All Chapters of The Alpha's Mistake-Reclaiming His Love : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter 31
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POV"Morra?" I spoke. As soon as I saw it was her, I stood up. She dusted herself and got up as well. "You seriously have no chill" she said in a mocking tone "You're acting like someone wants to kill you" I took her arms and looked at them. I had pinned her down hard. I was surprised that she didn't have any injuries. "Are you hurt?" I asked her. "Not really. My body just hurts a little" "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you" She shrugged "It's fine" I looked at her in disbelief. What was she doing here? She doesn't live in this pack. I dropped her off at a village nearby. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. Morra smiled sheepishly "I-I wasn't following you, if that's what you're implying," her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I actually came here looking for you" I raised an eyebrow "Looking for me? Why?" "I - I just wanted to see you again. I mean, you saved my life. I was wondering if you lived around. I guessed I should come to this pack to start
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Chapter 32
LORRAINE'S POVTo my surprise, the person at the door wasn't Neil. It was Oscar. Oscar stood there with his usual positive aura and a smile plastered on his face. The sight of him never failed to warm my heart. He just had this father-like kind of energy. "Oscar" I said happily "What a pleasant surprise"He smiled "Hello Lorraine. May I come in?""Do you even have to ask? Of course"I closed the door behind him when he stepped in. It had been a while since I saw Oscar. I was glad to see him."Hi boys" Oscar said to Alex and Aiden."Uncle Oscar!" they both chorused.They jumped from the couch and rushed to hug him. Oscar laughed heartily. He carried them up one by one and threw them in the air."Ow" Oscar said "You're getting too big. Very soon this old man won't be able to carry you"Alex and Aiden were both happy to see him. They jumped excitedly. Oscar handed them two gift bags, one for each of them."Say thank you" I told them.They hugged him "Thank you"They took the bags and we
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Chapter 33
LORRAINE'S POVOn our way home, Neil tuned the radio several times, searching for some music. "Why don't you just play from your phone?" I asked him "You could connect your phone" "Shh! There's something timeless about using the radio" I rolled my eyes with a smile "Weirdo" "Look who's talking" I gasped "I'm not weird" Neil smiled at me "You are, in a cute way" I playfully punched his arm. He chuckled. He finally settled on a channel. Backstreet boys blasted through the speakers. "You are my fire!" Neil sang "The one desire. Believe when I say! I want it that way!" I laughed loudly. Neil was so off key. "You're lucky you can fight" I said "Imagine you couldn't do anything and music was your last option. You'd flop so hard" "You're interrupting! Tell me why! It ain't nothing but a heart break" I couldn't help but sing along "Tell me why!""It ain't nothing but a mistake. Oh tell me why" I put my hand under his mouth, using it as a fake microphone. He sang into it. "I neve
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Chapter 34
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVYaz and I held a private meeting in my room. Oscar stood behind me, in the corner of the room. Yaz and I talked about the security of the pack and how to strengthen it more. "What updates do you have for me on pack security?" I asked him. Yaz straightened in his seat. "I've been reviewed our perimeter patrols and guard rotations. I believe we need to increase our presence along the northern border. There have been rumors of mountain rogues encroaching on our territory."I had heard the rumors of rogues going from pack to pack to cause destruction. They were getting bolder and stronger each day especially the ones in this country. The rogues would go to some packs and destroy it just for the fun of it. The men would assault the women, take some of the members as slaves and set the villages on fire. When I heard these rumors, I wasn't too bothered. I had one of the best pack of warriors. My security was tight. But the pack members were worried. They wanted to see us
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Chapter 35
I almost jumped out of bed when I saw Neil. He was seated beside me on the bed. His gorgeous brown eyes stared back at me intensely. I could see the concern in his expression. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of him. I still felt embarrassed. I acted as if I was sick just to avoid him. Yet here he was, right in front of me. "Hi Lorraine" he said. The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. I loved the way he said it. I wanted to hear him say it all the time. "Hi Neil" my voice was barely a whisper as I said this. He looked even more concerned "Lorraine, are you okay?" he asked me. I quickly tried to compose myself, smoothing down the wrinkles in my bedsheets. I sat up straighter. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said "I don't mean to be rude but why are you here? I wasn't expecting you" "I wasn't expecting to come here either but at training today, I didn't see you. I asked around but nobody seemed to know where you were. I was worried so I came looking for you. Becca told me
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Chapter 36
