All Chapters of Sweet Sinner : Take Me To That Illicit Place: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
167 Chapters
“Why so?”“Once over me she could fire my butt if I piss her off somewhere along the way.”“I very much doubt that will happen.”Then we dropped the conversation about Constance and talked about my new job and the logistics of the change.If was after four when I left Jim’s office and I decided to call it a day. I had just come down the stairs and into the lobby and was heading for the door when the elevator door opened and Constance came out. She saw me and asked me where I was going.“Home to soak in a hot tub Mrs. Frederick. Relax and clear my mind. I have some major decisions to make and I find it easier to do when I’m relaxed.”At that exact instant I decided on how I was going to let Constance know I was onto her. As I opened the door to leave is said:“Oh, by the way; I was happy to hear that you approved of my promotion” and then I was out the door and on the way to my car. I half expected to hear “Wait Bob” and then her hurrying to catch up to me, but that didn’t happen. As I
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I never woke when the sleep gas filled the building. When I did I was wearing a shock collar and restraints. That did not stop me from breaking the legs of two men and killing a third. It was only the shock collar that stopped me and even then the slaver knew he could never trust me.My name is Daniel Fox and my father was a powerful merchant and he had enemies. My kidnaping and enslavement was meant to break him. They must not have known him well, I did and knew he would begin to hunt those that had done this. For the three week trip I was kept in a cage naked and whipped several times a day.They used a neural disrupted and took vids to send to my father. By the time I was shoved out onto the stage in a port market I was bruised and battered. I wore ankle restraints and my wrists were locked in a restraint bar. The world was rogue and the men and women thieves and worse. I looked at the people through swollen eyes as the slave master started the bidding.The people laughed and joked
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I went all the way to the port and set down in an area with warehouses. We left the vehicle and I started looking for a way onto the port. It took several hours before I saw a way in. We used an emergency ladder up to a fire door on the second floor of a warehouse. From there I led Zara along a narrow ledge and over the fence and sonic barrier.At the far end of the building was a set of stairs for an officer door. We walked down and I peeked around the corner before leading Zara away. It was dark and only a few lights were on at the warehouses. I found an open door and pulled Zara in and searched. In one corner was a break area with food machines and I used a couple of credit sheets.We ate and drank and even used the fresher before we left. It took a few hours to work our way through and out of the collection of warehouses. Once I saw the huge tarmac and the distant ships in the dark I started for them. A check of a port cart showed it would need a password to start.We started walk
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I live for my senses.Touch, sound, smell, taste and sight. I am a very sensitive person. Not one who is moody, but one who enjoys having my senses stimulated.Especially touch and sound.Harsh touches and cracking sounds.Nothing thrills me more than a harsh blow waking up my nerve endings or the magical sound of something hitting my flesh. To be restrained while it is happening is even better.As far back as I can remember, I have always been that way. I remember as a kid I'd dream that someone had me bound in some fashion while making me squirm with what they were doing to me.I was captured by Indians and tortured.A street gang would grab me off the street and it would be gang-bang time, complete with bonds and hours of sex.I'd be transported back in history and get abducted by a ship load of pirates that knew how to treat a captive.I'd dream of a future husband being a very demanding man who knew how to keep his wife in line with ropes, whips and cock.And what became of these
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Fingers? Neck? Oh, yea, I can do that. Available for what?His hand.It was a very warm hand that touched my left tit. He slid his hand under my tit, as if weighing it. I recall wondering if it passed inspection or not.It must have, because he began to rearrange it. He squeezed my tit. Pinched the nipple, which just happen to be hard and very aroused. Then he bounced my boob up and down as if he were dribbling a small ball attached to my chest.Then his hand slid over to do the same with my right one as I struggled to hold still. Which wasn't easy. I was getting hotter than hell with each passing second and each touch.But there was no way in hell that I'd do anything but what he said to do.I really can't explain it. I knew that Jason and I were destined to be together. I knew he would fulfill all of my fantasies, and perhaps beyond.So what did it matter that I was sitting naked from the waist up, driving down city streets for all to see, as Jason's hand took possession of my hot t
