All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
200 Chapters
151- Push and pull
“This is definitely not working out how I planned. You weren’t supposed to be worried about it. Just the opposite. I was trying to make you more comfortable by backing off a bit.” Bellamy explains. I frown. “I never told you to do that.” I comment quietly. He shrugs.“You don’t have to tell me. If I think you want something I’m going to do my best to give it to you, even if in this case it means giving you… less.” He tries to explain. “But… I don’t want you to… I mean. I never meant for you to… UGH I don’t know how to say this!” I complain. Bellamy lifts his eyes to meet mine.“You don’t want me to back off? But you always seemed… uncomfortable.” He points out. “I know that! But it doesn’t mean you needed to stop. I WAS uncomfortable, some of the time at least. But I’m awkward and anxious and terrible at dealing with new things. I was always going to be uncomfortable! We discussed this the day after Megan’s wedding. I can’t tell you what is okay. But I will al
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152-Touch and Taste
Bellamy’s response is to grin while holding eye contact, he pulls his shirt off over his head in one smooth motion. I can’t help the squeak that escapes me as my eyes drop to his chest and abs, then back up again to his face. Why is my automatic reaction to think I need to close my eyes? I’m fairly sure that me looking away was not his goal when he removed his shirt.“Uhm…” I stare. Okay, is this better or worse than looking away? Bellamy reached out to take my hands in his.“Just relax. Don’t worry so much.” He says gently, lifting my hands and placing them on his chest. He reached around me and pulls me back up to straddle his lap again. I’m at least thirty percent sure that he chooses to sit this way because it’s easy for me to get away. He’s telling me to relax but I suspect he overthinks things just as much as me. At least he does afterwards. Bellamy leans in to kiss me again, successfully silencing my thoughts.I have no idea how long later, I feel Bellamy’s hand o
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153- Resolve and reality
I resist the urge to hide my face in the pillows, and I suspect Bellamy knows, because he just grins even harder and leans in to kiss me lightly on the nose. In an attempt to avoid my embarrassment, or maybe just to pretend it doesn’t exist, I cast around for another subject, any subject other than… foreplay. “You know, I really needed the night out tonight. Thanks for helping make it happen without complaining. Or at least with minimal fuss. I really needed the distraction. And thanks for putting up with Harry, I swear he grows on you.” I promise. Still feeling awkward, I sit up to avoid Bellamy’s gaze and flick off the lamp leaving us in complete darkness before laying back down, still facing Bellamy. I don’t want to see anything, somehow things are less embarrassing in the dark. I can’t see a thing in this blackness, but he can, and I want him to be able to see my face and understand that I mean it. I really do appreciate his attempts to accept Harry. Incubi don’t tend to ma
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154- Rumours and realisations
I spend half the morning annoying Bellamy by pacing the house anxiously and staring at the phone waiting for the Magic registration offices to call. They should call today, right? Well, at least I think Bellamy would be annoyed if he was paying any attention to my pacing at all. What is he doing anyway? My nervous anticipation would probably drive him crazy if he weren’t busy with something himself. He’s been glancing over at the front door every ten seconds since breakfast. At first I assumed it was because my pacing is annoying him, but now I’m thinking he’s waiting for someone. Are we expecting guests that I’ve forgotten about? Actually, no. He looks far too eager for us to be having guests. Bellamy only ever looks that eager when… well when I arrive if I’m totally honest. But I’m already here so I know he isn’t waiting for me. My question is answered when Aaron, Darrien and a woman I’ve never met before turn up at the door with a few boxes. Oh, my stuff. I was so eager for the p
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155- Sisters and similarities
Once everyone leaves, Bellamy pulls me aside to talk.“Ry, I didn’t mean for Rio to find out about us like that. It was an accident. I was just trying to be considerate. I guess I didn’t think it through as well as I should have.” His tone is apologetic. I sigh.“I know that Bels, It’s not your fault. I’m not mad. Accidents happen.” I reassure him. He looks relieved, then contemplative.“You didn’t have to tell her the truth.” He remarks. I roll my eyes. “Sure I did. I said I want to keep things to ourselves, that doesn’t mean I want to outright lie to people. Rio already confirmed that there are rumours and eventually, I suppose we will confirm them.” I think aloud. Bellamy smiles happily.“Good. I wouldn’t enjoy having to hear you deny that you’re mine.” He hugs me tightly and I poke him in the ribs. “Maybe you’re mine.” I tease and he just laughs.“Of course I’m yours. That was implied.” He assures me. “Good.” I pull back.And thank you by t
