All Chapters of BETRAYED BY MY ALPHA : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 Chapters
Episode 11
Chapter eleven Selene’s povLogan came out from the kitchen carrying a tray with a plate of beef ragu and another of Chinese soufflé. The delicious smells immediately made my mouth water. "Dinner is here," he said, bringing the tray over to me. "Hope you like it." He gave me a warm smile, though tinged with concern.I nodded eagerly. My stomach rumbled loudly, the rich aromas reminding me just how ravenously hungry I felt after my ordeal. As I reached for my fork, Logan gently caught my hand, shaking his head. "Allow me," he said in a soft tone, picking up the fork himself."Logan, I may need some rest but that doesn't mean I can't eat my food myself," I protested, though not too firmly. There was something comforting about him fussing over me.He gave me an apologetic look. "I know, I'm just..." He paused, seeming to search for the right words. "I want to make sure you lack for nothing after what you went through. Humor this overprotective wolf?" I couldn't stop a small smile fro
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Episode 12
Chapter twelve Selene povAfter Logan abruptly left the room, I felt a wave of self-doubt and insecurity wash over me. Did revealing my innocence scare him away? Didn't he desire me in the same primal way I yearned for him?"Ezra?" I called out to my inner wolf. "Do you think I scared him off? Does he... not like me anymore?"Ezra's reassuring presence enveloped my mind. "No, dear one. Perhaps he was simply surprised and taken aback. Give him time.""Maybe I should go talk to him," I mused aloud, already untangling myself from the sheets.But Ezra's gentle voice stayed me. "No, he needs this moment. Relax yourself."Resigning with a sigh, I settled back against the pillows, trying to ignore the gnawing sense that something wasn't quite right. My thoughts were interrupted by a firm knock at the door. Surely it was Logan returning.I rose swiftly and padded across the room, pulling open the door with an expectant smile...only to find Beta Luke standing before me, his expression unreada
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Episode 13
Chapter thirteen Logan’s pov I rushed out of Selene's room, my heart pounding. Selene was still a virgin? How had I not known this? We had agreed to wait until our mating ceremony to be fully intimate, but I had assumed...I splashed cold water on my face in the kitchen, trying to clear my head. My wolf Olie was trying to soothe me. "Are you ashamed that you too are a virgin?" he asked gently."No, of course not," I insisted, though a part of me felt nervous. "I'm just...I don't want to rush her, you know? I don't want to mess this up."We had made a promise to wait, and I intended to keep it. But now knowing Selene's situation, I felt extra pressure not to ruin this pivotal moment for her."Relax, don't rush," Olie said calmly. "When you tell her, I believe she will understand."I took a deep breath and nodded, my wolf's reassurance helping to settle my nerves. As I turned to leave the kitchen, I noticed Zara standing in the hallway outside my room. And she wasn't alone - Selene w
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Episode 14
Chapter 14Logan’s pov I left my mother's room with her typical nagging still ringing in my ears about finding a mate. As if I didn't have more important pack issues to deal with right now. Though...maybe taking Selene to this dinner with the council tomorrow night wouldn't be the worst idea.I could already hear Selene and Gina's laughter echoing from down the hall as I approached my house. A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. Those two seemed to really hit it off. Pushing open the door, I announced myself. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."Selene looked up with a warm smile. "Not at all.""Did you tell your mother about what we discussed?" she asked curiously.I shook my head. "No, but she brought up another matter. There's a dinner tomorrow night with the whole council that she expects me to attend." I paused, wondering if I was being too presumptuous. "I think it might be a good time for you to meet them as well. And for them to meet you."Gina perked up from h
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Episode 15
Chapter 15Logan's POVI stared at Luke's retreating form, an uneasy feeling settling in my gut. Something was definitely off with him, that much was clear. But what? My eyes drifted to the file he'd left on my desk, containing all the weekly pack reports. With a weary sigh, I sank back into my chair and flipped it open, determined to review the contents thoroughly. Maybe the answer lay buried somewhere in these pages.Ever since we were kids, Luke and I had been practically inseparable. He knew me better than anyone, which is why his uncharacteristic behavior tonight felt so...unsettling. We'd always been able to talk to each other about anything.A frown creased my brow as I pored over the neatly compiled documents. Guards' rotations, territory reports, supply inventories - everything seemed routine and in order. So what had Luke so riled?I was so engrossed in my task that I barely registered the soft rap at my door. "Come in," I called distractedly, not looking up."My alpha."Th
