All Chapters of Sweet Sinner : Take Me To That Illicit Place: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
167 Chapters
Man Beast/ Sugar Daddy
Günther felt the steady flow of her juices clear down the crack of his ass. He threw his head back and howled. The scent of his mate filled him and he pulled her to his lips and kissed her as she continued riding his cock. Her kiss went straight to his balls and he jerked and exploded deep inside her pussy.Cindy then kissed him hard as his member remained inside of her and uttered with her mind, "My king, I love you!"Then she heard Günther in her mind and he said, "I love you too, my queen. From now on, you name will be "Queen Nakita."Nakita then got off him, knelt beside him, and took hold of his cock. She began licking their juices off his cock, savoring the intoxicating aroma. She felt him swell in her mouth and in her mind, she heard him utter, "Oooh keep going my pretty, I want to fuck you again."She then lay on the bed and spread her legs in submission to him. Günther growled then purred as he moved between her legs. He then licked his lips and ran his tongue from her swolle
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Sugar Daddy
He took a drink then licked his lips, "Hello, the name's, Jack."Oh God, even his voice sounded sexy. She sighed, took a drink, and then gathered up all of her courage, "Hi, I'm Natasha."Jack tried to hide his emotions. 'Oh God, ' he thought. She's not only gorgeous, but has a voice of an angel. For a second he was at a loss for words.However, he mustered all his charm, took another sip of his drink and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, why is a pretty young thing like you sitting here at the bar all alone on a Saturday night?"She blushed in response and then flashed him a sultry smile. "I'm not that young, and I don't mind telling people that I'm thirty-two. Besides, I got tired of looking at my four walls at home and decided to come down to the club. After all there's something always exciting happening here on Saturday night. So tell me, Jack, what brings you here, alone?"His eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth turned into a frown. "Well you're young to me because I'm f
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Sugar Daddy
Jack picked up the phone, "Hello, Jack Spaniel residence."Natasha felt her heart skip a beat, "Hi Jack, its Natasha, from the club, remember me?"Jack thought he'd drop the phone from excitement, "Oh hi, I was just wondering if you'd call me. Do you still want to go out to dinner Saturday night?"Natasha played nervously with the phone cord, "Sure, it beats sitting here at home alone. Where do you think we should go?"Jack's mouth watered, and not because he was hungry for food. "I was thinking about the Longhorn steak house, that's if you like steak."She licked her lips and felt herself quivering. Oh God, his sexy voice was going straight to her clit. "I have been there and enjoy their food." She then snickered, "I guess if we're going to dinner, I'd better give you my address."He chuckled, as he reached for a pen and paper. "Yeah, that would help. By the way there is no need for you to call a taxi since I have my own car."She loved Jack's attitude, he was a perfect gentleman. "O
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Sugar Daddy
Jack lowered his eyelids and spoke softly, "Why's that, honey? If I wasn't so old, I'd try to be that man."There, he said it. Jack was truly infatuated with Natasha. Was it love? He didn't care at that moment, all he wanted was to take her into his arms and make sweet love to her, like she'd never had before.Natasha couldn't believe her ears. Jack wanted her, just like she wanted him. Should she dare make a move? Hell she didn't care about his age, to her that only mattered when you were talking about wine and cheese.Before he could react, Natasha, batted her eyelids, licked her lips, and leaned close to Jack uttering, "How would you like to come back to my place for drinks and dessert? I'm dying to get out of here."Jack took her hand in his and confessed, "I'll have to admit it that I wanted you from the night we talked at the club. If you would have me, I would be honored to accompany you to your place."Natasha looked lovingly into Jack's eyes and purred, "I'm finished with din
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Sugar Daddy
Her eyes lit up and she shrieked so loud it would break crystal. "Oooooh God, are you serious?"Jack fucked her harder and said, "Yes I'm serious. You need someone to care for you and love you, like you deserve to be loved. I want to do that for you."Natasha felt the tears form in her eyes, for the first time in her life she truly felt loved. She trembled hard and shouted, "Fuck me daddy, I now belong to you!"As he watched his baby, she took her nipple into her mouth and bit it hard, shaking like a freight train out of control.After seeing that, Jack couldn't hold back any longer. He came so hard it dribbled out of her pussy onto the bed.The two of them lay there for a moment basking in the afterglow of their love making.Jack moved off her and positioned himself beside her before taking Natasha into his arms. He held her gently, and then kissed her lips.He gave her a serious look and said, "Darling, I mean what I say."Natasha looked deep into Jack's eyes and said, "I hope so. B
