All Chapters of Sweet Sinner : Take Me To That Illicit Place: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
167 Chapters
She was drop dead gorgeous and I wanted her. I lusted for her. I might even go so far as to say I would kill for her. Five feet five, one twenty, 36x22x35, hazel eyes and flaming red hair. When she was around I could not take my eyes off of her. She knew what she had and she knew that every man in the building wanted her.Her name was Constance Frederick and she was a secretary where I work. Under other (and better) circumstances I would have immediately made a move on her, but I couldn’t. As much as I wanted her I had to behave myself. The lady was married and I couldn’t, wouldn’t, make a move on another man’s woman. It wasn’t a matter of morals, ethics or any of that kind of stuff; it was the simple fact that I could never do to another man what was done to me. It had hurt and three years later it still hurt.Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense does it? On the one hand I say I’d kill for her and on the other I say I would never move on another man’s woman. I don’t need to make sense.
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Being your typical naïve teenager I assumed that Amber and I were forever so it took me by surprise when one night she told me that she wanted to date other guys.“You will still be my main man Bobby; I just want to occasionally see someone else.”I looked at her as all kinds of thoughts ran through my head. Finally I got it together.“I don’t own you Amber so I can’t tell you what you can and can’t do. You want to date others? Go ahead. Lord knows I won’t be in the way. Goodbye Amber.”I got up and walked away from her. Her father came in to where I worked the next day and started to give me a ration of shit over leaving ‘his poor baby’ stranded.“I had to get out of bed and go pick her up.”“Maybe next time she will be smart enough to breakup with her boyfriend when he takes her home at the end of the date instead of in the middle of it.”That shut him up and he left the store.Hurt? It damned near killed me. The love of my life turning her back on me! She called me several times ov
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I was to the point of asking her if she would like to make the relationship permanent when she told me she couldn’t see me anymore. Kenny’s relationship with his ‘soulmate’ had cratered and he was back begging Bev to forgive him and give him another chance and the stupid cunt went and did it. He ended up cheating on her again and during the third week of our sophomore year Bev attempted to get back with me, but I wasn’t going to go there.It was a week after Bev tried to come back and I was sitting in the Student Union Cafeteria drinking coffee and going over some class notes when someone took the seat across from me. I looked up and saw Amber sitting there.“You over your snit yet? Done wasting your time on all those other girls? We are supposed to be together Bobby and you know it. You knew it the night of that football game. We clicked and it was obvious to everyone. Okay; I did do something stupid. You going to tell me that you never did anything really dumb or stupid and didn’t r
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“Please Bobby; don’t make it any harder than it has to be.”“Is he better in bed than me? Got a bigger dick? His tongue maybe a foot long?”“He isn’t any better, only different, but it isn’t about sex. It is a matter of our souls being in tune with each other.”“So how many times have you come home to me and let me fuck pussy that had just been used by him?”“Only a couple of times Bobby, but again, it wasn’t about sex.”“So how do you see this happening?”“I’ve seen a lawyer and he is drawing up papers for a divorce based on irreconcilable differences. A straight fifty-fifty asset split and I’m not asking for alimony.”Just then the doorbell rang and Amber said “I think that’s for you.”I went to the door and opened it to find a man I didn’t know standing there. “Robert Dawson” he asked I said yes. He handed me an envelope and said “You have been served.”I walked back to the table and threw the envelope down on it as I said “You sure aren’t letting any grass grow under your feet are
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Was I curious as to what she wanted to say? Of course I was; just not curious enough.Chuck called me the next day and told me that the papers were ready to serve and asked me how I wanted to handle it. We set it up to serve the papers on Amber and Lattis at work the next day. I was counter suing Amber for divorce on the grounds of adultery and suing Lattis for alienation of affections. After the two of them had been served in front of as many of her co-workers as possible the process server would serve a company official with papers.Somehow Chuck had gotten a copy of the company’s policy and procedures manual and it did have morals clauses in it. There was one strongly worded section on relationships between supervisors and those they supervised so the company was being sued for not enforcing their own policies and thereby being a party to the breakup of my marriage.The next day when I got to work I told Maxine to expect a call from Amber sometime after two which was the time the p
