All Chapters of The Alpha's Mistake-Reclaiming His Love : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
102 Chapters
Chapter 41
LORRAINE'S POV Rose and I made our way back into the village. I remained quiet throughout. My mind was in a mess of thoughts. I recalled everything that I saw when we got to the border. The girl smiled at me in a creepy way. It wasn't just the smile that irked me. It was the way she looked at me, as if she knew me, or as if she wanted to cause havoc. Before she did that, she looked like an innocent young girl who could do no harm. But as soon as I saw the smile on her face, I started to think otherwise. Maybe she really was a threat. Did I make a mistake by telling Rose to release her? What if she comes back to cause more trouble? Speaking of coming back, I hadn't forgotten the words she mouthed. "I'll be back". What did she mean by that? Who is that girl really? Hundreds of questions filled my mind as I tried to figure out what the hell happened back there. I could feel Rose stare at me in concern. "Lorraine, what's wrong?" Rose asked me. "You've been awfully quiet since we
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Chapter 42
LORRAINE'S POV Later that night, Neil came to pick me up at 7. Before then, I asked Becca if she could watch the kids and she excitedly said yes. She was happy that I had met someone new and was finally going out. Becca had always forced me to go out more but I always refused. I didn't have time nor the zeal for that. Usually, I go to work and come straight home. I didn't bother about a social life because I wanted to focus on my boys plus, with everything that happened to me in the past, I didn't want any attention from anyone. My boys were more than enough for me. Neil and I drove to his house. Presently, we were in his kitchen. His kitchen was filled with sounds of music and the scent of spices. He was cooking pasta for us. I sat on the island, kicking my legs in the air as I took a sip of my wine. I swayed to the song that played. It was easy to let myself loose around Neil. He was just.... I don't know.... Like a breath of fresh air. I watched as Neil moved gracefully around
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Chapter 43
LORRAINE'S POVI couldn't believe my ears. Neil had a girlfriend? Well, from her words, it sounds like they weren't together anymore.I stood still, trying to listen to what they said. Neil spoke in hushed tones. I could have used my senses to hear him but in that moment, I decided it wasn't worth it. Even though they might not be dating anymore, the lady clearly had feelings for him. And from the look of things, they had unfinished business together. I didn't want to get mixed up in this drama or any sort of drama at all.I would talk to Neil tomorrow. But for now, I wanted to pack my things and go home. Hopefully, everything will blow over by tomorrow. Neil and his guest need privacy to discuss and I wanted to give them just that. Neil better have a good explanation for all of this.I started packing my things into my bag. I looked around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything. I had just finished packing when I heard the lady say something that shocked me to my core."You can be
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Chapter 44
LORRAINE'S POVThe next day, Wes and Oscar came to visit. The kids had gone to school and Becca had gone to get some things from the supermarket, leaving the three of us alone. We settled on the couch and drank some hot tea that I made. I was grateful for their presence. If they weren't here, I would have still been dwelling on the events that happened last night. At least, I could be a bit distracted with their conversations. Surprisingly, I found myself facing a conversation I never thought I'd have: talking about the possibility that my best friend, Molly, could be a murderer."Molly?" I shrieked in surprise "No way. Why would you say that?" The first thing Wes told me was that Molly had been arrested and suspected for murder. I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible. I've known Molly since we were kids. She was the closest friend I had. She couldn't hurt a fly. "It's chaos out there, Lorraine," he said People are scared dying. The pack members are scared. We're all confused...
