All Chapters of Sweet Sinner : Take Me To That Illicit Place: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
167 Chapters
I also know for a fact that he liked what he saw.His solid cock was proof enough to verify that statement as it pressed against his zipper. And of course there was the smile that just wouldn't go away from his face, too.Oh yes, we were both very pleased with the harness and raring to experiment with it. And with me of course, too.I got an inkling of Jason's idea when he pulled out a very long rod and slipped it through the ring at the back of my waist. His words of, "Stand up on the bed," told me the rest. And sure enough, a few minutes later I was swinging back and forth at the end of his bed by my waist as the harness really dug into my gut. I mean really dug in as he cuffed my wrists to the rod and began to lengthen a spreader bar between my feet.No doubt about it, I sure as hell wasn't going to be going anywhere for quite some time. I also picked up on the fact that I could be rotated into any position with a flick of his hand on the spreader bar attached to my ankles. No sir,
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Quite a sight, they were.I had gone a bit overboard in grabbing dildos at the sex shop, selecting a good dozen of them in assorted colors, styles and sizes, with and without simulated balls. Each and every one of them paraded across the dresser. Each looked eager to work as designed.In me!What a thought!Betsy must have thought so too, as I noticed her hands caressing several of them as she went about her assigned chore of emptying the shopping bags. The crinkle of paper, the clink of items being placed on available surfaces, and her handling of them informed me that Betsy was eagerly looking forward to upcoming events.So was I.Placing the last article on a table, Betsy began to disrobe. I noted that it didn't take her long to accomplish that task, showing years of practice as the flimsy maid uniform was quickly removed, followed by hoses, garter belt and shoes.What a body!A very colorful body at that.Betsy was a short gal, but what she had was dynamite. Big titted. Huge nippl
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With all that was transpiring it shouldn't take a genius to understand why I was coming yet again as I struggled to remain fully conscious to record all that was happening to all concerned.Even as I came, I tried to study Betsy's technique at Charles cock, never having mastered the deep throat skills necessary to take a cock all the way down my throat.I tried to give both Charles and Jason's actions full appreciation, too. Then a change occurred.The smaller vibrating dildo was no longer up my ass. It was pressed against my inflamed clit and I was seeing stars. A second later I was seeing stars for a different reason.One of the larger dildos was taken from my cunt and pressed into my ass. It stretched and stretched and stretched. Even covered by my goo the dildo had to fight for entry up my untried opening. Then suddenly the ribbed head made it past my no longer virginal wrinkled opening and popped inside.I couldn't help it. I screamed.A scream of combined pain and pleasure as it
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Then again it was one finger at a time as she made yet another fist, this time in my ass and pushed even deeper. There is no cervix in the colon, nothing to stop her penetration. My gut contracted in pain as she pushed deeper as her arm made entry. Then slowly, as before, it made its retreat only to penetrate me again.I was being ass fucked with a fist!The thought of that was mind boggling.The fact of that was stimulating as hell as it hit me—I was coming. Coming as a fist, of all damned things, flicked my ass.I'm sure that it took me several seconds to recognize her next move. But when it did, I gave her my full and undivided attention.Her other hand was making its way up my pussy. In less time than I thought possible there were two fists in me fucking away. If someone had asked earlier if two fists could fit in a female body, I would have said no, no way. But I would have been wrong because it was happening to me! And I was loving every second of its happening.I thought I'd go
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"His father?""Yes, miss. His father trained me and offered me to Mr. Jason when he went away to school.""Trained you? You mean his father is the same?""Oh, yes, miss. I thought you knew. It is a family trait. All the males are dominate and the females submissive. They are trained that way from birth, miss.""Is his father's staff involved, too?""Oh, yes. Both potential males and females must meet the family standards or they are not hired. It is a prerequisite for employment, miss, and all the staff it totally dedicated to it remaining so."Well! That sure as hell answered some of my questions. A family trait, was it. And all the staff was involved. Damn, what a damned pleasant thought! If I remained with Jason I'd have plenty of "staff" members at my beck and call whenever the urge arose and Jason wasn't around. Or if he was, too, for that matter, like tonight."Aaahhhhhaaaaaagggaaa..." pulled me out of my dreaming as Jason landed the cane on my harnessed tits that stuck way out
