All Chapters of Fall in love with my ex's dad : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Chapter 81
As the employees greeted Bryan upon his arrival, Ava observed the exchange with a newfound sense of pride. The genuine respect and admiration in their voices as they welcomed him echoed through the office. A wave of satisfaction washed over her – he was not just any boss; he was her boyfriend, and it brought a subtle glow to her demeanor.Bryan, acknowledging the greetings with a composed demeanor, caught Ava's eye. In that fleeting moment, he winked at her discreetly, a private acknowledgment of the love they shared. The subtle gesture sent a rush of warmth through Ava, and she couldn't help but return the affectionate smile.The office atmosphere shifted slightly as Bryan cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. The chatter subdued, and all eyes turned towards him. " Miss Ava, " he began with a formal tone, " I would like to see you in my office in the next few minutes. "Ava's heart skipped a beat, but she maintained her composure, nodding in acknowledgment. Bryan, ever th
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Chapter 82
After her meeting with Bryan in his office, Ava returned to her own workspace, appreciating the brief respite. The familiar glow of her computer screen welcomed her, and she took a moment to sink into her chair, allowing the tension in her shoulders to ease.As Ava relaxed, the fatigue from a day of continuous work started to settle in. Her thighs ached from the prolonged sitting, a silent reminder of the demanding tasks she had undertaken. With a mental note to take some pain-relief drugs when she got home, she stretched her legs under the desk, trying to alleviate the discomfort.The soft hum of the office continued around her, but Ava took a moment to close her eyes and take a deep breath, collecting herself before diving back into her workload. The rhythmic tapping of keys resumed as she delved into the intricacies of her projects, determination overriding the physical strain.Hours passed, and Ava's dedication to her work remained unwavering. The sun cast long shadows across the
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Chapter 83
They exchanged pleasantries, and Bryan held the door open for her as they stepped into the crisp evening air.As they settled into the car, the hum of the engine and the soft ambiance of the interior created a comfortable atmosphere. Bryan navigated through the traffic with practiced ease, and Ava couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the thoughtful gesture.Conversation flowed naturally between them, a mix of work-related topics and lighthearted banter. The city lights painted a picturesque backdrop as they made their way to Ava's apartment. The familiar route felt different with Bryan's company, turning the ordinary commute into a shared experience." Are you okay? " He asked, taking a glance at her. Ava nodded, " Yeah, I'm good. "Bryan placed a hand over his heart in pretence hurt. " Oww, I didn't do a good job then. "Ava frowned slightly, " What do you mean? "Right then, realization dawned on her and her eyes widened. " Oh! " She said as color crept up her cheeks. H
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Chapter 84
Taking a confident tone, she replied, " Well, I would like us to meet up and talk. " Angela said confidently. " Why? " Jayden snapped, his skepticism evident.Undeterred, Angela maintained her composure. " I want to tell you how you can get your girlfriend back. Heard what you said in your father's office the last time. "The mention of his ex-girlfriend brought a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Angela could almost sense Jayden's curiosity rising, a flicker of interest replacing his initial disinterest. As the conversation unfolded, Angela knew she had piqued Jayden's curiosity, and she looked forward to revealing the information she believed could potentially alter the course of his personal life.Jayden lay in bed, the room cloaked in shadows, his mind buzzing with thoughts long after the call with Angela had ended. The enigmatic conversation left him torn between skepticism and a growing sense of curiosity. He couldn't be certain if Angela's intentions were genuine, but the me
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Chapter 85
As he locked the door of his office, the gravity of the situation settled over him, and he walked with a measured pace toward the evening that held the promise of crucial conversations and potential life-altering decisions.As Jayden navigated the city streets in his car, the setting sun cast an amber glow on the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues. His mind, however, was far from the picturesque view. Thoughts of Ava and the complicated dynamics with his father occupied his every contemplation. He sighed, the weight of unresolved emotions lingering in the confined space of his car.Arriving at the restaurant, Jayden carefully parked his car in the designated spot. The evening air held a mix of anticipation and apprehension as he stepped out, his footsteps echoing on the pavement. The click of the car lock punctuated the quiet, and he took a moment to glance around, the exterior of the restaurant bathed in soft, ambient light.As he entered the restaurant, Jayden's eyes scanned the