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Chapter 45
LORRAINE'S POVI looked at the door, not knowing how to feel or what to do. I recalled the words of the woman. She sounded so sure and so angry. She sounded like Neil actually abandoned his kids yet here Neil is, telling me that it isn't true. My thoughts were conflicted.Could the woman be lying? After all, Rose did say she wasn't aware that Neil had a family. If he really did have one, I believe Rose would be one of the people to know. She wouldn't lie to me. She told me that Neil was a good man and I trusted her judgement. She had a gift for being right about people."She's crazy, I swear" Neil said "I sent her back to the hospital she escaped from. I have no idea how she got out but I swear to you, she won't bother us again. Before I and her family took the decision to get her treatment, she had a series of manic episodes. Something went wrong with her. Don't believe her, Lorraine. She doesn't know what she's saying"I looked at Oscar "What should I do?" Oscar touched my hand "Yo
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Chapter 46
LORRAINE'S POVI stared at the empty entrance in shock. There was no one there. The girl was gone. For a second, I wondered if everything was in my imagination. I was sure of what happened. The girl chased me all the way to the house then disappeared like nothing happened. I had a feeling that Rose wouldn't believe me.Rose closed the door then turned to me with a concerned expression."Lorraine dear" she said cautiously "Are you okay?"I took deep breaths. If I get my hands on that girl, I'll snap her neck. She's been messing with my head from day one and I don't know why. I didn't do anything to her. I even begged for her to be release. Why did she decide to play games with me? Why did she want to hurt me? I was scared for myself and for my sons. She could still be out there somewhere. She wanted to harm me. She might even try to break in later.I looked at Aiden and Alex "Go ahead and watch TV, my darlings""Okay mummy" they choruses.They ran along to the couch to continue watchi
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Chapter 47
LORRAINE'S POVI ran towards the sound which led into the woods. "Aiden!" I screamed. My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I ran. I prayed to the moon goddess that Aiden was alright. The forest got darker as I made my way in. "Aiden" I called out again.I stumbled over a few fallen branches but I didn't let that stop me. Then, in a clearing ahead, I saw him. My precious Aiden. He was lying face down on the forest floor. His hand and leg was bound together with a rope. I gasped in surprise as I saw him. "Aiden!" I criedI rushed to him and knelt beside him. I quickly cut the rope with my claws, setting him free. He gasped in relief. I could see the terror in his eyes. He must have been so scared. Who could have taken my boy? Why did they do this? My first suspect was that girl who tried to kill me. "Mummy" his voice said. He sounded afraid. I looked around to see if I would catch a sight of the kidnapper. The forest was quiet. The person who had tried to take him must have fle
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Chapter 48
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVThe next day, the Council members decided to come to my board room for an impromptu meeting along with Esther. I was surprised to see her here. She had a sly smirk on her face. I knew that look. She was up to something. Something fishy was going on. Esther was only pelresent in situations where she knew it would benefit her. "What is the purpose of this meeting?" I inquired. Councilor Elara spoke up "Alpha Kylian, it has come to our attention that your leadership is being questioned."My fists clenched at her words. I fucking knew it. I had a feeling that this was what this meeting would be about. No matter how hard I tried, no matter what I accomplished, it would never be good enough for the council. They would always find a way to want to overthrow me, the slightest chance they got."What do you mean?" I asked. Esther spoke up "Kylian. Without a mate by your side, our future is uncertain."I banged my fist on the table "You will address me as Alpha! You along w
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Chapter 49
MORRA'S POVI made my way into the cell with a smile on my face and satisfaction in my heart. Earlier, I escorted Alpha Kylian out of the cell and made sure he was in his office before coming here. I just wanted to see Molly for the fun of it. I wanted to see the almighty Luna on her knees. I was probably the happiest person in the pack to see Molly come off her high horse. She was always so arrogant, thinking she could step on anyone without consequences, all because she was queen. I passed through the rows of prisoners, whistling as I walked. I walked down the corridor until I got to her cell. Molly sat hunched in a corner. I could hear the sounds of her sobs. Her long dark hair covered her whole face as she cried. I could see that her whole body was covered in dirt. It was kind of weird to see her like this. I was used to seeing her all dressed up. She never went anywhere without her crown. Where's her crown now? "Molly," I said. She stopped crying as soon as she heard my voice
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Chapter 50
THIRD PERSON'S POVOne of the prison guards, Damon, made his usual rounds through the cell. He did this everyday to make sure the prisoners were in check and that there were no problems. His footsteps echoed through the corridors. On his way back, a loud banging sound shattered the silence, "What in the world?" Damon muttered to himself. His senses on high alert. He prepared himself for anything bad that would happen. Maybe one of the prisoners was trying to escape. Without hesitation, he hurried towards the source of the noise. His hand tightened around the gun at his waist. Every instinct told him that something was wrong. As he rounded the corner, his eyes fell upon a fallen piece of wood, lying on the ground. He looked at the wood in confusion. He knelt down to examine the scene, searching for any clue that could tell him what had caused the noise. But there was nothing, just the fallen wood and the silence that surrounded it."What's going on?" a voice called out, snapping Dam
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