All Chapters of BETRAYED BY MY ALPHA : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
Episode 31
Logan's POV:Days had passed since the attack in the dinner hall, and I found myself growing weaker with each passing moment. Olie, my wolf, was restless and unhappy, yearning for Selena's presence. Her disappearance, orchestrated by Mia, had left a gaping hole in both of us."Luke!" I called out from my office, my voice strained. "Luke!"But there was no response. I knew he was just outside the pack office, yet he pretended not to hear me. Frustration bubbled up inside me, mixing with the ever-present pain.The door creaked open, and Gina, my sister and Luke's mate, stepped inside. "Brother, are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.I kept my face hidden, not wanting her to see the weakness etched upon it. "No, Gina. I'm not okay. Please, you have to get Luke."Gina nodded and left the room, her footsteps echoing as she descended the stairs. I could hear their muffled conversation, Luke feigning ignorance to my calls. Finally, he entered the office, a look of feigned co
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Episode 32
Selena's POV:I woke up in complete darkness, disoriented and confused. My head throbbed and my limbs felt heavy. As I tried to move, I realized I was confined in a small, cramped space. Panic rose in my throat as the memories came flooding back - Zara, Luke, and Mia had brought me here and buried me in this underground prison."Help!" I screamed, my voice hoarse and desperate. "Someone, please help me!"But there was no response, only the echoes of my own cries bouncing off the earthen walls. I was alone, trapped, and helpless.As the hours crawled by, my mind drifted to happier times. I remembered how my father had taken in Mia when she was just a rogue pup, how he had shown her kindness and compassion. Mia and I had become the best of friends, inseparable and loyal.I thought of Nathan, Mia's mate, and how she used to gush about him. "Selena, he's perfect," she would say, her eyes shining with love. "I pray to the moon goddess that you find a mate as wonderful as him someday."But
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Episode 33
Selena's POV:The boat ride with Yarrow was far from pleasant. As a wolf, I had a strong aversion to water transportation, and the constant rocking of the small vessel made my stomach churn. I clung to the sides, my knuckles white, and prayed for the journey to be over soon.After what felt like an eternity, Yarrow tapped me on the shoulder. "Selena, wake up. We've reached the sea port."I opened my eyes, blinking against the bright sunlight. As I stumbled out of the boat, I found myself standing before a massive rock formation that seemed to stretch endlessly in either direction."Is this the Clave?" I asked, my voice hoarse from disuse.Yarrow nodded, his eyes fixed on the towering wall of stone. "Yes, this is the City of the Unknown."I frowned, scanning the barren landscape. "Where do people live here? And are you sure Mia and Luke won't find us?"Yarrow placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Be calm, my dear. You will soon discover your true self."He approached the center of
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Episode 34
Selena's POV:I followed the mysterious woman down a long, winding corridor, my heart pounding with every step. The castle walls seemed to close in around me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped once again. As we entered another room, I was surprised to see a group of young women gathered there, all of them eyeing me with a mixture of curiosity and wariness."Sisters," the woman announced, her voice ringing out in the silence, "this is Selena, the one we have been waiting for."The girls murmured amongst themselves, their gazes locked on me. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling like a specimen under a microscope. But as I looked closer, I realized that there was something different about these women. They had an aura of power around them, a strength that seemed to emanate from within."Selena," the woman continued, "these are your sisters in the Sisterhood of the Moon. Like you, they possess ancient powers that have been passed down through generations."I stared at them, tr
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Episode 35
Selena's POV:After the emotional reunion with my mother, I was escorted to a private room to change into appropriate attire. As I stepped inside, I couldn't help but marvel at the luxurious surroundings. The room was spacious and elegantly decorated, with plush furnishings and intricate tapestries adorning the walls. It was a far cry from the simple life I had known growing up.I took my time exploring the room, running my fingers over the soft fabrics and admiring the delicate embroidery. It was clear that every detail had been carefully chosen to create an atmosphere of opulence and refinement.As I opened the wardrobe, I gasped in delight. Inside was a stunning white garment, crafted from the finest materials. The fabric was soft and silky to the touch, and the design was both elegant and ethereal. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I slipped into the dress, marveling at how perfectly it fit my body.I stood before the full-length mirror, hardly recognizing the woma
