All Chapters of BETRAYED BY MY ALPHA : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Episode 21
Chapter 21Logan's POVToday the big dinner with council and elders of Blood Moon pack. My heart beat fast as I approach hall, Selene by my side. My beautiful mate.The whole pack stand when we enter. They respect me as Alpha, their leader. I give nod to show I see them. Selene walk close, I hold her tight like somebody gonna try take her from me. We sit at head table, Selene to my right. My mama and sister Gina on other side. Luke and Zara next to them, Luke my beta. My mother want me mate with Zara before but Moon Goddess choose Selene for me instead.Elder Raph, he old friend of my father, he signal for me to make speech. I squeeze Selene's hand under table and she smile up at me. Her face give me strength.I stand tall and clear my throat. "Greetings, my fellow pack. It been too long since we gather like this for council meeting."I look around at all my people. "Important for Alpha to share bread with those who guide our great pack. Discuss problems and victories as family."I p
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Episode 22
Chapter 22Zara's POVI stomp out of Logan's office, face burning with shame and fury. That arrogant bastard! How dare he reject me like that after everything I did to seduce him? I seethe as I recall stripping naked right there, putting my perfect body on display just for him. Yet he didn't even spare me a second glance once that...that nobody Selene walked in.My lip curls in disgust at the memory of Logan shamelessly fawning over the unworthy little outcast. Throwing away his chance with me - an Alpha female of impeccable pedigree - all for some disgraced reject from a lesser pack.This insult cannot go unanswered. My hands clench into fists as I stalk toward the packhouse exit. I don't care if he is Alpha. No one treats me with such disrespect and gets away with it.Bursting outside, I barely make it past the tree line before a low growl rumbles behind me. I whirl to see Luke emerge from the shadows, eyes gleaming in the dimness."What's got you so riled, little sis? Trouble with
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Episode 23
Chapter 23 Mia's POVI sit back, drinking in the pungent fumes swirling through Littne's dark ritual chamber. That acrid, swampy stench of dark magics and incantations never fails to fill me with wicked satisfaction these days.A sly smile curves my lips as I recall how gloriously my vengeance against Selene initially unfolded. That naïve little bitch never suspected a thing back when we were supposed "best friends." Made it laughably easy to sabotage her at every turn until she was the one exiled in disgrace instead of me.Of course, my carefully constructed schemes hit a bit of a snag when Selene somehow ended up in the arms of Logan himself - Alpha of the fearsome Blood Moon pack. I sneer at the thought of that arrogant brute and the way he fawned over my castoff trash of an ex-friend.Still, even having that idiot mutt take Selene as his mate shouldn't have posed much issue in the grand scheme. Not if the hex I cast on her wretched former packmate Nathan held true like it was mea
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Episode 24
Chapter 24Mia's POVLittne's gnarled claws rake across the aged parchment almost reverently as she outlines the obscene ritual. "To summon a force capable of countering this...Angelicus threat you speak of, a most profane covenant must be undertaken. One requiring the vital essence of your enemy herself as primer."She fixes me with those hollow pits that pass for eyes. "You must present me with a substantial offering of Selene's blood, hair, anything bearing her life force. Only then can the rite be properly channeled."My brow furrows slightly at the daunting prospect. Selene has been granted sanctuary with the full might of the Blood Moon pack protecting her. Extracting anything from her, let alone some kind of biological sample, won't be easy."And I'm supposed to obtain these...offerings directly from under Logan's watchful eye?" I can't quite disguise the mocking skepticism in my tone. "In case you haven't noticed, that arrogant dog has made it his life's mission to keep his ne
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Episode 25
Chapter 25Mia's POVThe putrid, swampy reek of Littne's lair clings to my clothes like a viscous miasma as I finally emerge, wrinkling my nose in distaste. Honestly, I'll never understand why that twisted old crone insists on dwelling in such repulsive squalor.I pause to draw in several steadying breaths of fresh forest air, allowing the familiar scents of pine and petrichor to chase away the foulness as I re-center myself. My gaze shifts toward the lightening sky just peeking through the canopy overhead, streaks of pre-dawn violet already starting to bleed across the horizon.A cruel smirk twists my lips as I think of the seeds of beautiful, glorious ruination I've planted this long, profane night. Soon enough, everything in that sacred celestial expanse will come to fear the name of the one true Lich Queen ascending.But first, there's the delicate matter of upholding certain...domestic pretenses in the interim, lest I arouse suspicion about my nefarious schemes from any undue cor
