All Chapters of 37 Days: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
156 Chapters
The weight of hate
POVMillie Wednesday morning. Another morning of not waking up next to X. I silently cried myself to sleep for yet another night but it’s a new day and it’s time to put on a happy face for work. I pull into the parking lot, doing a glance over at my makeup in the rearview mirror. Today, I decided to amp up the makeup only by a fraction from yesterday and straighten my hair which has picked up a little lightness from the sun's rays. Steph teased the hell out of me before leaving because of my extra effort in my appearance thinking it was all for Nick but it’s not, it’s for me. I feel as though when I look better, I feel better and any ounce of hope for achieving that I’ll do. I walk into the modern-style building and find my way to Nicks's office. I gently knock on the door waiting until he calls out for me to come in. Shit, he looks better than yesterday. His medium brown hair is slightly longer than X’s overall. The light wave in his hair is pushed back with minimal product mak
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Farewell contracts
POVXI slap on a generous amount of ointment on my hands. Apparently, they’re infected now which I sort of figured. I got a lecture from Slim's sister Evelyn on why you shouldn’t keep foreign objects in your body. I wasn’t fucking planning on keeping glass in their for the rest of my life, I had bigger issues to deal with, so yeah it got a little infected, big deal, I didn’t need a lecture. Julian will be here soon so we could talk about my “irrational decision” with Colombia. Don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about my decision, I’m not partnering with some deceiving prick. I texted Millie earlier today and I almost wish I didn’t. She was so short with me, she could’ve just been busy but I’d be naive to believe that, she was purposely doing it. Did she really not want to talk to me or was it a front? Either way, it hurt. There’s a knock on the door, I walk over and turn the handle. I could punch Julian in the fucking face right now, he’s here with Tank, Adria, and Penelope. “
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The air I need to live
POVMillie I’m driving to the hotel from work feeling on cloud nine. I’m getting my own office? Already? I’m so excited and a bit nervous at the same time to take on such a big role already. Nick is a good teacher so if I keep my mind straight, I’ll be fine. I felt a touch disappointed and relieved at the same time when he told me about his transfer. There’s a definite connection between him and me, but one I don’t want to pursue. I pull into the hotel parking lot and walk through the lobby and into the elevator, when I make it up to my floor I get out ready to just become a vegetable for the rest of the night. Oh… but how wrong I could be about that when I approach my room. My heart constricts at the sight of him. X is sitting against the hotel door with his head leaning against it and his knees brought up. He’s wearing the famous black hoodie with the hood up over his head and black cargo shorts. Why does he have to look so attractive without any effort? His green eyes make cont
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Where to?
POVJulian X hasn’t left the penthouse all night despite all my efforts. We still need to discuss the deal with Hugo he blew off and losing his shit on him. To be honest, I’d probably done the same thing. I’m not mad at X for telling him to fuck off because Hugo is an untrustworthy partner and we learned that the hard way. Does it suck? Fuck yeah but in the long run, Hugo probably would’ve screwed us in some way. I don’t know what happened to X in the last couple of hours since the meeting with Adria and Penelope but he’s deep in the dumps right now and I can’t get through to him, he needs someone to talk to but he won’t even let me in. I text Steph to see if she knows anything. Babe, do you know what’s going on? I can’t get X to talk to me, he’s depressed as fuck. I text X again My man, you good? Let’s have a drink Steph texts me back I guess X came to see Millie at the hotel and it didn’t go well…for either of them. Figured it was another let down for him. I text Steph b
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2 emotional
POV Millie The text from Nick pulls me out of my depressed state and into a curious one. I text him back HeyI sit up with the blanket still wrapped around me and Steph is now texting on her phone too. My phone dings again and I turn it on silent so Steph doesn’t badger me about who I’m texting. Nick: I have to go to Santa Barbara tomorrow, so I won’t be in. You can either take the day off or make the office look less boring. Me: hmm I think I’ll decorate the office, hope you don’t mind pink everywhere for your last week. Nick: the way I feel about pink is the way you feel about black coffee I giggle causing Steph to raise an eyebrow at me and then looks back to her phone. Steph probably thinks I’m crazy given my intense emotions. I text Nick back, Me: oh come on it’s not that badNick: it’s worse than bad, Em Me: you clearly have awful taste…I actually don’t care for pink but it’s fun to mess around with him. Steph stands up, “Uh hey I have to run to my car real quick, I