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Episode 36
Logan's POV:The aftermath of the attack had left me reeling, both physically and emotionally. The betrayal of my trusted beta, Luke, had cut deeper than any physical wound. I had no choice but to order his imprisonment in the dungeon, a fate that seemed too kind for the treachery he had committed.With a heavy heart, I set about the task of finding a replacement for Luke. It was a daunting prospect, as he had been my right-hand man for longer than I cared to remember. But I couldn't afford to be sentimental, not now. The pack needed a strong leader, someone who could guide them through the challenges that lay ahead.As I sifted through the potential candidates, my mind kept drifting back to Selena. Her absence was like a gaping hole in my heart, a constant ache that refused to be ignored. I knew that I needed to find my second chance mate, someone who could help me regain my strength and connection to my wolf. But the thought of replacing Selena felt like a betrayal in itself.I push
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Episode 36
Logan's POV:As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the pack grounds, I found myself pacing restlessly in my office. The news of Luke's escape had set my nerves on edge, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something even more sinister was lurking just out of sight.I had sent Rafe and his team to scour the territory, but as the hours ticked by with no sign of the traitor, my frustration only grew. How could Luke have slipped away so easily? And more importantly, where was he now?I slammed my fist against the wall, the pain barely registering through the haze of anger and despair that had settled over me. Everything seemed to be falling apart, and I couldn't help but feel like I was failing as an Alpha.A soft knock at the door interrupted my spiraling thoughts, and I turned to see my mother entering the room once again. Her face was pale and drawn, and I could see the worry etched into every line of her face."Logan," she said softly, "there's something yo
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Episode 37
Logan's POV:The battle raged on around me, the clash of claws and fangs filling the air with a cacophony of violence. I fought with everything I had, my muscles burning with exertion as I tore through the horde of vampires that had invaded our pack grounds.But even as I fought, I couldn't shake the image of Selena's face from my mind. The cruel smile, the otherworldly glow in her eyes... it was like looking at a stranger wearing the face of the woman I loved.Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my chest, like a white-hot knife plunging into my heart. I looked down, expecting to see blood, but there was nothing. And yet, the pain only grew, spreading through my body like wildfire.I screamed, my voice raw and ragged with agony. The world around me began to blur, the edges of my vision fading into darkness. I stumbled, my knees buckling beneath me as I fell to the ground.And then, with a gasp, I woke up.I bolted upright, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked around wildly. I was
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Episode 38
Selena's POV:As I stepped into the training arena for the first time, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The Sisterhood had promised to help me unlock my true potential, to teach me how to harness the power that had lain dormant within me for so long. But the thought of actually using that power, of tapping into the ancient magic that flowed through my veins... it was both thrilling and terrifying.The arena was a vast, open space, with high walls and a ceiling that seemed to stretch up into the heavens. The floor was made of smooth, polished stone, and the air hummed with a subtle energy that I could feel tingling against my skin.As I looked around, I saw that I was not alone. A group of young women stood at the far end of the arena, their faces filled with a mixture of determination and apprehension. They were all dressed in simple, flowing robes, their hair pulled back into tight braids or ponytails.One of the women caught my eye, and I felt a sudd
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Episode 38
Selena's POV:I raced through the hallways of the Sisterhood's compound, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to make sense of the conversation I had just overheard. The vampire king was coming, and he wouldn't stop until he had what he wanted. But what could that possibly be? And how did it involve the Sisterhood?As I rounded a corner, I nearly collided with my mother, who was striding down the hallway with a look of grim determination on her face. She grabbed my shoulders, her eyes searching mine with a mixture of concern and urgency."Selena, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "Mom, I overheard something... something about the vampire king. He's coming for the Sisterhood, and he won't stop until he gets what he wants."My mother's eyes widened, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of fear cross her face. But then she shook her head, her expression hardening into one of resolve. "Selena, listen to me. The watch
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