All Chapters of ROGUE WOLF AND ME: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
“Uhh Celeste?” Alpha Christian has been trying to talk to me for the past five minutes but I'm in a state of shock. But if he found me, isn't he supposed to tell me? There wasn't any way for me to know yet so it was up to him to let me know. It's probably because of the whole kidnapping thing that made the whole situation strained but still. It felt kind of surreal that he found me and didn't let me know. He shook me one more time before I finally snapped out of the trance-like state I was in. “I….this is a surprise honestly” I say to him solemnly. By the look on his face somehow he understood what I was trying to say. “It's a lot for anyone to take. I think when this is all over and you're safe and settled then you can deal with all this” he said to me softly. I nodded my head and sighed as the mood in the room had completely changed. I felt myself getting sadder and sadder by the day. My life had really turned into a sob story. It was rare for you to have a mate and not meet
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It was very late at night, so hearing someone knocking on the door was enough to put Alpha Christian in protective mode.Who could be knocking on our door by this time of the night? And why didn't anyone inform him that someone was coming towards the door?We were quiet for a minute with only the sound of us breathing and the girl outside the door crying.I looked outside to see that none of the guards that were patrolling earlier were there right now.Confusion written all over Christian's face as he tried to make sense of everything.I walked slowly towards the window to check if anybody else was outside. I couldn't see anything but I could sense the change of energy.Things were tense as we moved towards the door at the same time but he signaled me to stay hidden.I did as I was told as he went to open the door. As he opened the door the girl behind it started to come into view.She slowly walked inside limping and saying ‘thank you, omg thank you’ over and over again.I watched fr
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As light started to peek through the blinds, I slowly gained consciousness and my head throbbed to the beat of my heart.I was so confused about what was currently happening but I had the faintest idea.At this point I was getting used to passing out and waking up at different places. That doesn't necessarily mean I wanted it to happen again though.It all started to come back to me as I tried to sit up and gauge my environment. I was in the room I currently occupy in the house. That could only mean that Alpha Christian brought me here himself. So where was he? Where was the girl from last night?I needed answers about what happened and I wasn't going to get them sitting on this bed.Still dressed in yesterday's clothes, not even bothered to change or shower I left the room and started down the hall.If he was confident enough to leave me in that room then that meant it was safe enough to still stay here.There's still this feeling like we were out of the loop for some reason and I w
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“Oh my Goddess you scared the bejeezus out of me” I said, clutching my heart when I noticed it was Alpha Christian behind me.He kept staring at me intensely. I was beginning to feel very self conscious under his stare.And because I was feeling anxious with the way he wasn't saying to me I started babbling off.“I know what it looks like but….I saw this weird looking bag on the counter and I was curious and that's why I started going through it which….now that I'm saying it out loud was very wrong for me to do because it's not proper to go through someone's bag without their consent…” I continued running off with my mouth and I didn't notice him walk towards me until he was right in front of me.“It's okay,” he said, smiling a little bit despite the situation.Cutting myself short because I didn't hear him the first time “what?” I said.“I said…” he took a piece of my hair that was falling on my eyes and put it behind my ear “it's okay” he said.I was stunned. It felt like a thousan
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After Alpha Christian left me, I took it upon myself to find the nearest computer to do some research on witches and grimoires.Before today I had never met one personally, it seems I had a lot to learn if I wanted to keep my guard up against stuff like that.Also, I thought the only enemy against our kind was rival packs, silver bullets and bloodsuckers. I've been introduced to witches and I don't like the feeling of helplessness that comes with it.After checking every room I could enter save for the ones that were locked I couldn't find even one computer in sight.They weren't kidding when they said this was a safehouse and nothing more. It might have beautiful interior decoration but it was quite empty.I miss my friends. If I had my phone I would've sent a text or something to Riley but even then I know I couldn't reach her.The thought alone made me sad but I willed myself to focus on the task at hand.When I entered a room that I thought would be my last before I gave up, I sa