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POVJulian I hang up with Slim and rush over to my lifeless appearing best friend. He’s sitting up on his black leather couch with his head back and arms out to the side with closed eyes. Foam sits at the corner of his mouth and his whole color looks off. Please don’t be dead. In front of X on the coffee table lay pills…Oxy, a fallen-over bottle of liquor that is still dripping off of the coffee table and onto the floor dripping onto his feet, a white piece of paper lays besides the two. I finally make it to him after my sprints and shake him praying he’s just asleep. “Wake up X, fuck…wake up!” I scream out. “Don’t you fucking do this to me, man, don’t you fucking leave me!” I say in panic. “Don’t you fucking leave me…you asshole! Don’t fucking do this man.” I say as I vigorously shake his unresponsive body. “Fuck!” I scream out with the unfamiliar sensation of tears running down my cheeks. “You’re my brother man, you can't leave me in this world alone. Please,” I beg to the
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The weight of the world
POV Stephanie I’m sitting with Millie on the couch as she’s burrito wrapped in a blanket and on her phone looking surprisingly happy. This girl’s emotions are all over the place lately, and I can hardly keep up. I’m scrolling through TikTok when a text comes in from Julian. Call me asap, it’s about X. Go somewhere where Millie can’t hear you My heart instantly feels as though it has stopped. What the fuck?When it comes to X, it can be anything. I know tonight didn’t go well for the two of them so I’m extremely nervous right now. I tell Millie I need to run out to my car and when she offers to come with I immediately combat the offer. Whatever is happening with X, Julian doesn’t want her to hear. I leave the suite with Millie inside and go outside to call Julian. My heart is pounding through my ears as the ring continues until Julian’s voice takes over after the third one. “Babe?” Julian says through the phone. “Yeah? What’s going on Julian?” I ask nervously. “It’s X, Steph
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The aftermath
POV XI slowly wake up confused and with wetness on my skin. Sweat? “X?” I hear someone ask. “Baby? Is that you?” I ask maybe out loud or maybe in my mind, I can’t tell. “No, it’s Evelyn, I’m here with Dr. Adams, do you know where you are?” A girl says. “Millie?” I ask out. “No X, it’s Evelyn, I need you to try to wake up a little more and focus on my questions the best you can okay?” I think Millie asks. “Okay baby,” I say. I hear talking but can’t make anything out, I fall back into comfortable sleep but I get slapped. “What the fuck” I groggily say. “X, man it’s me Julian, wake up man, stay with us,” I hear Julian say but it’s hard to stay awake I just want to sleep. “Xavier, I’m Dr. Adams, do you know what happened?” Some annoying man says too loudly. My head is pounding and I just want to go back to sleep but people keeping talking to me. “Go away” I manage to get out of my mouth. “Millie come here,” I say. “Who is Millie?” The girl asks. “You baby” I say. “Mill
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The longest minute
POVJulian He woke up. He woke up confused as hell though, he thought Evelyn was Millie and it was fucking sad to watch. I knew X was hurting but I didn’t know the extent of it. The room is a disaster, alcohol is still covering the table and the pills have disintegrated from the liquid. X is covered in his own vomit and sweating profusely. The white note still lies there as the corners have now become wet and transparent. What does it say? I pick it up as Evelyn and Dr. Adams try to get X to talk more. X, if something happens to me, just know I love you. This must be from Millie. Poor girl doesn’t even know what’s happening to the guy she loves right now but it’s for her own good. X keeps going in and out of consciousness and it’s freakin me out. I don’t know why I do it but I slap him to snap him out of it. He wakes up a little more but only for a short time until he falls back into it and gains another slap. Dr. Adams lets us all know that his vitals are okay and to let
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The strong one?
POV Stephanie As soon as Millie leaves for the day I rush out the door to go back to the mansion. She’s completely clueless about what went down last night in the penthouse. Julian had been texting me all night and into the early hours of the morning with god-awful updates. I hardly got any sleep with the information I was receiving. If Millie knew that they lost X for a minute she would be beside herself, honestly, I kind of am but I keep that to myself, I need to be strong for everyone around me. I type in the entrance gate code and park Mia’s car in her usual spot. I practically run to the elevator to get to Julian and X. When I reach the black penthouse door I knock impatiently dying to see them. Julian opens the door and I run into his arms embracing him in a long comforting hug. “I’m so sorry Julian,” I say while stroking the back of his head. “I’m just happy you’re finally here babe, I really need you,” he says and it breaks my heart that I couldn’t be there for him
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