All Chapters of THE CEO'S THERAPIST: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
166 Chapters
I just wasn't sure if I was making the right decision at that point as I was trying to get my mind off all of that could go wrong from this meeting. There were a lot of thoughts that made me feel like I was either about to get my hands on something that would make me hate Dolph or run into some bastard who was just too passionate to meet Tamika Fisher. It was either one of the above. There was nothing to fear as I had some of the guards with me and the meeting was happening in quite an open place. I just wanted to make it all quick so Dolph wouldn't return to find out that I hadn't been around. That would simply make him suspicious of it all. The part that made me feel even worse about myself was the part where I had coaxed the two guards who were with me into telling a lie about the whole thing if they were asked where I had been off to. The lie would be to tell him that I had gone to see Julia. Soon enough, the car pulled over in front of a café. I had disguised myself with a sc
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“What do you mean?” Tamika’s old man asked as he stared at me with a cynical glance. He seemed like he had just heard me say an absurd phrase in a strange language. The look on his face almost had me a bit discouraged from saying what I was about to say, but I managed to still myself with the fact that I had been in many more unfriendly negotiations like that one. “Well, I'm here to strike a deal.” I was much more direct that time around as I was trying not to waste more time beating around the bush. “Let's not mess around, Mr. Fisher. I'm sure that it's no news to you that I want to marry your daughter.”I paused a little as I saw Tamika's stepmother as she drew closer to the table where we were having the discussion. I was almost fuming as I couldn't recall inviting her to the table and that had me furrowing my brows as she came to the table with such confidence. But then, I was going to pretend that she wasn't there at the table. All I had to do was keep my eyes on Mr. Fisher a
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I hated dead air more than any other thing during negotiations. Besides that, I hated the way they were acting like they had too many alternatives to choose from. They would simply be left with nothing if I decided to get up and leave. More than any other thing, I just wished Mr. Fisher would finally choose to be a man and speak. He seemed like he was being remote-controlled by the woman he called his wife. She seemed to be the reason behind every single bad decision he had made in his family and was about to pioneer yet another bad decision. It was too saddening to watch. “Well… I guess you wouldn't be accepting this offer. But I would be marrying Tamika anyway.” I said as I got up from the seat. “We would be able to meet at the wedding.”“Wait…” Mr. Fisher finally spoke up. “It's a deal…”“What?” Sophia let out in utter disbelief. “In that case, I would have the money wired to your account,” I said, feeling victorious and proud of Mr. Fisher for making the right decision. ***T
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In the heat of my desperation and mixed feelings, I was still taking yet another look at the video that tensed my heart.“I'm back, Tamika…” Dolph came right through the door with a slight look of excitement which usually meant that he was actually, overly excited at that point. “What did I miss?”“Well, nothing really,” I said as I put my phone away quickly. I had been watching the videos all over again, even after having promised myself that the last time would be the last time I would watch it. But there I was, watching it like it was some sort of movie clip that one would just watch over and over until they couldn't get enough of it.“So… what's the celebration face all about?” I asked as I put up a fake smile so that he wouldn't know that there was a cause for alarm. I concealed it perfectly, as he came walking towards me with his arms sprawled out for a hug. I just wanted to drown myself in his embrace without thinking about anything I had seen in the video. But that was impos
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There was absolute silence in the room as I returned from the bathroom. I had washed up pretty well and I was able to regain composure after a few moments. But then, the way Dolph was staring at me had me feeling like I was some sort of specimen that had been placed in a glass for all to see. I didn't like it at all, but then I just endured it as I stepped toward him. The look in his eyes made it look like he desperately wanted to say something but was reserving his comments for peace's sake. “You're pregnant, aren't you?” He didn't sound shocked, nor did he sound excited about it. He seemed to be having mixed feelings about the most probable possibility. “I don't think so… I've just been feeling sick ever since…” I had indeed been feeling sick since that morning and I just didn't want to agree that it could have been a possible pregnancy from my end. I didn't know why I didn't want a pregnancy, but then, I didn't think I was ready in any way to have his baby. “Are you sure abou