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When the dust settled and after Chuck took his cut I had eighty-nine thousand more in my bank account and an ex-wife.Are Amber and Lattis still together? Don’t know, don’t care, but I doubt it. Six months after the divorce was final I received a phone call from Amber.“Bobby? I made a big mistake honey. I miss you. Can we get together and talk about it?”“No we can’t Amber. How many times do I have to tell you that I never want to see you or hear your voice again.”And I hung up on her.So, back to she of the hazel eyes and flaming red hair.We were at Antonio’s, a lounge close to where we work, and we stopped there every Wednesday night after work for a drink or two to unwind and bad mouth management and their latest stupid maneuver. There was a juke box and a dance floor (Antonio’s had a live band Thursday through Saturday) and someone was always dropping quarters in the juke box.The girls I worked with liked to dance so they were always pulling guys off their seats and out onto t
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“Dawson, right?”“Yes sir; Bob Dawson.”“No sirs please; call me Jim” and he offered his hand and I shook it. Constance stood there smiling at me like I had just passed a test of some sort as Mr. Camebridge walked away. She reached for my hand and said:“Our turn now Mr. Two Left Feet.”She led me out onto the dance floor and then moved into my arms. I wasn’t a bad dancer and Constance and I moved well together. I had the ever present hard on and tried to keep myself far enough away from her so it wouldn’t be poking her, but she knew what I was trying to do. She was smiling at me, but the look in her eye was pure evil and she pulled me tight against her and felt what I was trying to keep away from her.“You don’t want the people here thinking that my date doesn’t have the hots for me do you?”“Why are you doing this to me” I managed to croak out.”“Because I can and it is fun.”She ground her leg against my erection and said “Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me you don’t want to shove
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“One of those you wanted me to stand between?”“Exactly and you did a marvelous job of it.”One of my questions, or maybe both of them, were answered in the course of the evening. People kept coming by the table to say hi to Constance. It turned out that she was the secretary/treasurer of one of the charities that would be receiving funds from the affair. And, as mentioned before, Jim was a big supporter of charities and that’s probably how they knew each other.When things started breaking up I took Constance home. I walked her to her door and as I turned to leave she grabbed me and kissed me. Not a peck on the cheek, but lip to lip and it made me weak in the knees. She broke it and said:“Thank you Bob. I had a great time. See you at work on Monday.”I didn’t even make it a block from her place before I had to pull over to the curb and relieve myself. I spent the weekend remembering that Friday night and wishing to God that Constance was not married.Monday at work Constance was her
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The next day at work Constance dropped hints to the other girls in the office. I have no idea what she said, but I started getting looks from my co-workers I’d never gotten before. At lunch I sat with Constance in the breakroom and I was treated to nasty glances from Gary and Ron and speculative glances from Alice, Mae and Belinda.Twice during the day Constance and I had occasion to be close and both times we touched and exchanged quick kisses. Just a quick one on the lips, but it was seen by several people. Friday was a repeat of Thursday and as we left work Constance said to me in front of a couple of our co-workers:“I’m really looking forward to spending the weekend with you lover.”I spent the weekend with April, my friend with benefits, and she got the benefit of all the sexual frustrations that Constance had built into me over the previous week.Monday, Tuesday and during the day Wednesday we repeated what we had done the previous Thursday and Friday. Wednesday at Antonio’s Co
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“How about it babe” he said as he worked it; “Think you can take it?”“I don’t think I can take it all, but maybe I could if it was two inches shorter” and her hand came out of her purse. The ‘snick’ of the spring-loaded switchblade knife opening hadn’t even faded when two things happened. The first was that the guy was already five feet away and running as if his life depended on getting the hell away from Constance (which in a way I suppose it did) and the second thing was the thought that instantly entered my mind.“No way she needs me around for protection! Something ain’t right here Bobby; something ain’t right at all.”I was standing there staring at Constance and she shrugged and put the knife away. As she did it I noticed a lanyard hanging from the end of it and hanging from the lanyard was a little black cylinder which I recognized. I’d bought one for Amber way back when. It was a spray tube of Mace. Yes indeed Bobby; there was something rotten in Denmark. And I intended to f
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