All Chapters of Fated to my stepbrothers : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 Chapters
The moment I walked into my office building, I knew that something was wrong. People turned to stare at me, their eyes were cold and distasteful. I stopped in my tracks and looked around, I could hear my own blood pounding in my ear.I walked forward as quickly as I could and when I got into my cubicle, I slumped against the seat.The clicking of heels that was coming my way was not mistakable, it was Mrs Rosa, the chair woman.“Rainee, get up, the boss wants to see you."“Is something wrong?."My question went unanswered, her glare made me jerk up from my seat. She turned immediately and I stood up, so I followed behind her.I was aware that people were whispering, throwing me glances of disgust and shaking their heads. Mrs Rosa pushed open the crystal clear glass doors. Immediately I walked in, the boss tapped a remote, and everything, both the glass walls and doors turned opaque and foggy.“Sit." He instructed me, his voice was too calm, too calm for me to take another breath.“Mr
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for fucks sake!
He laughed.“You're really desperate." He said, his voice was rich with mockery.“I am." I cried.“I'll see what I can do, what prison are you in?."***It was mid afternoon when a male officer appeared in front of the bars.“Rainee Simmons?."I jerked up at the mention of my name.“You're being released."For the first time in hours, I took a proper breath. A single tear escaped my eyes and I followed the officer as he led me to clear my name. I clutched onto my jacket as I left the prison gate, the wind felt new as it kissed my face.I didn't know what to expect, it's been five years since I saw my stepbrothers. I was eager to run off to college after highschool, I couldn't imagine another day in the house with Vinx and Kalum, they were monsters and I was their prey. The moment I received an admission letter from my university, I cried. I went off to college, graduated, got a house and a job that barely paid me enough to sustain my monthly need, yet I was contented.Now, five year
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too sexy to be dangerous
“They threw you in jail for a crime you did not commit and you let them?." My mother asked me.Her no nonsense face was now contorted in a frown, her right foot was tapping on the ground as if she needed to let her emotions out through that movement. “What was I supposed to do, eat them?. You know very well that Mr Grant is a Beta that is well respected, he has allies. I couldn't attack him, he thought I was a criminal, it would have confirmed his suspicions." It was the longest statement I had ever used to defend myself. “You're the daughter of one of the richest families in the country and you let that stupid old fool walk over you. Forget the wealth Rainee, have you forgotten that even the tiniest pup in our pack would tear any body that poses as a threat, to pieces," my mother was furious. Her words were like newly sharpened blades. “You are the opposite of the strength and courage this family represent."“Mum." Vinx said cautiously, my mother paid him no attention.“You're wolf
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seducing my stepbrothers
I was shown to my room, I stood in front of the bedroom door and looked in. The entire place looked cozy and comfortable. It was really beautiful.The walls were painted pink, the sheets were pink too. Everything was feminine. “Did you decorate this room for a future concubine?." I asked Kalum, he was leaning on the doorframe.“Oh, no. We do have concubines and they are not allowed into the house. We designed this room for our little sister, in case she decides to stop hiding."“I wasn't hiding. I was just glad that you and Vinx didn't know where I lived."“Pfft, you thought we didn't know where you lived?."My breath caught in my throat.“All this time, you know where I lived?."My question went unanswered but Vinx's chuckle told me everything I needed to know.“Bastards. Pigs!."My outburst made them laugh.“She's so cute." Kalum mused and walked into my bedroom.“Yes, cute in a was that's tempting." Vinx snickered. What did that mean? “Get out, both of you, out." I yelled.“Look
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a fight for the little sister
I heard terrible noises, it jolted me from sleep. It was as if the house was being demolished. I jumped from my bed, took out the chair from the door and ran out.Kalum had tackled Vinx and they were fighting. It was a dangerous brawl, blood was on their clothes, leaking from cuts in their flesh. “What is going on here?." Was the only question my brain permitted me to ask.The both of them turned to me at the same time and they stared at me long and hard. Their eyes still held that dark rage and all that anger was concentrated on me.I couldn't hold their stare, it was too powerful. My eyes fell to the ground instead and I watched my feet.“Go back to your room." Vinx said.He sounded angry.I looked up and was surprised to see that they hadn't moved.“Your hair, why did you put it up?." Kalum asked me, his voice was icy."No-nothing." He stood up and came towards me, every step he took made my soul recoil into wherever it lived inside my body.Red liquid stained his face, it was his
