All Chapters of THE CEO'S THERAPIST: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
166 Chapters
I was sure he was about to do it all over again, as he took me up into his room, which was one of those places in the house where I rarely ever went to. There was simply something about his room that made me want to stay in there for a while. The grandeur of his spacious white cave had me feeling like I was the female character in some sort of fairytale. Without wasting any more time, he walked towards the bed and gently laid me down there, like I was his baby whom he was put to sleep. “Here we are, Tamika…” he said with a smile as he took off his clothes. Seeing those bold masculine features of his had me creaming all over again as I recalled what had happened the last time he had taken that same position, hovering over me.I was speechless as he undid my dress completely, leaving me flat out naked there on the bed, as he seemed to size me up like a predator did his prey. Soon enough, his kisses came on me with a deep passion that had me feeling like I was about to be sucked up i
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“Rise and shine…” Tamika's voice was the first thing I was seeing that day and get face was the first I was seeing. It had to be some sort of paradise. “Seems like you're the one that had a hangover this time.” She said excitedly as she was seated in bed, fully clothed and with her eyes on me. “Hangover? Excuse me? I didn't have anything to drink…” I said as I slowly sat up in bed, feeling some sort of strange release within myself. Almost like I had poured it all out when I had taken her to bed. I couldn't tell what it was that made her body feel new every single time I held her in my arms. There were still too many things I felt I needed to do to her. But all that was to be done at a later time. It was a new week already and I couldn't even give any room for any sort of slacking. There was still a lot to do.“Did you sleep well?” She asked, ruffling my hair just a little bit while she spoke. There was something about the loving look in her eyes that made the sub seem to shine mu
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“Touchdown…” I let out as the car parked in front of the radio broadcasting house where I had taken the phone call that had ended my entire career in one swift motion.There were a lot of deja vu feelings that came to my head at that point as I could recall the way I had run out of that place in awe of all that had happened to me in those few moments where I had decided to make a show of stupidity. I was glad that it was all behind me and I finally got the chance to begin all over again. There was bound to be some absurdity, seeing the same people who had seen me when I had broken down utterly to the hearing of the whole world.But at that time, I wasn't without company. I was walking with two of Dolph's bodyguards on either side as I made my way into the building. I kept my eyes open to any signs of Julia, as she had mentioned that my first stop of the day would be there to do a quick morning interview, at the place where it had all started. I still wasn't sure of the tactics Juli
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“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying my best not to sound very uneasy even though I was on the verge of freaking out completely. There were a lot of things trying to clamor for my attention at that point, and I was wondering what exactly he was doing right in front of me. “What does it look like?” He had a cocky, annoying smile as he stared at me with his deceptive smile. The fact that he had been so hostile on our first meeting at the breakfast with Dolph's family, made it hard to believe any smile on his face was authentic.“Long story short, I came here to congratulate my brother's lover, and possibly a sister-in-law, on her massive return. I was listening to your broadcast this afternoon, and I must say that I was blown away by the invaluable wisdom that you were speaking with. Dolph had made a really good choice when he stumbled upon you…”“Well… thank you…” I said, with a forced smile that didn't last up to a second, as I felt this subtle air of resentment while standin
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“Alright, doc…” I sighed as I was pacing around Dr. Meyers’s office impatiently with a lot of questions running through my head. “What do out think I should do?”It was hard to stay put as I was running through the list of possible suspects who could have been responsible for the infusion of the drug in my drinks. The silence from Dr. Meyers’s end had me even more frightened as he seemed to be just as confused as I was at that point. It looked like everything was suddenly taking a sudden downturn immediately there was a sign of light at the end of the tunnel.“First things first, Dolph…” he said after some silent moments where he seemed to be in deep thought. “You need to calm down before any other thing.”I glanced at him, with a judging look, as that was the hardest thing to do at that point. I was being undone by someone in my house and that was just as scary as it could get. It was hard to imagine who could have been up to such cruelty all that time.“Move on to the second alread