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVMost times when I sleep, I see Lorraine in my dreams. I try not to think about her but even at that, she appears to me. Tonight, I had a dream about her again. I stood on a mountain at night. Everywhere was pitch black. Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet started to crack slowly. In the distance, I could see her, Lorraine. She stood in a swirling mist. Her body was covered by shadows but I could still see her. For some reason, the sight of her sent shivers down my spine. I tried to reach out to her, to call out her name, but my voice was lost."Lorraine" I called. No sound came out. I tried again but it was the same result. I walked closer to her, hoping to reach her. Lorraine turned her face to me. Her eyes were empty and hollow. She had an expression I couldn't read. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. The sound was swallowed by the darkness that surrounded her. I opened my eyes. I found myself at the edge of the cliff. I had come here to think and clear my
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Chapter 37
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVAfter my talk with Molly, I decided to head to my chambers to sleep. I laid in my bed for what felt like an eternity but I couldn't sleep. I was exhausted yet my wolf wouldn't let me sleep. I was restless. My wolf hasn't behaved this way before. He tossed and turned inside me, making me unable to close my eyes for even a minute. What is going on? The only reason my wolf could be doing this is if he senses something. Previously, I had a feeling that I was being watched. Was I just being paranoid? I closed my eyes firmly, willing sleep to come to me by force. My wolf grew more agitated by the second. Its senses were on high alert. I didn't understand why he acted this was. Was it because of Morra? Even as I laid in bed, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It felt as if someone was in the shadows waiting for me to let my guard down so he could strike. Every little sound the crickets made, every rustle of the curtains, every footstep I heard outside made m
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Chapter 38
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVThe next day, a burial was held for Hans. He was the head guard of my palace and he deserved a befitting burial. His death hurt me deeply. I couldn't help but feel like part of it was my fault. That night, I should have done something. We should have patrolled the grounds till dawn. Maybe if I had done that, he would still be alive. Hans was always there when I needed him. He fought selflessly for this pack. He would be missed. I took it upon me to take care of his family personally. I wouldn't let his kid or mom suffer. I would take care of all their expenses. I stood in front of the crowd the high priest recited the ceremonial rites. Sounds of sobs filled the air. We were all dressed in black. The skies were grey, threatening to rain. The colour of the sky matched the mood of the people. His death was felt by all the pack members. He would be missed dearly. The burial procession was done by the other guards. Together, four of his closest friends carried his cask
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Chapter 39
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVI sat behind my desk, fuming with anger as I thought of everything. I couldn't believe Molly was behind everything. But how? How could someone as fragile as Molly take down three of my best men? "Do you really think Molly could be the one behind this?" Yaz asked. "Why do you doubt it?" Morra asked from beside me "Why would Wes lie?" "The men who are dead are three times Molly's size. How on earth could she kill them?" "She could have had help. The biggest mistake you men make is to underestimate a woman. Why do you think few female serial killers are caught? You think they don't exist?" "You should see where I'm coming from. I don't want us to pin this on the wrong person" "But Wes told you that he saw a purple crest. The only person who wears that is the Luna" "What if Wes was mistaken? Or what if someone wore that to impersonate Molly? This could be a trap or a decoy. If we arrest the wrong person, we're giving the killer more time to roam free. You have to
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Chapter 40
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POV I walked through the forest deep in thought. I recalled the conversation I had with Morra last night. For the first time since I met her, Morra's story seemed doubtful. I don't know why I think she's hiding something. I didn't have that feeling when I met her. Lately, my wolf has been restless and suspicious of someone. Could Yaz and Oscar be right? Could she be a spy? Once again, I thought about the circumstances surrounding our meeting. I believed it was a pure coincidence. But what if it wasn't? There could be an insider in the pack who tracked my every movement. Maybe she knew I would come to the cliff that night. My mind was a mess. I hoped I hadn't made a mistake by taking Morra in. I didn't even think it through. I felt so sorry for her that I let her into the palace without even thinking about it thoroughly. She looked harmless. My mind buzzed with all sorts of questions. I decided to come to the forest and check the cabin. Maybe I would get a clue of
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