All Chapters of The Alpha's Mistake-Reclaiming His Love : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
102 Chapters
Chapter 51
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVThe Council members and I sat in the board room for a meeting. They had come to talk about Molly's case and the fact that I needed a Luna. I saw this meeting as an avenue to tell them that Morra will be filling in. I hadn't mentioned it to them yet. "Alpha Kylian," one of them began "Is there any news? What choice have you made regarding Molly and her position as Luna?" My jaw clenched at the mention of her name. I still couldn't believe that Molly had chosen to betray us. The fact that she tried to escape sealed my suspicions. She acted like she was guilty. "As you are well aware," the elder continued, "Molly's actions have left a void in our pack's leadership. With her absence, it falls upon us to choose a new Luna. If you can't, we will have to give your throne over to Cole."I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I knew all these things already. There was no need to rub it in my face. "I propose that Morra fill in as Luna," I announced. The room was filled with
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Chapter 52
LORRAINE'S POVThe past week has been a blur of events. A lot has been happening in the village. Earlier this week, we got news that there will be a drought this year which means we'll have a shortage of food. In order to solve this, Neil and some other men travelled to a pack that was willing to help us with large portions of food, to get supplies that could help us.Rose has been sick for some days now. We don't know the cause of the illness. She's been staying with us for the time being because it's not safe for her to stay alone. I was more than happy to help her. A doctor came over to our home to examine her. Still, he couldn't find anything physically wrong with her. He advised that she should get enough rest and that he would come back to check on her.Aiden hasn't said a word since the incident that happened at the park. He wasn't his usual cheerful self. He would sit down most times and stare into space. He didn't have the will to play with his brother or anyone which was ver
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Chapter 53
LORRAINE'S POVI tried to get more information our of Oscar but he seemed too scared to say more. He insisted that we had to leave. I didn't want to. It wasn't so easy to just pack up and leave but for the sake of my children, I would do anything. Instantly, I got to work. I went to my room and packed all my things into two suitcases. I took everything I needed - clothes, toiletries, my necessary documents and other things that I needed. I packed anything that could fit into my suitcases. I couldn't fight the ache in my heart. I wasn't happy about this. I really wished there was an alternative. I had been in this house for four years. It had become my home. It was a safe space for me and my sons. It was a place I turned to after I was cast out by my pack. Tears filled my eyes as I packed my things. Poor Aiden. He must be so traumatized. Only the moon goddess knows what the witch must have done to him in the forest. I'll do my best to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to my chi
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Chapter 54
LORRAINE'S POVThe car ride felt endless. We travelled for what felt like hours. The sun had already started to set by now. "Mummy" Alex cried "I'm hungry" "Sorry honey. We'll get there soon" I was in such a hurry that I forgot to pack the snacks we had in the fridge. "We'll look for food when we get there, boys" Oscar said "Hang in there" I couldn't help but notice the worried look on Oscar's face as we drove. I had never seen him look this scared before. Hours passed by. Becca held the boys in her arms as the three of them slept off. I was too worried to sleep. I prayed that the place Oscar was taking us would be safe enough for the kids to hide. I texted Neil as the car moved. I told him what had happened. He insisted on coming to see us so I put on my location. That way, he would be able to trace us. I did this since I wasn't sure of where we were going. .Finally, the car came to a stop. It was night time already. "We're here" Oscar said.I reached for the back and tapped
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Chapter 55
LORRAINE'S POVLife in the bunker had become our new reality. It involved a life of darkness and constant vigilance. We couldn't let our guard down ever. Oscar told me the witch had come looking for Aiden. I thought of moving somewhere else but we had nowhere else to go. Oscar told me that staying here is still the safest option. We had been here for close to a week now. Every day was a journey for survival. The boys were getting used to it slowly. Life here wasn't too comfortable but I was grateful to Oscar for his help. Living here without amenities we were all used to was a challenge especially with two kids. However, Becca had been of great help to us. "Mommy, when can we go back home?" Alex asked me.We were laying down in my room. Ever since we got here, they refused to sleep alone. I didn't blame them. It would take some getting used to before they could finally be comfortable. I pulled him and Aiden close. They snuggled closer to me. "Soon, my loves," I whispered. My voice
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Chapter 56