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“Dolph…” Tamika let out as she came to them with her arms spread out for an embrace. At that point, it was impossible to conceal just how excited I was to see her and hear her voice. “I missed seeing the color of your hair…”I couldn't hold back the laughter that came out of me at that point. There were a lot of emotions I was experiencing at that point— emotions that I had never expected would ever be happening to me in a long shot.“Just say you're scared of admitting that Tamika is so scared of admitting that she has fallen flat for this charming billionaire prince…” I said, cockily as I massaged my ego in the process. “You've never been his excited.”“Who wouldn't be this excited after they have found their career and the love of their life on the same day…?” she said, as she buried herself in my embrace, showing that she could be the happiest woman in Vegas. “Right…” I said, going over the perfect response in my head before I would let it out. “Who wouldn't be the happiest woman
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“And that wraps up the first day of work for us...” I couldn’t deny how lively I was feeling as I started living like myself again. There were just too many things on my mind as I was about leaving the broadcasting house which was still bubbling from Tamika’s presence. After all of the goodbyes and other closing formalities, it was soon time to leave. I picked up my phone to dial Michael’s number, as I wanted him to come pick me up just like Dolph had come over there to pick up Tamika. I hated how it felt like I was comparing the both of them. But then, I just wanted it to happen that way. There was no other way to round up a long day of work besides, having my man coming over to pick me up from there. “Hello, Michael...” I said with the cutest voice that I could muster at that point. I was sure he had been too caught up in his work to listen to the broadcast. But I would forgive him for that if he would come over and pick me up. “How’s it going?”“Well... what do you think?” He as
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“Quite a time and a place for old lovers to meet...” Phil was making it all look like some sort of unplanned coincidence but I had the strong feeling that he had followed me to that place. He seemed to have been devious enough to track my movements from the broadcasting house to that place. I wasn’t sure why, but it just had to be... somehow. I just knew him too well to believe that it was all some sort of coincidence. “What the heck do you want?” I inquired as harshly as I could as Phil wasn’t someone to be all smiles with. “Why in the world would you have to follow me from the broadcasting house to this place?”“Well, I also have a question for you. What the heck are you doing at a casino by this time?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows. “I never knew you to be the casino type for one day, but here you are, off to the casino like it’s some sort of ritual.”“You’ve been watching me all this while?” I was shocked, as I wanted to know just how much he knew about me and all the move
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At that point, Phil's plan had become as clear as day and I hated the fact that I had fallen for it so easily. How couldn't I have seen something like that coming?To make it all worse, Phil exchanged stares with Michael like they both knew each other. That made it all even more unbearable. I felt like sinking into the ground while they both settled their differences. “Well, well… look who we have here… Assistant CEO, Michael…” Phil said teasingly as though he wanted to make it clear that they both had something in common. “Seems you happened to step out for lunch or something.”Michael said nothing as he stared Phil in the eyes like he had seen a sworn enemy of his. There were a lot of things that made me feel like I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I hadn't just kissed someone else, I had kissed an enemy of his and it made me feel even worse about myself. “I never knew we would have to meet under circumstances like this one we found ourselves in…” Phil wouldn't just stop s
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“Alright calm down a bit, Julia…” I said, trying my best to get her to relax a bit so she could be able to explain herself more perfectly. “Take a deep breath…”I listened to the sound of her breathing in and out continually. It was bad that something of that sort was happening on a day that was meant to be a day of celebration for both of us as we were back in business after a long time of being away. “Alright Julie… talk to me…” I said as I was satisfied with her breathing exercise. “Tell me what's going on right now…” “It's Michael…” she was sounding like I was sounding during my first heartbreak. There was no other way to explain the absurd sobbing I was hearing at that point. “He just…”“What happened?” I asked, hoping nothing had gone seriously wrong in their relationship. I never thought Michael to be the cheating type and it would have me surprised if I heard that he had done something of that sort. “Are you going to tell me what happened or not?”“All right…” her voice beca
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