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Getting my life back
“Why is there a naked girl in your house?." I was at the bottom of the stairs when I heard the sultry feminine voice.“Nolaine, what are you doing here?." Vinx asked softly. Kalum turned his attention to the female. She was beautiful, her hair was cut short and chestnut brown. Her eyes were... Fierce.“Rainee, go upstairs. We'll send someone to get your clothes."This must be their concubine. I didn't know why I felt jealous, I was supposed to be embarrassed about what I just did but instead I wanted Nolaine to leave. The side of her lip curled up as if she could read my thoughts and she smirked. I turned around and started going upstairs, pressing my night gown on my chest to cover my tits. “Since you came this early, it must be serious." I heard Kalum say. " It really is." I couldn't hear the rest of their words but I felt a sting and I didn't like it. I went into my room and locked the door. I was in the bathtub when I heard a loud knock on the door." Who's there?." I shoute
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get laid
I laid on my bed staring at the beautiful ceiling in defeat. All the lights were turned off and it was dark outside, only artificial lighting from the balcony presented me with an outline of everything in the room. I heard the door open and I didn't need to look at who was standing there to know who it really was. I could smell him. “Rough day?." Vinx asked, his voice was smooth, a very disturbing contrast to how I felt inside.When I did not reply he continued. “Cassie told me you went out with Mason and Josh. I asked and they said you were job hunting."" So you are practically spying on me?." My voice came out bitter, I couldn't stop seeing Nolaine, that beautiful woman. I couldn't stop seeing her with them. my mind couldn't stop flashing intimate pictures of her with the both of them. Who was she to them?"I came home and they informed me that you left, I was worried." I closed my eyes and inhaled.“It didn't go well. I don't think I'll ever work in an office. I think I'll be
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The throbbing was still there. It was faint now but everything in me wanted sex.I groaned and pulled my pillow from the corner, I placed it on the bed and straddled it. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine a strong healthy man... Dark hair, beautiful brown eyes.My eyes snapped open when the man turned out to be Kalum. “Argh!." I yelled in frustration.I'll try again.“Dark hair, strong hands... Handsome.."My eyes snapped open again when I saw Vinx this time.I pulled the pillow from under me and walked to the balcony. My room was facing the front of the house.A red car revved it's engine that sounded like it was mocking thunder, it was so loud. I watched the car drive to the front of the house and a man stepped out. All the way from up here i couldn't make out his features, but I could tell he had red hair.He was wearing a black suit and he looked wealthy. He handed his keys to the valet and I expected him to walk into the house but instead his head shot to my direction and i wa
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men know
“You have the package, you can leave now." Vinx said and there was no how you couldn't hear the authority in his voice, it wasn't even a request.Whoever Felix was they were more powerful and whatever rank he held they were the highest.He nodded his head at me." We shall meet again." He whispered and threw them a sly grin. His shoes clicked rhythmically as he exited the house. I could feel the charisma leave with him. I turned to Kalum and Vinx, they were watching me with a look I knew too well.Their eyes were filled with mischief.“I see you're in the mood of flirting." Kalum said flatly.Vinx nodded approvingly of his brother's observation.I bit my bottom lips and Kalum's eyes fell to it, his stare lingered there, burning me all over.“You traded your life when you asked for our help in prison, doesn't it mean we own you?."I scoffed.“I didn't trade my life, I thought I've told you bef—""You did Rae, because without us you would have spent your life in prison."“I can't be se
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what they want
“That is not true! I don't want you, this is my body's reaction to arousement, my vibrator that is inanimate can pull out the same reaction from me."It was until the words left my mouth that I realized that it was awkward telling them about my vibrator.More shame and embarrassment hit me hard like bricks. Kalum gripped my thighs.“I'd have to see for myself."I shut my legs, I wasn't some free use toy. I wasn't agreeing to any of this rubbish.How could they even think of something so evil and inappropriate, this was only showing how crazy in the head they were.“Tsk tsk tsk." Kalum whispered and with all my efforts forcing my legs close, he didn't even have to try, he pried it open like a book.I brought my hand down and gripped his wrist, I tried to push away and he stopped.Thankfully, he had respect for women and himself. “If you don't want this, we're not going to force you." He said and took his hand away.They stared at me expectantly. Woah, they were asking for my opinion
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