All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
200 Chapters
131- Agitation and ASMR
Bellamy heads off to his meeting after we have breakfast, although he grumbles about having to go almost the entire time. Aaron arrived halfway through breakfast but declined to have anything to eat. I’m not sure if he was just trying to be polite or something though because as soon as Bellamy leaves he begins making himself a snack in the kitchen. I perch on one of the kitchen barstools and rest my head on my hands, swinging my feet since they don’t reach the floor.“You know you could have just eaten when I offered you food the first time.” I point out. Aaron just shrugs. Right, okay then. Well, at least Aaron is a little less paranoid than Bellamy, I can probably get a little bit of time and space to myself for once. I was originally planning to hang out with Megan, but now I’m thinking that chilling and maybe messing around on my laptop watching a movie or something would be better. “I’m just running upstairs to grab my laptop and earphones, I’ll be straight back down.”
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132- Internet and instruments
After about an hour I can see that the tension has left him and he now looks almost sleepy, kind of like I was before he came home upset. I’m glad my relaxing videos worked for him too. I don’t know what kind of other stuff he might find soothing. To be fair, it could also be that he is curled up on the couch with me and it’s really comfortable. It’s hard to stay angry in a position like this. I swap to the internet browser and ask Bellamy what helps him feel relaxed. He pushes my hands aside to type in;Ryann Gale. I laugh and hit search. Not a lot comes up. There’s a reference to me in some school news bulletin from several years ago before I graduated. Some links to my social media, but it’s mostly set to private so you can’t see much. “I’ve searched you before.” Bellamy admits. I raise an eyebrow.“Really? When?” I ask. “Not long after we met. I was curious about you. Just like now, it didn’t give much in the way of results. I was almost desperate enough t
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133- Food and freak-outs
My jaw drops open and I turn to Bellamy to see if he is as flabbergasted as I am. He looks mildly surprised, but nowhere near as shocked as I am. I suppose the difference is that he hasn’t spent his whole life wondering about the mark, he’s only been curious about it for a few months. He hasn’t invested anything close to the amount of time and energy I have put into trying to work out what the hell my stupidly unique mark is meant to mean.“It- it’s the same as mine!” I stutter out. Bellamy leans in closer to examine the picture.“You’re right, it is fairly similar.” He observes mildly. I let out an irritated breath, how can he not see what a big deal this is?“Similar? They’re practically identical!” I object.“Not quite. The threads on her arm twist in a slightly different pattern to yours. Admittedly, you might not notice the difference unless you were comparing the two.” He clarifies. I shove my sleeve up and stare at my arm. He’s right. How is it that he has my
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134- Relevance and registration
Bellamy’s alarm screeching wakes me up in a hurry. Okay, so maybe it isn’t actually screeching, but it feels like it is. I lie still for a moment as Bellamy wakes up and scrunch up my eyes. I wonder if I can reach his alarm from here… and break it. Why did we set it so early again? We had something on… we were going to- I bolt upright. That’s it, we’re going to contact the registration office to find out if Kiara is registered as anything identifiable. We’re going to find out how she’s linked to me! All at once, I’m not so sleepy anymore. Beside me, Bellamy reaches to turn off the alarm, and chuckles at my sudden wakefulness. He himself still looks a bit drowsy. He reaches out and pulls me back down beside him. I let him pull me down, but make a slight noise of protest. We have an important task to do!“The registration office won’t even be open for at least another half an hour. We have time.” He soothes. My eyebrows furrow.“Wait, then why is the alarm set for now? It’s no
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135- Charge and control
I cross my arms and stare at Bellamy in a combination of irritation and bewilderment. He looks pleased with himself and I don’t think he’s noticed that something is off yet.“What the hell Bellamy!” I complain, may as well make it clear since he’s being a little oblivious. He seems a little stunned.“What’s wrong? I thought you would be happy you’ll be getting some answers soon.” He asks, his head tilted to the side and an innocent expression on his face. Does he really not realise what he just did? Also why is his puzzled expression cute? That’s not fair! It makes it really hard to be annoyed with him.“You… you just registered me… as… well, you know!” I stammer out. Why do I feel like half of my arguments with Bellamy circle back to him making a decision without my input and me objecting. Not to mention he usually seems to get his way too. I’m sick of having the same argument over and over again. We really need to figure this out.“I just wanted you to get the info
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136- Cheeks and cheating