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The short, golden chain tickled my spine and goose bumps paraded up and down my entire body. The next instance his warm hand was pressing into my shoulder blades and I was being forced over the back of the suede chair.I had never thought much about leather before, but as my stomach, chest and face came into contact with the soft, subtle suede I knew that I was addicted to having leather in my life."It's your first time, isn't it," came Jason's voice behind me as his hand reached out and touched my quivering ass, atop the back of the chair.I almost jumped at his touch as I managed to get out a shaky, "Yes," as his hand explored my pleading flesh.Would he whip me? Or just spank my ass? Whip, spank, ahh, such dreams. Dreams that would soon become reality.How would I react to the pain?I had dreamed of it often, but had never participated in the actual administration thereof. Would I take it in stride? Or would I whimper and scream?I truly didn't know.But I did know that I would ne
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I raised my legs and spread them as wide as I could as Jason stepped between them, crop in hand."Such a pretty pussy. Will it like the pain?"I saw him raise the crop and bring it toward my opened pussy. And I couldn't help it. I started to bring my legs together.He laid the flared end at the top of my pussy. "Ahh the doubt remains, doesn't it? Spread your legs, Kate. Spread them for your pain. That's it. Wider. Try to imagine how much this can hurt you."He used the flared end gently. Sliding it up and down my quaking opening. Up and down. Dipping in and Out of my wet flesh as my legs opened and closed.I was afraid.I was curious.I was horny as hell.Back and forth it went. In and out went my legs. I couldn't keep them opened.He wasn't hurting me. Far from it. He was teasing the hell out of me. Just when I thought he would use the crop to inflict pain and I'd close my legs around it, he slid it back and forth driving me more insane with each passing second and touch."I won't hu
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My whole tit shook back and forth on my arched chest. My nipple felt like a thousand bees had just stung it. Were still stinging it. The pain filled not only the nipple, but all of me. From head to toe. And it found a welcoming center in my clit. And I was off and running again."YYyeesssss aaaaaaaaaaahh yeeesssss."Another black blur was coming at me. This time to land on my right nipple.It didn't matter. I just came harder with both tits filled with soaring pain. A streak of black stayed in front of my tits. Back and forth it went from one to the other. A high speed film couldn't have recorded it slamming into me. But I didn't care about filming. I was too consumed with coming.Again my body betrayed me as I flopped back on the bed and the black blur went away."A nice beginning, Kate. Now slide up the bed and open your pussy for my cock."That I could do.Well, I thought I could, but the slippery satin had other ideas until finally I did an ungraceful crab walk as he followed me u
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And did he ever do it. He laid into my ass with a vengeance that set my tits to bobbing on my chest and waving over the red polished hood. I could actually see them in the polished reflection. And I sure as hell could feel the effects of the landing paddle as Jason hit me again and again as the sounds rolled around me in a never ending wave of pain and lust.It is a very special sound. The sound of wood striking a leather covered ass. And did I ever love it. The sound, and the pain that it generated in me. I didn't really count the number of times he hit my bouncing ass, but whatever the number, it was enough.Because I was fucking coming.Right there. Leaning over the car. Getting m leather ass paddled, coming. Until finally my legs deserted me and I kind of slithered to the cement floor."You had your fun, now it's time for mine. Come on, let's go inside."Inside?Oh, yea. Inside his house.I got my legs under me and somehow they did function in the time honored way and carried me f
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"They really have this stuff in stores where you can see it? And try it on for size and all?""Sure, if you know where to go.""And do you? Know where to go, that is?""I'm sure I could manage it, why?""How's your plastic holding up?""No complaints. Why, want to see how much you can charge on them?""Well, the thought had crossed my mind. You don't really mind, do you? I mean... well we'll both benefit from it.""I don't mind at all Kate. You want to go on a shopping spree, we'll go on a shopping spree. How's this weekend sound?""Great! Know any places where we can ahh you know, try them on for size and all?""I know just the place."And he did. God, did he ever.We left right after our last classes on Friday and flew into the big apple by late afternoon, to see all the business types flooding the subway, trains and streets as we leisurely made our way to the place Jason knew about.It was the pits.I mean this place actually had dust balls in the corners, cobwebs on the walls and
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