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I was in a dream. And in that dream, everything was white. A straight white room with nothing in it but me.I tried to scream but my voice wasn't coming out of my mouth. It was a struggle and it felt like I was trying to claw my way out of my body.This had to be a form of torture where they forced you to enter a dream state then make you go crazy by stealing your voice.Then suddenly, I turned around and a wolf I had never seen before started circling me. It kept looking at me with blue green eyes that were a contrast of mine.I noticed it had silver like white fur which was very rare. It had a lightning streak at the side of its body.Walking around and around me like a predator hunting and stalking its prey. I took on a defensive stance,ready for when it pounced.But the wolf looked at me for a few more seconds and opened its mouth to speak. The voice I heard speaking shocked me so much that I didn't hear what she said the first time.“It's time to wake up, Your Highness,” the wol
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We were in a very open position on the road. In front of us two cars were positioned to block us.And behind they were cars blocking our exit too. I was on the verge of combursting with how intense the whole situation was.“Oh no” I said, from my side of the car.I looked to Christian to assess the kind of damage we were in. I dare not speak to him right now when the only expression on his face was concerntration.In front of us one of the guards from earlier came down from the car, walked a few feet from it and just stood there.While this was happening, I noticed the men in the driver's seat and passenger seat were eerily quiet too.What were these dangerous people planning exactly? And why were we being targeted over and over again?I was getting fed up of being attacked and captured and tortured by foreign enemies I knew nada about. It was time we fought back.During my internal monologue, I hadn't noticed that Christian had taken off his jacket and unbuttoned the shirt he was wea
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The terrifying sound of my blood coddling scream traveled from the very car I was in to Christian's ear in a matter of seconds.He turned around startled by the sound but alert to the danger of it.When he saw that someone had managed to burst through the car window and was reaching for the handle, he started towards the car.Two men tried to block his part but he easily took them down. On reaching the car he noticed the man had succeeded in opening the car and was reaching for me.“Let me go you…” I said firmly, but you could hear the fear in my voice.The man still tried to grab her leg as I was trying and failing to kick him away.He clamped on my leg with a vice grip so my efforts in trying to push him away were in vain.Suddenly, I felt an instant release in the spot where he was holding me and the man in question was nowhere to be found.It was eerily quiet as I slowly moved to the door and opened it. Christian was walking menacingly towards me. I just stood there awkwardly, won
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The lake house was perfect and I could boldly say I loved it here. For someone who hadn't traveled a lot I've been to more places than I imagined these past few days even with the things that were occuring.Sighing heavily, I took in the scenery in front of me. Yes I enjoyed it here but I wasn't at peace. Not entirely.I was so worried about Riley. I endured the horrors of that place for a few days but I could just imagine how horrible it will be now knowing they lost their prized possession.Derek and his crazy sister. I shuddered at the thought of them. I had heard stories but this by far took the cake. I waited patiently for news of the captives they had managed to free but Christian keeps reminding me to be patient.“They are risking their lives and they have to be extra careful because of it. If they get caught now that they've managed to escape there's no telling exactly what that mad man would do to them” he had said.He was being sympathetic and I was grateful for that but I
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I took my sweet time in showering and finding something appropriate to wear in with the lack of options I had.Seriously, I was running out of sweats and bra tops to wear. I needed to find something decent to put on for once before I lose my cool.Slamming the wardrobe still wrapped in my towel, I walked in the hallway and entered the empty room that looked like a girl lived here.I know I shouldn't enter places that I am not allowed into, but I don't remember him saying I couldn't enter this room. Yes. Satisfied with the fact that I didn't have any reason to feel like I was trespassing, I went to hunt for something to wear.And I immediately was met with success when I pulled open the doors to the wardrobe and it was filled with women's clothes to the brim.Sweet! I thought, smiling. Then I remembered how I've been wearing men's clothes for God knows how long because he never saw it important to tell me that a girl used to live here.“Hmmmm”. Touching a red dress, I thought about th
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