Ten minutes later, I find myself walking outside with my arm looped loosely around Aaron’s. It has been a little overcast all day, but it’s like the universe is sensing my mood and doing it’s best to combat it because the clouds cleared up practically the moment we stepped outside and now it’s pleasantly sunny. Although I am starting to wish I had a pair of sunglasses with me. Aaron is wearing some and I’m kind of jealous. I’m still mad at Bellamy, but going for a walk was definitely the right choice. I’ve been cooped up for nearly two weeks and the fresh air is everything I didn’t know I've been missing. We stay within the boundaries of the Shifter compound, I’m exercising my independence, not trying to get myself killed. We wander aimlessly, often passing Shifters, some of whom wave at me or greet us. I vaguely remember meeting some of them during my tour of the compound with Megan and while we’ve been hanging out. From my understanding, not all the feline Shifters live here, but
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137- Responsible and ready
“I swear I can explain and that wasn’t how it looked.” He blurts out in one panicked breath. He continues before I get a chance to answer. “I would never be unfaithful, I promise and I can explain everything. I know we fought and you were angry but I need you to believe me. I didn’t know she was going to do that and I would have stopped her if I did. Her father died last year and her mother was friends with my mother and she asked me as a favour to escort her daughter to get some test results because she’s worried about the murders recently and it seemed harmless, I didn’t realise Lovetta had other intentions. I was just taking her home, and she was clinging onto my arm but I was thinking about what you said about my being too harsh sometimes so I was trying to think of a… nice way to get her off. Then suddenly she was asking if I was single and I must have taken too long to answer.” He pauses and takes a quick breath then continues as if worried that he might explode if he doe
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138- Passion and personal space
“So what I am supposed to take from this is basically, I’m not the boss of you and if I want your help in the future I have to remember to ask before doing things. Also that I definitely shouldn’t bring up any objection I have about seeing you outside of the house earlier because that will one hundred percent backfire on me.” he sums up and I let out a small smile.“Yeah that would be wise. But yes that just about covers it.” I hold out a hand and when he takes it I give him a tug prompting him to stand up. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. You would think that having resolved our argument he would be happy, and he definitely looks less anxious, but he still seems a little put out, his brow furrowed like he’s thinking about something irritating.“What is it?” I ask and he groans.“You’re going to think I’m crazy.” He complains. I roll my eyes. “Bellamy, I already know you’re crazy. Just tell me.” I lean back with my hands on the bed behi
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139- Seduce and shrug-off
Apparently I was wrong. I’ve been walking around Bellamy’s room for the last five minutes wearing his shirt and the smallest shorts I could find among my stuff, barely more than underwear, and he hasn’t given me more than a passing glance. Seriously, how is this not enough of a hint for him? What else am I supposed to do? Make a banner? Rent a blimp? Tattoo it across my forehead? Bellamy is just casually leaning back against the headboard of the bed, legs crossed over each other, the blankets pulled up over his legs, reading. I’ve wandered around, brushed my teeth, combed out my hair. I even spent an unnecessary amount of time fussing with some of my pillows, like I care if they’re all straight when they’re scattered all over the bed anyway. But he remains focussed on his book. Well it had better be damn interesting because my legs are freezing walking around like this. I eventually give up before I make a total fool of myself and climb into bed. Maybe I’ll read an ebook on my phone o
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140- Sugar and spoons
Sometimes I hate being right. When the dream-vision thing starts, I expect it to be much like all the others. I watch Kiara cry herself to sleep, or lie there in a zombie-like state. Occasionally she wakes up and moves around, but not a lot changes. I thought the fact that things rarely changed was a bad thing, but now I’m starting to think I should have prayed for things to stay how they were for as long as possible. Kiara is curled up on herself clearly trying to block everything out, then I see her get yanked up by her right arm, yet again interacting with invisible people. She begins shaking her head, her hair flicking around her ears as much as it can given how matted it's gotten. I can see tears running down her face. Her mouth is moving and given the amount of energy she’s putting behind her movements, she’s yelling. Damn it I wish I could read lips. I can make out one word though. ‘NO’ She is yelling and arguing against something. Someone is pulling her by the arm and she is p
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