All Chapters of Fall in love with my ex's dad : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
Chapter 91
In the cocoon of the car, surrounded by the gentle hum of the engine and the subtle glow of the dashboard lights, Bryan's gaze fixed on Ava with a depth that spoke volumes. Breaking the silence, he whispered, " I love you, Ava. " The words, laden with sincerity, hung in the air, creating a moment suspended in time.Ava, feeling the warmth of those three words, blushed as her heart echoed the sentiment. " I love you more, " she replied, her voice a soft affirmation of the emotions that intertwined their hearts.Bryan, moved by the shared confession, leaned in to seal the moment with a tender peck. However, the blissful silence was shattered by a sudden horn from a car behind them, snapping them back to the present. Both Bryan and Ava burst into laughter at the unexpected interruption, their shared amusement echoing within the confines of the car.As the traffic light turned green, the car resumed its journey, leaving the interruption behind like a fleeting note in the symphony of their
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Chapter 92
Some weeks later, Bryan sat in his office on a particular morning, surrounded by a cluster of files that demanded his attention. The atmosphere bore the weight of responsibilities, the soft hum of the air conditioning providing a steady backdrop to the quiet focus in the room.A discreet knock interrupted the solitude, and Angela entered, her presence immediately catching Bryan off guard. He furrowed his brows, a slight surprise coloring his expression as he hadn't expected to see her in his office. Despite the unexpected intrusion, Bryan maintained his composure, offering a polite nod of acknowledgment." Mr. Hayes, " Angela greeted him with a polite smile, her tone laced with formality. Bryan reciprocated the greeting with a simple acknowledgment, " Miss...? " He let his voice trail off, prompting Angela to complete the introduction." Moore, " she supplied, and Bryan nodded, waiting for her to divulge the reason behind her unexpected visit. The air in the office held a curious tens
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Chapter 93
The quiet tension in the room mirrored the storm of emotions within Bryan, creating a charged atmosphere pregnant with the gravity of impending decisions. Angela, her task seemingly accomplished, placed an address on Bryan's desk with a nonchalant demeanor. " You know what to do, " she stated cryptically, a subtle challenge in her parting words. Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and left, the door closing behind her with a decisive click.Left alone in the aftermath of the revelation, Bryan sank back into his seat, the weight of the information settling like a heavy shroud. The office, once a haven of productivity, now felt like a battleground of emotions.The address on his desk became a tangible signpost, pointing toward the unraveling truth. Bryan's mind raced, and in the quiet of his office, a decision formed. There was only one way to confirm or dispel the suspicions that now clouded his relationship with Ava — he had to go to the hotel without her knowledge
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Chapter 94
Ava, her worry intensifying, greeted Lily with a sense of urgency. " Hi Lily, do you know if Bryan is in the office? I haven't seen him today, " she inquired, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and confusion.Lily, sensing Ava's unease, sighed before responding, " He has gone home, Ava. " The revelation sparked a frown on Ava's face, surprise evident in her eyes. " Home? Why? Is he sick? " she fired a barrage of questions in rapid succession, her mind racing to find an explanation for Bryan's unexpected departure." I have no idea, why don't you call him? " Lily suggested, her response leaving Ava with a sense of unease. " Alright, thanks, " Ava replied, watching as Lily continued on her way. The corridor stretched out before her, and Ava stood there for a moment, grappling with the uncertainty that now surrounded Bryan's sudden departure. Determination set in, and with a resolute nod, Ava retraced her steps back to her office, her fingers poised over her phone as she prepared to
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Chapter 95
The weight of the unresolved situation clung to him, and he resisted the urge to return Ava's calls. The conflicting emotions within him made the idea of hearing her voice unbearable. He deliberately chose to keep the distance, allowing the mysteries to linger, unsolved.With a deliberate effort, Bryan forced himself to sleep, the quietness of the night offering little respite. Tomorrow held the promise of answers, and as he closed his eyes, the determination to uncover the truth lingered in his thoughts, intertwining with the uncertainty that veiled the events of the day. The night passed in restless slumber, marking the precursor to a day that would either dissolve the shadows of doubt or deepen the chasm that had emerged between Bryan and Ava. ******************Ava awoke the next morning, her senses dulled by an unusual weakness and dizziness that had lingered for the past few weeks. Ignoring the signs, she had pushed through, continuing with her daily routine
