All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
191 Chapters
141- Wake-up and wittness
“Oh shit Bellamy I’m so sorry. Was the woman a feline Shifter? It was a woman again, right?” I confirm. Bellamy gives a solemn nod. “Was she someone you knew well?” I ask, almost afraid to hear the answer. Bellamy shrugs.“I’ve met her, I’ve met most of the local feline Shifters. She didn’t live here in the compound. She has a large family and they run a moving company on the other side of town. They live down that way. I think the last time I saw her would have been Megan’s engagement party, and I don’t think I said more than two words to her.” Bellamy looks guilty. Clearly he is blaming himself for something. “This isn’t your fault, you know.” I tell him, running a hand over his arm in an attempt to soothe him. Bellamy shakes his head.“I’m Alpha, so I’m responsible for her safety, even if she doesn’t choose to live here. I should have made sure all women who are the killer's target type came to the compound, or assigned them guards, or SOMETHING.” He reasons. I
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142- Shampoo and spending
I keep myself angled to the wall, my back to Bellamy. Okay so showering in underwear might be a little weird, but it lets me feel a little less exposed while still attempting to be brave. Not that I’m particularly aiming for anything intimate right now. Nope, not at all. I feel dreadful and miserable. But I want to be clean and I want Bellamy with me. Okay, maybe I also want a distraction. Nervous and overly self conscious might not be the best feeling, but it’s better than the alternative. Bellamy seems kind of speechless, which is funny since he was the one who started trying to undress me in the first place. I glance back over my shoulder and find that he is staring a hole through my back. “Uh, Bellamy?” I ask hoarsely. Turns out vomiting is hell on your throat. Actually my mouth tastes awful. “I’m not totally sure what I’m supposed to be doing. Well, I don’t know what you want.” He admits. “Well, right this second, I’d like you to pass me the mouthwash.” I answer,
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143- Moving and managing
I scroll through my contacts, dial Maggie’s number, then wait anxiously for her to answer. It rings so long that for a moment I think she isn’t going to pick up and I’ll have to try again later, but in what I imagine is probably the last ring before it goes to voicemail, she answers just in the nick of time. “Hello dear, I’m just working on a new scone recipe. So let me know if you can’t hear me well. I’ve got you on speaker. But there’s no one else here so you can speak freely.” She says cheerfully. “Oh, cool. Your scones are always amazing. Actually everything you make is amazing. Before I get into the reason I called, how are you? How have you been?” I don’t want her thinking that I only call because I need to know something, she is my friend after all. “Oh sweetie, I’ve been alright. Logan is having a few issues at school though.” She adds. I frown. “How can he be having issues? He is so smart and well behaved, honestly he is practically the perfect child.” I
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144- Celebrate and catch-up
“Okay.” I answer simply.“Okay?” He asks.“As in you’ll quit your job and work here instead?” he clarifies. I nod firmly. My decision made. Bellamy picks me up by the waist and swings me around. I squeal in shock. “Bellamy!” I laugh. He places me back on my feet and leans in to give me a quick kiss.“Thank you.” he says sincerely. “You don’t need to thank me. You offered a fair compromise that we can both live with. All I did was meet you halfway.” I remind him. He shakes his head stubbornly. “No, you can argue all you like but we both know that realistically I am the one getting everything I want. I’m not giving up anything.” He points out. I shrug. “I can’t promise this arrangement will last forever. Once the killer is caught I will in all likelihood want to get another job. I’m still not sure I feel right living off your income. But if I were to go to work, I suspect you would send so many guards that paying them would cost several times more than
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145- Menus and mischief
Harry sends through the address of a bar slash pub type of place and tells me that he will be there at six. I pass the information on to Bellamy and Megan and she contacts Darrien. Megan then insists on dragging me upstairs and picking out something cute to wear to dinner. When I object, she reminds me that it’s not like she’s getting to go out much lately and to let her have this. I give in. I know when to pick my battles and this one isn’t worth the energy. If she wants to pick out my clothes and put my hair in some overly complicated twin braids, then I’m happy enough to go along with her. I have to reluctantly admit that it is kind of fun. I do find myself about ready to poke Megan with a stick though when she rejects five outfits for herself in a row. “Is there a reason that you’re freaking out and have suddenly become completely incapable of picking so much as a pair of pants?” I demand, hands on my hips. We’re literally just going to a pub with friends, I’ve never seen h
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146- Brats and bartenders