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But nude?"Am I restricted to this room, then?""Oh, no, miss. Mr. Jason also informed me that you are to partake of breakfast in the dinning room. He wished to you join him as soon as you finished your shower."Dinning room? While naked?Well, as I said, it shouldn't come as a surprise."Where ahh where is the dinning room, Charles?""Betsy will show you the way, miss."Right, I thought, as I remembered her words of the previous night. Males dominate, while females are the submissive. Naturally she would be the one delegated that task.Casting one more look at my colorful body, I shrugged. "Well, I ahh guess I'm ready, Betsy. Lead away.""Yes, miss."She turned and headed out of the room as I, with a bit of trepidation, followed in her wake."Ah Betsy, ahh has ahh this happened before?""A nude guest, you mean, miss?""Yea, a nude guest.""No, miss, not to my knowledge.""Oh, ahh and what do make of that fact? I mean, why me?""I'm sure I couldn't say, miss. But if I were to hazard a
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"Why don't you tell Kate how you like your rings used, Susan?""Yes, sir." She said facing him, then turned to me. "I like them treated harshly, miss. Quit harshly. My favorite being weights hanging from them as I get buggered, miss."What a topic for the breakfast table! But, hell, around here it was probably normal."I ahh I see. Thank you for that information, Susan. And who ahh do you like to get ahh buggered by? Anyone in particular?""Naturally Master Jason is a favorite. But my Johnny is no slouch either.""And who is Johnny?""Why him, miss." Pointing to the other man in the room. "My husband, miss."Husband? Well, it is an unusual household, now isn't it.What the hell could I do? I smiled in response. Jason did a bit more."Johnny?""Yes, sir?" The up-till-then silent Johnny said as he instantly approached the table and gave his full attention to Jason."A one hour reward for Susan.""Yes, sir," he responded as he suddenly turned and walked away. At a china cabinet, he reach
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"And that pleases you?""Massively. As you've guessed or been informed, the infliction of pain is nothing new to me. It is a family trait, so to speak. The men in my family are more or less trained from birth to be domineering with females. Just as the females are taught to submit to pain from males. It has been that way for centuries, passed from one generation to the next. I would venture to say that it is almost ingrained in us.""And that is where I fit in?""To be blunt. Yes. But there is also the personal attraction we feel for each other. We both felt it that first night. You aren't denying it are you?""I... no. I did feel it.""But?""But what?""There is a but in there somewhere, isn't there?""Well... yes."I waited but he didn't respond. I knew he was waiting for me to state the 'but' part of my reaction. I noted that the longer I procrastinated the harder it was to state it, until I just blurted it out without the least bit of tact."But where does that leave me in your s
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Jason stood between my spread legs. I could see gleaming metal in his hands. Silver metal needle and golden clit ring. Fortunately it was not nearly the size of Betsy's, but threatening all the same.Jason seemed to be reading my mind, as he said, "This one is smaller but it will still serve the purpose. After you have healed, a larger one can be installed in the hole made by this one."Reaching up with one hand he caressed my leg. I literally jumped."A bit nervous?"I swallowed and nodded my head."Too nervous to remain in place without bondage?"Again I nodded my head. Nerves be damned, I didn't think I could hold still as my clit was pierced and then ringed, for Christ's sake I wasn't made out of steel. Oh, no. I was definitely flesh and bones. And excited clit to boot."No problem," came his reply to my cowardliness as he walked away again. That time he came back with an assortment of bands, ropes and chains. "A lady should always have her wishes granted."It still amazed me that
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That afternoon I got a more traditional engagement ring. The kind that goes on the third finger, left hand. Quite a rock. It was worth more than all my possession combined, so naturally I just loved it.I concluded that having access to vast amounts of money had many rewards. But quite frankly, with or without money, I would have taken Jason.Again that evening I dinned in my colored buff and was getting use to the fact. I can't say that I was totally comfortable with the situation, but it was becoming more and more familiar. Hell, just the leering looks Jason sent my way made it worth adjusting to.I wondered when he would take the act public so to speak. I knew he would eventually, that was a foregone conclusion. I dreaded and looked forward to it happening, wondering just how it would be done. Where it would happen and under what circumstances.But thoughts of the future weren't nearly as interesting as current events. Events in the form of good old Johnny again whipping ass in the
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