. She felt like everything had become much more sophisticated. "It's delicious. I've never had such delicious tea before," she remarked.Perhaps she had never seen such a luxurious place before. At this moment, everything she saw and drank seemed to be the best. Even the tea felt different from that in other people's homes.It was the helper's duty to serve people well, so upon hearing the praise, he responded, "You're too kind, Madam." With that, he withdrew.Linda stared at the helper for a long time.
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Chapter 117
Nina ignored her and headed for the door. A car pulled up and she got in. Linda could only watch as the car drove away. It wasn't until the shadow of the car disappeared that Linda shifted her gaze. Even in the luxurious villa behind her, she felt a bit uncomfortable being alone.However, Linda's current concern was greater. Why didn't Nina believe her when Nash already did? Nina was a good person. Maybe if Linda explained everything to her again one day, she might believe her! Comforting herself this way, Linda felt a bit better and turned to go back inside. The helpers were busy tidying up her room. After they finished, they politely informed her and she entered her room. The bedroom was spacious, with a large bed—fit for a princess—complete with the canopy she had always dreamed of, larger than the entire space of her old house. Everything was brand new.Opening the closet, she found rows of beautiful dresses, a dazzling array. Such scenes, everything before her, she had onl
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Chapter 118
Sally took pleasure in putting Nina down to feed her own sense of superiority. Nina's hurt and distress further fueled Sally's desire for revenge significantly.Successfully observing Nina's pale complexion and unhappy expression, she smirked with satisfaction, her demeanor changing as she no longer bothered to engage with her. Speaking more would have been just a waste of breath.Sally's words weren't entirely without merit.There was another woman still living in the villa.In Nina's impression, Nash was someone who knew his boundaries and wouldn't casually show leniency to women outside.He had rejected Melody so quickly, but hadn't rejected Linda, and even arranged for her to stay in the villa. Wasn't this a form of favoritism?Nash had been convinced that Linda was the woman he encountered that night, and it had been her first time. She had appeared so fragile, in need of protection, which might have evoked different feelings.Perhaps he had even felt she was different fr
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Chapter 119
His words warmed Linda's heart enough for her to sit close to him. "Mr. York, can someone like me really go to college?""Yes." Linda smiled happily, her lips forming a gentle curve. "Mr. York, you're so kind to me. You're the best person in the world to me!"This statement caused a slight change in Nash's expression. He set down the newspaper he was holding. Nina watched them, observing their harmonious interaction and genuine laughter, the first time she had seen such a lively scene. Even when Nash was with Miranda, he didn't appear as relaxed.Linda's easy-to-please smile was evident. Just the thought of going to school made her this happy, which was indeed different from many others. She was innocent and inexperienced, making people see her as pure and deserving of sympathy. Perhaps that was her charm."Madam, why don't you come in and sit?" Nina stood at the door and was politely asked by a passing helper. Her words were overheard by those inside. Nash shifted his gaze to
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Chapter 120
He did as she wanted; she should be feeling really happy now.Nina remained silent. Seeing their gloomy faces, Linda tried to lighten the mood, saying, "Nina, why don't you stay and have dinner with me?" "I'm telling you, the cook’s dishes here are really delicious. Whatever you want to eat, she can make it. Isn't that amazing? You must try her cooking!" Linda introduced eagerly. Nina's gaze shifted to Linda. "It's not necessary..." "It is, it is," Linda quickly replied, then looked at Nash as if she hadn't said it to him, "Mr. York, can Nina stay for dinner with me? I've been here for so long, and I don't even have someone to eat with. It's very lonely." Nash glanced at Nina and said indifferently, "As you wish." Satisfied with the response, Linda continued to pester Nina, "See, Mr. York agreed, it's okay." She was afraid Nina would feel awkward with Nash around. "Okay then." Nina didn't delay any further and agreed to have dinner with her. "This quiet p
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