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Chapter 96
In the dimly lit ambiance of Jayden's living room, Angela and Jayden engaged in a conversation that carried the weight of their intricate plan. Angela, her eyes reflecting determination, began by briefing Jayden on the recent developments." Are you sure Ava will come to the hotel? Won't she get suspicious? " Angela voiced her concerns, her gaze fixed on Jayden, searching for reassurance.Jayden, exuding confidence, shook his head in response. " She will show up. Ava is too curious for her own good. By the time I tell her what I have in mind, she will come, " he affirmed, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. The conviction in his tone mirrored the calculated precision of their scheme, leaving an air of anticipation lingering in the room as they delved deeper into the intricacies of a plan destined to unfold.Angela's nod conveyed a silent understanding between them, the gravity of their shared secret resonating in the subtle movements of her head. As she issued a firm directive, cautio
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Chapter 97
The shrill ringtone cut through the hushed atmosphere of Ava's apartment, disrupting the quiet cocoon she had wrapped herself in. Her phone, an unwelcome intruder, persisted with its insistent call. The name " Jayden " illuminated the screen, triggering a visceral response from Ava. Weariness etched across her face, she let out a subdued hiss, a fleeting release of frustration.Reluctantly, Ava extended her trembling hand to the phone, her movements languid and deliberate. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to endure another conversation with Jayden. The decision was made for her as the ceaseless ringing refused to yield, demanding her attention.With a sigh that carried the weight of her exhaustion, Ava pressed the receiver button, silently acknowledging the intrusion. The connection was established, and in the ensuing silence, she braced herself for Jayden's voice to pierce through the airwaves. The ambient stillness held a tension, an unspoken expectation of an excha
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Chapter 98
Ava's laughter could be heard two tables away. The laughter momentarily casting aside the shadows of confusion and uncertainty that clouded her mind. Jayden's witty remark had broken through her defenses, drawing a genuine and hearty laugh from her. As the sound of amusement filled the air, Ava playfully touched Jayden's arm for support, grateful for the lighthearted moment amidst the chaos of her emotions.However, the sudden entry of another figure shattered the fragile serenity of the scene. Bryan stood at the entrance, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and perhaps a hint of hurt etched across his face. Ava's eyes widened as they locked onto Bryan, her man, who had just walked in on a shared moment with Jayden.Caught in the unexpected intersection of two worlds, Ava's laughter dissolved into a stunned silence. She felt the warmth of Jayden's arm under her touch but became acutely aware of the weight of Bryan's gaze upon her. The atmosphere in the restaurant shifted, tension replac
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Chapter 99
In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Ava felt physically drained, her strength sapped by the weight of the revelations.Unable to summon the energy to leave, Ava reached for her phone, fingers trembling as she dialed Bella's number. The call was a lifeline amid the chaos, a plea for comfort and understanding. As she waited for Bella to arrive, Ava battled pessimistic thoughts that threatened to consume her. Fear gnawed at her, wondering if this ordeal marked the end of her relationship with Bryan.The moments dragged on, each second a painful reminder of the precariousness of the love she held dear. Ava clung to the hope that Bryan might see through the deceit, but uncertainty loomed large. She felt like a fragile vessel tossed in the tempest of emotions, desperately awaiting the steadying presence of a friend to guide her through the storm. ***********************Bella, sensing the urgency in Ava's voice, hastened to her side. The worry etched on Bella's face deepe
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Chapter 100
Bella, ever the supportive friend, nodded understandingly. " Take all the time you need, Ava. I'm here for you, no matter what. And who knows, maybe this little one will be the bridge to healing between you and Bryan, " she suggested optimistically.As the weight of the recent events continued to linger, Ava couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope sparked by the new life growing within her. The unpredictability of the future now held an additional layer of complexity, with the unborn child becoming a symbol of both challenges and potential reconciliation. *******************The office atmosphere felt tense and heavy as Bryan continued to avoid Ava, creating an invisible barrier between them. Ava, determined to resolve the misunderstanding, approached Bryan one morning in the hallway, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination." Bryan, we need to talk, " Ava implored, reaching out to touch his arm gently. However, Bryan deftly sidestepped her at
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