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Episode 26
Chapter 26Nathan's POVI wake up with a start, heart pounding. Mia's side of bed is cold and empty. She not here again. I frown, looking around our small den. No sign of her nowhere. Where she go at this hour before sunrise?Worry twist my gut. Mia been acting strange lately, like part of her drift away somewhere I can't follow. I want help her, be good mate, but she not let me in no more.Rustle outside make me tense. Ears perk up, catching familiar bootsteps and sweet herbal scent. Just Mia coming back from one of her lone forest walks. But why she out roaming alone so early, before light even? Not like her to take such risks these days, not after all the troubles that plague us.Making up my mind quick, I tug on clothes and slip out after her trail. Need to understand what troubling her so. If she won't confide, at least I can settle my own fears about how she been lately.I follow her winding path through the dark trees. The quiet only broke by night critters and soft footfal
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Episode 27
Chapter 27 Mia's POVI wake before the sun peek over the trees. Time to set next move in motion. I slip quiet from bed, not want to wake Nathan yet. He make bad actor and I need him blind for now. I grab quill and parchment from my pack sitting by the door.The words flow easy, practiced lies dripping from my pen:"Dear Luke, You surprised to hear from me, but no need. I occupied with pack work Logan don't want to hear. Feel he never let rogues like us get too close now. I think we should meet, talk in person. Just you and me.Mia"I smirk reading it over. Just enough truth sprinkled in to not raise too much suspicion from that half-feral lout.Outside, I hear the cawing cry of the raven Littne send to be my herald. Bony talons scrape at the window shutter as the clever bird waits for its message. I hurry over and gently tie the folded note to its scaly leg. One firm look in those beady black eyes is all it need to screech out a hoarse cry and take wing over the canopy. Off to f
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Episode 28
Chapter 28Mia's POVI lay back on the rumpled furs, feeling Nathan's solid weight shift off me. That was...satisfactory enough, I suppose. He certainly seemed pacified and pliant for the time being after our joining, as usual.Though in truth, the entire ritual of physical intimacy grows more distasteful with each repetition these days. I can't even muster the faintest flickers of arousal or release anymore, simply going through the motions out of pragmatic necessity to maintain control over this pathetic pawn.With a slight frown, I drag myself into a sitting position and survey Nathan's prone, sated form beside me. He's already drifting back toward unconsciousness, chest rising and falling in the steady cadence of meaningless slumber. How utterly oblivious he remains to the cataclysms steadily engulfing his paltry existence.Well, I can't have him getting too complacent just yet. Not when there's still so much delicious discord left to sow before this day is through. One slender ha
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Episode 29
Chapter 29Nathan's POVI woke up early in the morning, expecting to find Mia by my side, but to my surprise, she was nowhere to be found. The empty space beside me felt cold, and a sense of unease crept over me. I recalled our discussion from the previous night about her Luna ceremony, and I couldn't help but wonder if her absence had something to do with it.Pushing aside my concerns, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As the warm water cascaded over my body, my mind raced with thoughts of Mia and her whereabouts. I hoped she wasn't still upset about our disagreement.After my bath, I made my way to the training ground, hoping to clear my mind and focus on my duties as the alpha. As I approached, I spotted Gaza, my trusted beta, already engaged in his training routine."Gaza!" I called out, grabbing his attention.He immediately stopped and bowed his head in respect. "Good morning, Alpha. How can I assist you?"I hesitated for a moment before asking, "Have yo
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Episode 30
Mia's POV:I returned to the Night Fall pack, my heart heavy with worry. As soon as I stepped foot inside the pack's boundaries, I heard the news that made my blood run cold: Nathan was sick. I felt my face crumble, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I raced towards the pack hospital, my feet carrying me as fast as they could.Bursting through the doors, I saw Nathan lying on a bed, looking pale and weak. I rushed to his side, my heart pounding in my chest."Nathan!" I cried out, my voice filled with anguish. I turned to Gaza, who was standing nearby, his face etched with concern. "What happened?"Gaza shook his head sadly. "He went out looking for you and collapsed. We brought him here as quickly as we could."I fell to my knees beside Nathan's bed, clasping his hand in mine. Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with the moon goddess to spare my mate. "Please, please don't take him from me," I begged, my voice barely above a whisper.As I wept, a single tear fell from my
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