All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
200 Chapters
171- Perfume and progress
My dream or vision or whatever it is, somehow is exactly the same as all the others and completely different at the same time. It’s the same because I watch Kiara sleep, I can see her nightmares and pain and it’s the same because no matter how much I scream and struggle, no matter how hard I focus, she can’t seem to hear me, although for once I think I might be able to hear her. It’s different because I know I CAN talk to her which somehow makes my inability to actually communicate a hundred times more frustrating. I have a feeling that I won’t be able to contact her while I’m asleep. Maybe my unconscious mind isn’t capable of it or something because I feel less connected too. Maybe it only works when I’m awake and actively searching and connecting to her as opposed to when I’m asleep and don’t really have a choice in the matter. Or maybe I’m just doing this wrong. It’s not like I have a manual or anything. I don’t know how long I spend mentally yelling at Kiara, trying to get her a
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172- Confessing and committing
I alternate between feeling miserable and furious on his behalf as I listen to the Canine and Avian Alphas going on and on about how he is trying to fulfil a role that he, as a man, is just not suited for which is just completely sexist. Alpha Kohen chimes in with a slightly more reasonable argument. “While I don’t think this is the right time to be discussing this, the workload an Alpha has is intended for two people. I don’t know how I would manage without my wife.” He admits dryly. Okay, so maybe that’s a slightly better point. “I have help.” Bellamy mildly answers.“Your sister hardly counts. She’s not the Alpha, she can’t make any REAL decisions.” The Canine Alpha grumbles.“I don’t see your mate being permitted to make any decisions further than social events and taking care of your children.” Bellamy grumbles. “EXCUSE YOU?” The Canine Alpha growls. I can practically feel Bellamy repressing an eye roll. “Now, now everyone. We’re all here for a reaso
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173- Fulfillment and fantasies
The moment Alpha Kohen leaves, Bellamy releases me and spins my chair to face him. I barely have time to breathe before he presses his lips to mine. This kiss is passionate and a little out of control. Bellamy doesn’t hesitate or hold anything back. He’s holding me so tight that I can’t even move to wrap my arms around him. I start getting lightheaded and he must be too because he finally pulls back, breathing heavily. I can feel him purring deep in his chest. Still squeezing me tight, he’s as breathless as I am when he breathes out his confession.“I love you.” He sounds absolutely elated. I am probably so bright red that I could outshine a stop sign. Even Bellamy looks a little flushed for once. I somehow end up in a slightly hysterical giggle. “I can’t believe I said it first.” I admit. Bellamy leans back to look me in the eye, his own eyes are practically glowing with pleasure.“To be honest… I can’t believe you said it first either. Although I might have thought ab
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174- Striking and starving
Despite what I said about needing to avoid the kitchen, that’s actually my first stop when leaving the office. Bellamy got me a little well… hot. I desperately need a glass of water. Or one of those cold showers that Bellamy is so ‘fond’ of taking lately. Bellamy trails behind me, apparently not willing to leave my side just yet. I freeze momentarily when I walk in and find Megan sitting in the same bar stool at the bench that I vacated earlier. I force myself to keep moving. Darrien is on the other side of the bench. He’s apparently in a great mood and is humming along to a playlist that they have playing while he assembles what looks like the sandwich to end all sandwiches. Seriously, it’s already way too big for anyone to actually bite into and he is still adding stuff to it. Megan is watching on in awe. “Hi guys.” I drop into the second stool beside Megan while Bellamy gets me a cold drink. As he passes it to me, his phone vibrates. He checks it quickly and frowns.“I n
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175- Admiration and alcohol
Just like I have every other time I’ve managed to communicate with Kiara, I come back to myself feeling dizzy and kind of like throwing up. Not sick exactly, more like I’ve pushed myself way too far. I don’t know why it’s so exhausting to speak to her when watching her, particularly in my sleep, it takes no effort at all. In fact I can’t seem to STOP doing that. It’s frustrating but worth it. I can feel a little tired and unwell if it helps Kiara cope with what she’s going through until we can get to her. My phone vibrates and I move too fast to grab it, making my head spin. Woah, that's confusing. I have a text from… Bellamy? Isn’t he downstairs? Unless he went out while I was meditating, but I doubt he would leave without telling me first. He’s way too freaked out about the psychos threatening me. I open the message.Bellamy- S.O.S. You have a guest…S.O.S? Why would me having a guest require an S.O.S. Unless… who would Bellamy want rescuing from? I suspect I know the answ