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVI looked at Morra in shock. What the hell is going on? Elder Thorne was right. That mark did belong to a terrorist group. I remember my father telling me about them. I recognized the symbol. It belonged to "The Shadow Legion". I remembered the masked man I saw previously. I saw him in the woods the day I went back to Morra's cabin. I dismissed it as my imagination but now, I knew it wasn't. It wasn't just a coincidence either. Morra had been working with them from the start. The mask the man wore belonged to The Shadow Legion group as well. I felt so disappointed in myself. I let a terrorist into my pack, into my palace. Yaz and Oscar tried to warn me. They knew something was wrong with her. I was too blinded by sympathy. The fact that she reminded me of Lorraine blinded my senses too. I refused to see reason with them. Even Molly tried to warn me. I should have done my research on her before letting her in but I didn't. How could I be so foolish? This was Morra's
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Chapter 57
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVThe more I looked at Morra, the more aggravated I got. Fury pumped in my veins. At this point, I started to see red. How could Morra do this to me? How dare she claim my throne? I would defend the crown for as long as I lived. I am king and I'll be damned if I let anyone take that title away from me. I had been nothing but kind to her. I took her in, believing she had nobody else to turn to. I didn't know this was all part of her plan. How could she betray me like this? After everything I had done for her. I'll kill Morra myself, with my bare hands. I lunged at her. Surprisingly, I wasn't able to move. I tried again. For some reason, I remained frozen in place. What's going on? Morra laughed "I knew you would try to do that"I reached out for her again. My muscles were locked. It was as if an invisible force held me captive. "It's no use, Kykain" Morra said "You're stressing yourself over nothing"."What are you doing to me?" I gritted my teeth in frustration.
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Chapter 58
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVI sat there in the dark room, closing my eyes. It felt as if the walls were closing in around me. Due to how dark it was, I had lost all track of time. I had no idea how long I had been here. I wasn't used to being locked up or being uncomfortable. I was a fucking Alpha. I was used to having everything I wanted. While I stayed in this room, Lorraine's face haunted me. I imagined her being locked up in that dark cell. It must have been so hard for her. Now that I'm going through the same thing, I understand how she must have felt. She must have been so scared. She shouldn't have been in a place like that. She was too beautiful to be punished that way. But my anger didn't let me think it through. Her face haunted me everyday. Being in this room, I had enough time to think. I saw her face everywhere, every time I opened my eyes and every time I closed them. The thought of her kept me company. It helped me pass time. I thought of us together, imagining how life would
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Chapter 59
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVThe hours stretched endlessly. I had no idea how long I had been in here. It could have been days or a month even. I didn't care anymore. All I could think about was Lorraine. Her image remained vivid in my mind. The memory of her smile, her touch, it's all I have left to hold onto in this dark place.My wolf stirred restlessly within me. I could feel an ache pulsing through my veins. My mind wasn't at rest. I felt uneasy and it's not just because of the state of the pack. My wolf called out to Lorraine. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I can feel his longing, his desperation to find her, to reunite with our mate. It was a bit surprising to me. I rejected her. Our mate bond is supposed to be broken. I'm supposed to have forgotten about her. Why does it feel like our bond is still strong? Why can't I forget her? My heart ached for her. Sadly, I had to tell myself the truth. There was no hope of finding her. I didn't know where she was. I would have asked Wes but
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Chapter 60
LORRAINE'S POVI patted Aiden and Alex's body with a damp towel. Their bodies were heating up. They've had a bad fever for a few days now. Their temperatures were high yet they were shaking and complaining about how cold they were. I was worried. I didn't want anything bad to happen to them. What can I do? We were cut off from civilization. The bunker was hidden deep in the forest. Even if I wanted to go to a city to look for a pharmacy, it would take me close to a day to get out of this forest. Panic gripped me tightly. I could see that my boys were suffering and I hated it. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. "Mommy" Aiden muttered, shivering "It's so cold" I touched his body again. It was heated. What could be the problem? "It could be the change of environment" Becca said from behind me. I turned to her "Are you sure? They've been settling in quite well" "It's possible. Children take time to get used to another environment after being in another place for so long" I sighed "I just
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