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Sugar Daddy
When he slid just the head inside her, Natasha couldn't help but tremble all over. Oh God, she wanted to use Jack's cock, wildly, greedily like a slut who just couldn't get enough. She loved being pushed to the edge of pleasure, to give and receive like that; Natasha couldn't remember the last time she felt like this.Jack grabbed Natasha's hips and pulled her into his cock, fucking her ass, deep and hard with slow deliberate strokes. He then leaned into her and whispered, "How's that feel baby? Rub your clit for me, I love watching a woman masturbate."Natasha reached for her pulsating clit and cooed, "I love it, daddy! Oh God, you make me so hot, no one has made me feel this good for a very long time. That's it, deeper, harder! Ooooh fuck, daddy, I'm going to cum again. Fuck my ass!"As he fucked her ass Natasha's finger feverishly worked on her clit. Closer and closer they came toward climaxing. All of a sudden Natasha shook violently as her ass grabbed his dick hard. Jack followed
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Sugar Daddy
Jack and Natasha had been steadily seeing each other for about a year now. Their chance encounter turned into a full blown love affair. Neither one of them cared about the age difference, nor what others thought. The only thing that mattered is what they felt in their hearts.Jack lay there looking at Natasha sleeping so peacefully next to him. He didn't regret the day they met, but that morning as he was sitting there watching her and he quietly questioned his motives."What am I doing? She's young enough to be my daughter. I probably shouldn't be here, in love with her, but how could I stop myself ... the first time we kissed, she had my heart."Natasha was like a breath of fresh air in his life, since Rebecca died. As he and Rebecca had no children, maybe in the back of his mind, he saw Natasha as the daughter he wished he had. That was until that first night when they made love. She proved that didn't matter when it came to affairs of the heart.Jack noticed that since then, Natas
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Sugar Daddy
Jack noticed she was looking pale, so he kept an eye on her. Around noon, he made some fresh tea and although she kept it down, Natasha still said she didn't feel well.Around two p.m. he sat down on the bed and announced, "I think I'll need to call the doctor, don't you?"Growing concerned, she agreed. Jack made the appointment for that afternoon and remained at her side until it was time to get dressed and go see the doctor.The nurse led her down the hallway, stopping at the bathroom. She then handed Natasha a specimen cup to pee in, explaining it was to see if everything was okay. After she was finished she was to go into exam room two.When the nurse saw that Natasha was done and heading toward room two, she followed her. Once inside, she instructed her to take everything off and put on the paper gown and sit on the table.The nurse then took vitals, and told her the doctor would be in soon and left the room.The doctor came in and greeted Natasha, "What's this I hear about you n
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Sugar Daddy
"Jack can we go to the Dairy Queen, I want a strawberry sundae."He laughed, "Sure doll, do you want pickles with it?"She grinned and replied, "Only if they're dill pickles."Jack rolled his eyes, and made a funny face, which caused them to burst out laughing.He pulled into the parking lot for some ice cream. Jack got out, walked up to the window, and ordered two strawberry sundaes. He then walked back to the car and offered Natasha hers first.She thanked him for the sugary delight and wondered, if he would put weight on during the pregnancy.Following that they went home. Once inside the place, Jack pulled Natasha into his arms. While kissing her tenderly, his right hand caressed her tummy.He smiled and confessed, "I'm giving our baby some love. I bet she likes it."Natasha grinned mischievously and chirped, "Bet he does."He then asked her a serious question, "I know you don't care at all for your mother. However, do you think you ought to tell her about the baby?"Natasha's eye
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Sugar Daddy
Her eyes lit up and she squealed, "Ooooh that sounds like a great idea. Let me go put on my swimsuit, I might need your help though."Jack replied, "Let me change first baby, then I will help you, okay?"They went into the bedroom, changed, grabbed their robes and then walked out to the pool.Natasha told Jack she wanted to sit in the lounge chair for awhile. So he helped her, then walked over and sat down on the edge of the pool.As the cool water tickled his feet, Jack ogled her body noticing the changes. Natasha's face glowed with happiness. As his eyes traveled downward, she looked voluptuous, with her larger breast and expanded tummy.Nowadays, she was always horny. He licked his lips hungrily as his cock swelled. Jack wondered if Natasha would like to have sex in the pool.Natasha saw Jack ogling her and wondered what he was thinking about, until she noticed the bulge in his trunks.She got up and waddled over to where he was. She put her hands on her hip, batted her eyes, and a
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