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176- Anticlimactic and assistance
Nothing happens. Well that was anticlimactic. “So… is something meant to happen?” Harry asks. I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m not a Witch.” I point out.“Well… can you let go of the bottle now?” Bellamy asks. Without hesitation, Harry opens his fingers and the GLASS bottle goes tumbling towards the floor. I gasp in horror. Bellamy’s hand snaps out and catches it at the last second. “Oops. Talk about cat-like reflexes though.” He holds up his now free hand to Bellamy for a high-five. Bellamy just glares at him and hands me the potion bottle.“Thanks. Good catch, Bels. Harry… I’m starting to see why Cam spelled the bottle onto your hand. Why would you just DROP the potion?” I demand. “You said to let go. I let go.” He says unrepentantly. “I didn’t mean- Ugh. Why am I even bothering? This is a waste of time.” A thought occurs to me and I smirk at Harry. He looks at me suspiciously. “What? What did you just think of?” He demands. I shrug.“Oh, nothing mu
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177- Independent and insecure
Huh. I don’t know what exactly I was expecting, but this isn’t it. I guess I didn’t expect this girl’s problem to actually be so relatable. I mean, I totally appreciate Bellamy keeping me safe, but it is a little chafing. I can’t imagine what it would be like being eighteen and not being able to go out alone anywhere. I mean, I didn’t exactly go out a lot and socialise until I met Megan and Bellamy, but I have always been very independent. Sure, that might not have been by choice. I never exactly had the chance to depend on anyone. But I can’t imagine having no chance to stand on your own two feet is ideal either. If this girl feels ready to step out on her own, even just a little, she should be able to do that. It’s sweet that she wants to be considerate of her father. I mean, I’m sure there are lots of teenagers who would just scream, throw a tantrum and walk out, probably ruining whatever relationship they have. Oky, so I definitely want to help her, I just don’t really know how.
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178- Managing and measuring
Bellamy sighs deeply and I can see he looks kind of frustrated. My question must show on my face because when he looks up and makes eye contact he explains. “You know, I can kind of see why the girl didn’t want to approach me with her problem. I thought that I was doing alright dealing with the Shifter’s personal issues, that they all knew they could come to me. But my first reaction was to dismiss her complaint as childish whining.” He sounds very disheartened. “I’m now wondering if I’ve been failing all this time. I thought I was managing. Maybe the other Alphas are right and I can’t do this.” He says it like he is second guessing every decision he’s made since taking over as Alpha. His confidence has just taken a serious hit. I hate it. Bellamy is usually a fairly confident person. I frown at him. “Why is it that every time he second guesses himself it has something to do with me? With something I’ve said. I was trying to help and now it looks like you’re having an
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179- Teamwork and timelines
Another night, another murder. I see Kiara is forced to reach out again. It has to be connected to her magic in some way. Her species magic. Not her magic as a representative of fate. The poor girl barely even made a sound during this one. She moved around like a zombie afterwards and when she was finally able to collapse onto the floor, she just sobbed until she passed out. I wake up seriously stupidly early in the morning. I don’t want to face the day yet and accept that once again, there is nothing I can actually DO. So I end up just curling up with Bellamy who is still sleeping. He does wake up and check on me. Peering at me through bleary eyes as I move around, but at this point I don’t really want to talk. So I just hug him close and for a while, I try not to think. It is probably another two hours until Bellamy really wakes up. He strokes a hand over my hair and pushes it away from my face, then moves back a little so that he can see my face. “Morning love.” He greets me
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180- Increase and interactions
We all sit there in horrified silence, no one quite knowing what to say. Finally, Harry is the one to speak up. “Well, they don’t look EXACTLY like you. They all have long, black hair. Your hair is blue. Although it does look black unless you’re in the daylight. They also all have blue or grey eyes, your eyes are very different, so they couldn't match that…” He trails off, his false optimism fading as he reasons away his own arguments. His face falls as he gives up trying to reason away what we all know. “It’s all about you, every threat, every murder… they’re all directed at you. Even when they couldn’t get to you anymore, the threats didn’t stop. They just chose a different way of threatening you.” Darrien states the obvious. I feel sick. All these women, Kiara’s kidnapping. All because someone hates me? Someone who didn’t even make enough of an impression for me to know who they are, wants me dead. What could I have done? Up until a couple weeks ago I was a waitress! I
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