All Chapters of Fall in love with my ex's dad : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
Chapter 71
" Are you okay, ma'am? " Dave's voice broke the silence, genuine worry lacing his words. Ava, shaken but composed, nodded in response, offering him a weak smile. " Yeah, Dave, I'm okay, " she replied, the words carrying a weight of emotion that lingered beneath the surface.As the car continued its journey, Ava found herself lost in a cascade of thoughts. The urban landscape outside blurred into a tapestry of lights and shadows, reflecting the complex emotions she grappled with. The rhythmic flow of the city below seemed to match the steady beating of her heart.About seven minutes later, the car pulled up to the entrance of Ava's apartment building. Dave efficiently parked, and with a courteous gesture, he circled around to open the door for her. Ava stepped out, her gaze lingering on the familiar facade of her residence." Thank you, Dave, " she said, expressing gratitude for his silent companionship during the ride. Dave nodded respectfully, "Anytime, ma'am. Take care." With that,
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Chapter 72
As they settled into Ava's living room, the conversation unfolded, unraveling the complexities of the day's events. Bryan, unaware of the connection between Ava and his son, listened intently, his mind grappling with the unexpected twists and turns that seemed to define the unfolding narrative of their lives." Do you want me to talk to him? " Bryan asked, squeezing her hands gently. Ava shook her head, " This is between your son and I, you shouldn't step in. " She said firmly. Bryan sighed, " But what really happened between you two? "Ava raised her eyebrows and pulled her hands away from his " I thought I told you about it already? "Bryan shook his head and opened his mouth to reply but his phone beeped and he checked the message. Immediately, his demeanor changed and he looked nervous. Standing up, he pulled Ava to her feet too and hugged her. " I'm sorry I have to leave, this is urgent. " He said softly. Ava pulled back to search his face, " Are you okay?? "Bryan nodded, "
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Chapter 73
Ava hesitated, the weight of Bella's inquiry sinking in. " Yeah I wanted a revenge but I was surprised when I found out that the tool for my revenge happened to be his father " she admitted, her uncertainty palpable. The revelation had caught her off guard, and she hadn't fully processed the implications. Bella leaned back in her chair, her calm demeanor contrasting with Ava's internal turmoil." Isn't it for the best? " Bella questioned. " You get your sweet revenge and also fall in love, " She added. Ava sighed, feeling the gravity of the situation weigh down on her. Bella started to speak, her tone measured, " Ava, relationships are complicated. If you care about Bryan and the relationship you have with him, that's what matters. Don't let someone else's reaction define the worth of what you share with his Dad. "As Ava mulled over Bella's words, a sense of clarity began to emerge. The complexities of the situation might be daunting, but Bella's pragmatic perspective offered a re
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Chapter 74
The morning light filtered through the curtains, gently coaxing Ava awake after a restless night. She rose from her bed, the weight of the previous day still lingering in the recesses of her thoughts. Determined to face the new day, Ava pushed herself up and began the familiar routine of preparing for work.As she approached her vanity, Ava's reflection revealed the toll of the sleepless night. Dark circles underscored her eyes, a testament to the tumultuous thoughts that had occupied her mind. Unfazed, she reached for her makeup, the routine serving as a form of armor against the weariness etched on her face.The soft strokes of foundation, concealer, and mascara became a delicate dance, each application a step towards presenting a composed exterior. Ava's makeup today was more than usual, a subtle attempt to mask the traces of fatigue and emotional turmoil. She skillfully transformed the canvas of her face, the mirror reflecting a version of herself that belied the inner turmoil.Af
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Chapter 75
The hum of the office machinery and the soft murmur of conversations created a backdrop for her work. As she delved into her responsibilities, the complexities of the day unfolded before her, and Ava's focus became a refuge from the subtle dismissals she encountered.Time passed swiftly in the rhythm of productivity, and Ava was so engrossed in her work that the transition from morning to lunchtime occurred unnoticed. The realization of the hour hit her when the ambient noise in the office began to subside, and the smell of lunch permeated the air. Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to find that the morning had slipped away, leaving her immersed in her tasks.Ava stretched, the slight stiffness in her muscles a testament to the uninterrupted workflow. She chuckled at the unexpected passage of time and the realization that she had unintentionally skipped the midday break. Gathering her belongings, she headed towards the office kitchen to grab a quick lunch, a smile lingering on h