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“That's great news… what's with the sad tone that's making it look like you suddenly received some sort of death sentence…?” Julia said, using the exact words that Dolph had said to me. I was almost freaking out with each moment of that phone call where Julia seemed to be congratulating me on conceiving. It wasn't a bad thing entirely but I just had the feeling that it just happened at the wrong time. I just felt I just want ready for any of that. “Are you listening to the way you sound, Tamika? You need to cheer up. This is Dolph Martin's baby you're carrying here. You don't know just how many people wished they had the opportunity that you just got right now. So… just cheer up and accept all of the benefits that come with you being the mother of his child.” Julia made me feel like she was the therapist and I was now the patient.“Alright…” I sighed, as it was hard to cheer up at that point. I didn't know why it felt like I had just married my celebrity status. People knew the unm
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“What was that?” Dolph's eyes narrowed as though he seemed like he could recognize that sound from somewhere. He could have probably still had memories of his ordeals with his victims and they were all playing back in his head. I had never felt so stupid and so irresponsible in my entire life. Why in the world had I forgotten to turn the volume down? The pregnancy suddenly made me unable to think well. There were just too many things that were about to go wrong in such a wonderful moment as that, and it was all going to be my fault. “It's nothing…” I muttered with a tone that almost made it clear that I wasn't telling the truth at all. I just put a little composure into it to make it a bit more believable, even though the time in-between the question and the reply had been too long for a genuine reply. I had messed it all up big time. “I was just watching something online and then I happened to stumble into some sort of weird online that made a lot of funny sounds…”At that point, I
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What the heck had I done to myself? I wondered as I was all alone in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror with a sudden surprise that I just couldn't understand. It was quite like a dream that I had tried to go savage on Tamika. Why had that part of me suddenly been awakened at such a time as that? It was all looking like a seeming setup as I was trying to figure out what exactly had triggered that side of me. What could it have been?As I washed over my face with the water, I was soon playing it all back in my head and it was looking like it had all begun when I stepped into the room and heard the sounds of something that sounded like my past. I could almost link that memory with a smell that had come with the moment. There were a lot of things that made me feel like the man that I used to be back then. The particular clips that had played from Tamika's phone resonated in my mind with a startling kind of familiarity. “Get it together, Dolph…” I was trying to put it all b
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There were no words to explain the excitement that came with the whole concept of finally having to plan my wedding. I wished I could share that moment with my mother. I was ailed by the fact that the only authentic person that I could share that moment with was Julia and no other person. My mother would be proud of me for being able to get into such a beautiful union with a handsome man which was going to change my entire life forever. The excitement in her voice when I had told her of my marriage still resonated in my head right there in the dressing room where I had been trying on the dress. That made me want to do a video call with her while I was trying the dress. I wanted her to share in every second of the thrills of my preparations for my big day. “Any problem ma'am?” the attendant asked as I suddenly stopped while trying on the dress. It was quite embarrassing that I was doing all of that right when I was supposed to try my dress on. “Oh no… I just wanted to take my phone
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“Oh my…” the day was finally there and I just couldn't stay quiet about it. I had been amazed from the very moment I had woken from my sleep. There were just too many things that felt like I was about to explode from the explosion. I had hurried through all of my morning routines as I just couldn't keep the childlike excitement from expressing itself. I had skipped past some of them as I just couldn't concentrate on doing all of them. My meditation routine was almost impossible in the heat of the excitement. Julia had called me up by midnight to remind me of it, just in case I would sleep through it. There were just too many things that made it all look like it was going to be a bigger thrill than the one I had seen in those fuzzy dreams I used to have of getting married to Dolph. “Are you going to ever get off that mirror today?” Dolph asked suddenly from behind as he scared me out of my fantasies of how wonderful the day would be for the both of us. “There were a lot of things th
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