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Episode 16
Chapter 16Selene's POVMy heart felt like it had shattered into a million jagged pieces. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, as the mortifying sight before me burned into my mind's eye.Zara, brazenly undressed and draped across Logan's sofa like a seductive offering. The sickly-sweet scent of her perfume cloying in the air. And Logan, standing there looking...guilty? Shocked? I couldn't even tell.Bile rose in my throat as Zara's mocking purr cut through the roaring in my ears. "Why, hello there Selene. I was just waiting for the Alpha to...join me."Join her? As in what, exactly? My gaze flew back to Logan, desperate for an explanation, any kind of denial. But he seemed stunned into silence, frozen as that haughty she-wolf openly propositioned him.It was too much. I couldn't be here, couldn't witness this...whatever this was. Not again. A lifetime of betrayals and false loyalties came crashing down on me all at once.Logan's voice calling after me sounded muffled and dista
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Episode 17
Chapter 17Selene's POVWarm sunlight filtered through the curtains, rousing me from the most blissful sleep I'd had in ages. A contented smile tugged at my lips as flashes of the previous night's activities danced through my mind.Logan's scorching kisses...his wicked tongue trailing liquid fire over my sensitized flesh...our bodies joining in a primal, rapturous dance.My inner muscles clenched reflexively at the memories, a fresh slick of arousal dampening my thighs. I rolled onto my side, fully expecting to find Logan's sleeping form next to me.But the other side of the bed was empty, albeit still deliciously rumpled. I frowned slightly, reaching out to feel the slight chill of the sheets. He must have slipped out a while ago.Before I could ponder his absence further, a teasing voice echoed through my consciousness.'That was hot last night.'I jolted upright with a tiny squeak, sheets pooling around my waist. "Ezra!"'In the flesh...well, sort of.' My inner wolf chuckled wicked
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Episode 18
Chapter 18Selene's POV"Come on, let's go in here!" Gina looped her arm through mine, practically vibrating with excitement as she towed me toward the ritzy clothing boutique.I couldn't help but laugh at her infectious enthusiasm, allowing myself to be swept up in the bubbly current of her energy. For someone initially so wary around me, Logan's younger sister had certainly warmed up quickly."Lead the way," I grinned, gesturing for Gina to take point.She flashed me a megawatt smile before barreling into the store, a whirlwind of nonstop chatter and brash confidence. I trailed dutifully in her wake, trying not to be too overwhelmed by the opulent surroundings. "Oh my god, Selene, you have to try this one on!" Gina was already zeroing in on a shimmering golden gown that looked more suitable for royalty than me.My eyes practically bugged out when I spotted the eye-wateringly high price tag dangling from the plunging neckline. "Uh, I'm not sure that's really...necessary," I hedged.
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Episode 19
Chapter 19Logan's POV"How dare you!" I snarled, every inch of my body tensing as the feral instinct to attack surged through my veins. Mia flinched back, eyes widening as she registered the full, lethal threat I represented. Good, let the treacherous bitch reap the consequences of her actions.I moved to lunge, to tear into her vulnerable flesh and make her pay for daring to strike at what was mine. But a firm hand on my bicep stopped me short."Alpha Logan, please." The placating tones came from the male beside Mia - Nathan, if I recalled correctly. An alpha in his own right, though clearly outmatched here. "This was just a misunderstanding between my mate and yours. There's no need for violence."My lips peeled back from my elongated fangs as I fought for control. Part of me recognized his words as the diplomatic truth - I couldn't simply rip out Mia's throat in front of the humans, no matter how richly she deserved it."A misunderstanding?" I bit out through gritted teeth, throw
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Episode 20
Chapter 20Nathan's POVWatching Logan and Selene drive off together, so wrapped up in their newfound mated bliss, felt like a gut punch. Seeing two people build a life and future with each other when that chance was ripped away from's the hardest thing for any man to witness.If not for my foolishness and stubborn beliefs all those years ago, maybe it could have been me embracing my true mate with such unrestrained joy. But I'd squandered that precious gift through arrogance and pride."Mia, it's time to go." I reached for her hand, desperate to escape this torturous scenario before it carved any deeper into my fractured psyche. But Mia merely wrenched her arm away from my grasp, stormy eyes flashing defiance as she stalked toward the car without a backwards glance. She moved with jerky, angry motions, dropping her purse in a dramatic huff before wrenching open the driver's side door.I stood rooted to the spot, mouth slightly agape asI watched her unraveling tantrum play o
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