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156- Information and introductions
The files that Joshua sent me are actually fairly straight forward, mostly because there isn’t all that much to them. Kiara’s file just includes her name, Kiara Anne Brooks, her age, nine, a picture of her mark and a label which says ‘Sister of fates. One of three.’ Leave it to the MRO to make something unique and interesting sound like it’s being checked off a list. Her race is blanked out since I wasn’t approved for that information. It also lists her parents as her next of kin and their contact information. This is clearly going to need updating. “We should find out if Kiara has any other family. We’re going to need to contact them when we find her.” I declare firmly. Bellamy nods.“I’ll get Alex to look into it. If anyone can find that information it’s him.” He promises.“Thanks.” “You know, for a minute there on that phone call I thought you might be one of these sisters of fate. But if there are already three I guess not, huh?” Bellamy comments. I sigh.“
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157- Organising and ordering
Bellamy reads over the emails I wrote and without saying a word, hits send on each one. “Bellamy! You didn’t even fix anything!” I object. “That’s because there wasn’t anything that needed fixing. Have a little faith in yourself sweetheart. You’re doing well. Oh and I see you’ve been organising too. I’ll do my best to follow along with your system. It will definitely help. Thanks.” He adds.“I have no idea how someone as obsessively organised as you can have such a chaotic mailbox. It must be the only disorganised thing in this house. Other than Megan’s closet that is.” Bellamy laughs. “Maybe. I clean and sort things to avoid thinking about work. Sorting my mailbox would be a dreadful combination of the two and the exact opposite of relaxing. I am completely happy to hand the task of sorting it to you.” Huh, I hadn’t thought of it that way. I guess as someone who has to make a lot of important decisions that affect other people’s lives, there would be something sa
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158- Panic and passing out
I should have known better than to hope I would actually get some rest. I don’t think I even remember anymore what it's like to just have a regular dream. Instead I’m stuck in these nightmarish visions of Kiara. The only thing that makes them even remotely bearable is my hope that they will provide some kind of useful information which I can use to find and rescue her. The moment I see the look of dread on Kiara’s face, I know that tonight is going to be another bad night. There is nothing I can do to help her right now other than sit through it with her. Maybe if I focus hard enough she will feel it somehow, the same way I can feel her. I just wish I could tell her that she isn’t alone, that there are people looking for her. Tonight is one of the worst nights, because rather than screaming, crying or fighting, Kiara looks like she is begging. The way she drops to her knees and grabs out, it looks like she is tugging on someone’s hand or clothes. Even worse is when she falls backwar
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159- Lectures and letting go
Bellamy answers the door and leads what has to be the smallest Shifter woman I have ever seen, through to his office. I follow along and make myself comfortable in my usual recliner. Bellamy sits behind his desk and gestures for the tiny woman to take a seat across from him. She glances curiously at me and Bellamy notices her eyes drifting towards me.“Shelly, this is my friend Ryann. Ryann, this is Shelly.” He waits as I give an awkward little wave and Shelly gives a half smile.“Ryann is here because it might be a little more comfortable for you if there is another woman present and my sister is currently unavailable.” Bellamy explains my presence. Shelly’s eyebrows fly up and she considers me for a moment before turning back to Bellamy. “Thank you Alpha Kane, that’s very… considerate of you.” She turns back to me and gives me a proper smile this time. Huh, seems like she actually does want me here. Fancy that. I thought she would be uncomfortable with a stranger here
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160- Warning and wearing
The men shuffle their way out of Bellamy’s office. They look sufficiently subdued, I’m pretty sure I got through to them, or at least reminded them of their manners. Shelly lingers after the guys leave. Once I hear the front door open and close, she speaks up. “Thanks. They’re really not bad guys, I think they were more interested in competing with each other than they actually were interested in me.” She admits. “Yeah, I kinda agree. But I’m sure you’ll find someone eventually.” I tell her, trying to force some optimism into my tone. Now that this issue has been dealt with I’m moving back to stressing about my vision last night and the upcoming video call this afternoon. Still, I do my best to stay focussed on what she’s saying. I’m pretty sure she can tell that I’m distracted though. She thanks Bellamy formally and then heads out. Bellamy immediately pulls out his phone. “It’s been going off pretty much since they got here. But I’m fairly sure I know why…” He c
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