“So, how are you all enjoying playing house? I think I might be a little jealous, living all by my lonesome.” Harry says, his tone full of false sadness. Megan rolls her eyes. “Liar, you love living alone.” She accuses. Harry shrugs.“True, I have always enjoyed my bachelor pad. No women.” He jokes. Darrien raises an eyebrow. “I doubt that.” he mutters grumpily. Megan elbows him and Harry just winks. “I prefer not to bring women back to my place. Too much chance of them finding their way back again. It’s better they don’t know where I live.” he comments. This time, both Bellamy and Darrien look at him in disgust. Shifters apparently aren’t into that whole lifestyle. I suppose it makes sense. They mostly live in large family groups. Bringing home a different woman every night probably doesn’t work as well when you live with your parents, grandparents, siblings and other relatives. I decide to intervene before the guys decide they hate Harry before they know anythin
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147- Drinks and disgust
A general understanding seems to come over Bellamy and Darrien, suddenly the two men are waving Harry away to go order the food and drinks. Apparently they’re eager to help if it means having Harry flirt with someone other than Megan and I. Although Bellamy does try to give Harry a credit card to pay for the meal. Harry waves him off and insists that he can afford to shout everyone dinner and that this one is on him. Bellamy reluctantly gives in, not wanting to make a scene. It’s kind of funny. Bellamy is the Alpha at the table, but I don’t think anyone can really tell Harry what to do. He isn’t one to listen to anyone’s orders. Megan and I both crane our necks trying to see Harry talking to the bartender, Megan actually stands up to see better.“I can see her!” She says excitedly. Not even pretending to be subtle, I also stand up and peer over towards the bar. Harry is talking to a woman with blonde hair that has adorable beachy waves. If they’re natural I might have to hate he
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148- Contracts and confirmation
I reach out to pick up the drink and Cam frowns.“Uhm, can I ask why you’re wearing a dodgy plastic bead necklace? It doesn’t really go with what you’re wearing.” She asks, gesturing to the necklace Logan gave me. “It’s a good luck charm from a kid I know. It’s not the prettiest thing but I like it. Although I have been thinking maybe I shouldn’t wear it because I don’t want to break it.” I think aloud. Cam looks apologetic.“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. That’s actually super adorable. Oh! But I can help. Give me a sec.” She disappears through a door behind the bar for a minute and comes back with a black coffee mug. She places it on the bar. I peer over the rim and see a silverish liquid that is definitely not a drink. I’m assuming it’s a potion. “Drop the necklace in that for a minute.” I’m a little hesitant, but I decide to do as she asks. I drop the necklace in the potion and it makes an alarming sizzling noise. I watch curiously as the potion swirls
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149- Announce and add
At my announcement, Megan gasps and nudges Darrien who smiles. Bellamy gives little visible reaction, but I can feel him relaxing beside me, so apparently he’s happy to hear it too. Harry looks stricken. I know I just confirmed something that he already suspected, but I’m not sure he totally believed it would really be true. His brow furrows and he eats his dinner in near silence, nodding along with the conversation while his mind is clearly elsewhere. I’ve almost finished eating when I decide to check how he’s dealing. “Harry? Are you alright? I didn’t mean to send you on an existential crisis or anything. You don’t need to freak out too much. It will all work out eventually..” Harry’s headjerks up to look at me, like he had forgotten that I was actually here.“Sorry babe, I was just thinking that it might be worth changing my approach with her. Clearly what I have been doing isn’t working very well.” He says pointedly, taking a sip of his drink. I had forgotten that his d
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150- Brothers and bonding
We all read about how Harry continued to blatantly flirt with Cam. He even went so far as to TELL her that they’re soul mates. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t believe a word out of his mouth, and since he didn’t tell her HOW he supposedly KNOWS they’re meant to be together, Cam just wrote it off as another terrible line from the overly flirtatious Incubus. We all wish him better luck next time and Amber congratulates him on finding his soul mate and complains a lot about how jealous she is that we all got to meet her first. COCK TALESBellamy- Harrison. You are an idiot and your methods of flirting are tragic.Harry- Like you can talk ‘Alpha’ you’re the one who sent Ryann running with your attempts at flirting!Ryann- HARRY!Harry- What? I’m the closest thing you have to an older brother. It’s my JOB to give him hell. It’s how I show I care.Bellamy- Well when he puts it that way…Megan- Wait, seriously… he got away with that?Bellamy- Sure, if he gets to
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