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Chapter 76
" He'll come to accept you, huh? Give it time " Bryan reassured, his voice a gentle murmur. The promise held a quiet confidence, a belief in the resilience of their connection. Ava, nestled against him, found solace in the warmth of his embrace and the assurance that, despite the challenges, they would navigate the complexities of their evolving relationship together.The office, with its usual hustle and bustle, seemed to fade into the background as Ava and Bryan shared a moment of intimacy amid the remnants of their impromptu lunch. The outside world momentarily held at bay, they found solace in each other's presence, a shared refuge that hinted at the strength of their bond.The tranquility that enveloped Ava and Bryan in their private moment was abruptly shattered as the office door burst open, and Jayden walked in unannounced. The unexpected intrusion caught them off-guard, and Ava's initial reaction was to mutter under her breath, " Talk of the devil. "Bryan, momentarily suppre
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Chapter 77
Ava sat in her office, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind. Thoughts of Bryan and Jayden, their recent confrontation, and the unspoken complexities of their relationships swirled in her thoughts like a turbulent storm. The muted hum of the office outside the door seemed distant, overshadowed by the echoes of the intense conversation she had inadvertently become a part of.As Ava immersed herself in the sea of contemplation, Jayden passed by her office. The look he gave her was unsettling, carrying a mix of emotions that mirrored the complexities of the situation. His gaze lingered for a moment, leaving Ava with a sense of unease that clung to her thoughts even after he disappeared down the corridor.Recognizing the need to break free from the unsettling thoughts, Ava decided to distract herself. She got up from her desk, a subtle determination in her movements. Leaving her office, she walked down the corridor, the familiar surroundings providing a mundane backdrop to th
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Chapter 78
The teammates, understanding the impromptu departure, nodded in acknowledgment, some exchanging amused glances.As Bella returned, the two friends made a swift exit from the department, leaving behind the lively workspace. The corridor provided a welcome respite from the attention, and Ava couldn't help but chuckle. " Your colleagues seem nice, " she remarked, the echo of their laughter fading as they distanced themselves from the lively workplace scene. The promise of a girls' night lingered in the air, offering a much-needed break from the day's intricacies.Ava's apartment welcomed the two friends, offering a familiar and comforting space for their girls' night. As they entered, Ava couldn't help but feel the accumulated fatigue from the day settle in. She slumped down on the sofa, the weariness evident in her posture. Bella mirrored her friend's actions, settling onto the couch with a shared sense of relaxation.In the midst of the quiet, Bella suddenly burst into laughter, a spo
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Chapter 79
The kitchen, once a place for culinary endeavors, now held the echoes of friendship and the intricate tales that made up the fabric of their lives. Ava's story, with its uncertainties and subtle nuances, became a chapter in the ongoing narrative of their bond.As they indulged in the lighthearted exchange, the cares of the day seemed to fade away. The girls' night had officially begun, marked by laughter, shared moments, and the simple pleasures of friendship. The apartment, now filled with the echoes of their laughter, became a sanctuary where they could unwind and celebrate the bond that transcended the complexities of the outside world. *******************In the quiet of her apartment, after Bella had gone to sleep, Ava's phone illuminated with Bryan's name, bringing a soft smile to her face. Answering the call, she greeted him with a soft, " Hey. "From the other side, she heard his chuckle. " Still up? " he asked, the warmth in his voice adding a comforting tou
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Chapter 80
Bella's sudden exclamation, " Ava, we are running late! " cut through the dance-filled morning, pulling Ava back to the reality of time. With a laugh, Ava stopped dancing and dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower. Bella followed suit, and in a matter of minutes, they emerged, draped in towels, ready to start the process of getting dressed.The room buzzed with the shared energy of the morning routine. Each of them began to select outfits, the towels providing temporary modesty. As they navigated through the dressing ritual, the playful banter continued." Anything for breakfast this morning? " Bella inquired, her attention momentarily diverted from her wardrobe choices. Ava, still focused on dressing, replied with a simple, " Coffee. " Bella, throwing her a playful glare, couldn't help but laugh at the straightforward response.The banter and laughter that filled the room highlighted the easy camaraderie between the two friends. The rush to get ready became a shared endeavor, a
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