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Chapter 86
Angela, however, met his gaze with a glower, a defiant spark in her eyes." Are you ready to hear me out or not? " Angela retorted, her tone daring him to dismiss her before she had a chance to lay out her plan. Jayden, finally succumbing to a calmer disposition, relented. " Okay, let's hear it. What plan do you have? " he asked, his curiosity overcoming his initial frustration.Leaning in, Angela whispered her plan into Jayden's ear, her words a confidential revelation meant only for him. As the details unfolded, Jayden's eyes widened in shock, disbelief registering on his face. " You'll do what?! " he managed to ask, recoiling in surprise.Angela, seemingly unfazed, stared at him with an air of nonchalance, as if the shocking nature of her plan was inconsequential. Her expression conveyed an unwavering resolve, leaving Jayden caught between disbelief and a growing realization that Angela's intentions were more intricate and unpredictable than he had initially assumed. The revelation
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Chapter 87
His mind played out various scenarios – what if his father discovered the plan? What if Ava, instead of being drawn back to him, repelled by the orchestrated scheme? The " what-ifs " multiplied like ripples in a pond, threatening to drown his resolve.Just in time, Jayden stopped himself from spiraling further into the sea of doubts. The steering wheel felt cool under his grip as he reminded himself that dwelling on uncertainties wouldn't change the circumstances. With a deep breath, he redirected his thoughts, focusing on the actions he could take rather than the myriad possibilities that fueled his anxiety.As the headlights of his car cut through the darkness, Jayden steered his mind away from the treacherous paths of speculation. The road stretched ahead, both literal and metaphorical, and he resolved to navigate it with a sense of purpose and a cautious awareness of the risks that lay in the shadows.As Jayden arrived home, the weight of the unresolved situation followed him thro
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Chapter 88
Unable to contain her elation, Angela twirled around in a brief dance of joy. The room, a witness to her momentary celebration, seemed to echo the newfound excitement that pulsed through her. The prospects of having Bryan to herself felt more tangible than ever, and Angela reveled in the anticipation of what lay ahead.Without wasting any time, Angela composed her reply: "Great. Let's meet up after work tomorrow to decide how to go about it then." Her nimble fingers tapped out the words with a sense of purpose, the anticipation of their rendezvous fueling her determination. As she hit send, Angela couldn't help but revel in the unfolding drama, each message exchanged a step closer to the realization of her carefully crafted plan. ********************On that lazy Saturday morning, Ava allowed herself the luxury of sleeping in, relishing the warmth of her bed. The absence of the usual workday hustle was a welcome reprieve, and as she finally stirred, the sunlight filt
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Chapter 89
The gentle exchange felt like a silent dance of courtesy, a small but significant gesture that spoke volumes about Bryan's demeanor.Closing the door with a sense of care, Bryan mirrored her smile and circled around the car to the driver's side. The air buzzed with a comfortable energy as he settled into the driver's seat. The engine hummed to life, and soon, they were on their way to Bryan's villa.The car glided through the streets, the cityscape transforming outside the windows. The atmosphere within the car was a blend of easy conversation and the anticipation of a day filled with shared moments. Bryan's occasional glances towards Ava conveyed a warmth that echoed the genuine connection between them.As the landscape transitioned, the car hummed along the road, carrying them towards the destination of their day's adventure. The journey, symbolic in its own way, mirrored the unfolding chapter of their connection, filled with possibilities and the promise of a shared journey.Arrivi
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Chapter 90
The table was set, and the tantalizing spread awaited their indulgence.Eager to taste the fruits of their labor, Ava couldn't resist the temptation. " Can I have a taste? " she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Bryan, with a gracious smile, ladled some stew into a spoon. Aware of its warmth, he blew a gentle stream of air over the spoonful, allowing it to cool before carefully bringing it close to Ava's lips.Ava closed her eyes, the scent of the stew lingering in the air as she savored the first bite. The flavors danced on her palate, and a contented expression spread across her face. She gave Bryan a heartfelt thumbs up, acknowledging not just the deliciousness of the meal but also the joy of sharing this moment with him.Encouraged by Ava's positive response, Bryan proceeded to dish out generous portions of the meal onto their plates. The culmination of their culinary collaboration had transformed the kitchen into a haven of shared satisfaction and delight. The table, a
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