All Chapters of The Alpha's Mistake-Reclaiming His Love : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
101 Chapters
Chapter 81
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVAs Molly broke down in tears in front of me, my heart clenched in my chest. She had lost her child. I knew that our loss would hurt her deeply. I stared at her, not knowing what to do. I wanted to comfort her but I didn't know how to. She would most likely just push me away. Her cries got even louder. Her body shook with her sobs. I could see veins pop out of her forehead. The sight of her heartbroken hurt me more and more. It was my child too. The situation hurt me more than I cared to admit. I couldn't bear to see her like this, all broken. I knew it wasn't my fault but I felt like it was. I wished there was something I could have done to prevent this. I walked closer to her and touched her shoulder, hoping to be able to offer some comfort. I wasn't good at this. I didn't know what to do at a time like this. I usually dealt with my pain alone. I never let myself get vulnerable with anyone. "Molly...." I began. She pushed my hand away from her. She looked at m
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Chapter 82
LORRAINE'S POVI laid on my bed, my real bed, back in the village. As I laid there, I thought of everything that had happened. A lot had happened since the ordeal with the witch. Luckily, we were able to go back home. The witch promised to never bother us again. She even apologized. I understood where she was coming from. She was just looking for her son. Any mother would do the same thing. After she ensured that Becca was killed, she took her son and vanished. The room was quiet, to the point where I could hear the sound of my own breathing. When we got back, we heard that Rose was in the hospital. I visited Rose yesterday. She told me that Becca came to see her. That wasn't even the bad part. She also told me that Becca hit her repeatedly. Due to how sick she was, her wolf wasn't able to heal her properly. That's why she had to go to the hospital. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out my thoughts. The memories of everything that happened haunted me. Every time I closed my eyes, I
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Chapter 83
LORRAINE'S POV It had been over a week since the events occurred. I did my best to move on with my life. I even applied for a new job which I got. I couldn't stay in my house, letting myself get more and more depressed. I needed to be able to provide for my boys. The minutes stretched into hours and the hours stretched into more days. As the days went by, I felt empty. And it just wasn't because of the events that happened. I felt a throbbing ache in my chest that I hadn't felt in a long time. Day by day, the emptiness inside me seemed to grow deeper. It was a hollow ache. I felt a lonely sensation that refused to go away. My wolf became restless. She yearned for her mate. Every single time I told her to shut the hell up. Our mate rejected us. I had no idea why she was still pining for him. The bond is supposed to be broken due to the rejection. Surprisingly, I could still feel a connection that I couldn't explain. What the hell was wrong with me? It had been four years since I
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Chapter 84
LORRAINE'S POVI frowned at him "What the hell are you doing?" I never expected to see Neil standing outside my door, especially not holding gifts. Was this some kind of joke? His smile faltered a little.."Lorraine," he began, "I... I heard it was your birthday. I thought I'd bring you these. I'm sorry for coming late. I knew you would be at work so I thought I'd come by in the evening when you'd be back."Today was my birthday? I thought of the date in my head. He was right. It really was today. Ever since Kylian banished me from the pack, I pushed my birthday to the back of my mind. I never wanted to celebrate it again. My birthday was the beginning of everything that went wrong in my life. I hadn't celebrated it in four years. Neil handed me a lovely gift bag and a bouquet of flowers. I took them from him. My mind raced with so many thoughts. How did he know? I hadn't mentioned it to anyone, not even to other people in the pack. I didn't even remember it in the first place. I
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Chapter 85
LORRAINE'S POVThe man pointed at me, implying that I was the one who did it. Implying is an understatement. The man was practically accusing me at this point. I stared at him in shock. I couldn't believe it. Was this a joke? I had never stolen a thing in my entire life. His words weren't true at all. I served him yesterday like any other regular customer but that was it. After I gave him his food, I left him and went to the next customer. I didn't take anything from him. He stared at me with annoyance in his eyes. Everyone here knew who this man was. He was a regular customer. He ate at our restaurant almost every day since I started working here. What made him think I stole his money? "You!" he sneered at me "You stole from me!" I was dumbfounded, to say the least. My mind couldn't even understand what was happening. How could he accuse me of stealing? He must be mistaken. "I think there's a misunderstanding, sir" I managed to say. He walked closer to me "A misunderstanding? A
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Chapter 86
LORRAINE'S POVThe night was filled with so many fun moments. We played drinking games at the bar. I didn't take too many shots before I started to get Tipsy. When we were done playing games, we rushed to the dance floor to dance. I was too drunk to care about my moves. Jollie and I danced wherever the music carried us. I swayed my body to the beat, laughing almost every minute. I spun around, not caring who was behind or around me.After what felt like hours in the bar, we decided it was time to go home. The music still echoed in my ears as I stumbled out of the bar. Jollie had to link our arms together to stop me from falling. We both wobbled on our heels, giggling like teenagers. "Lorraine, you were amazing on the dance floor tonight!" Jollie slurred. I could tell she was drunk too. I laughed "You weren't so bad yourself. We really tore up that dance floor!"The rest of our colleagues trailed behind us. Everyone was in high spirits. We were all either Tipsy or really drunk. There
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Chapter 86
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVAs soon as I heard Yaz say that, I rushed to the palace library. That was the place I last saw her not too long ago. I guessed that was the place she tried to commit suicide. As I walked there, so many questions filled my mind. Why did she do this? What was wrong with her? Was it because of the virus? I didn't understand what was going on. The little girl was strange. She refused to talk to anyone so it was impossible for anybody to know what was going on in her head..When I got to the library, I caught sight of a small crowd. Some of the guards had gathered round to see what was happening. I saw a nurse place Isabella on a stretcher. Her eyes were closed and she was bleeding in her stomach area. They quickly administered some first aid actions before carrying her out of the library. I looked at her in disbelief. Yaz walked over to me. "Kylian," he said "It's bad. She stabbed herself.""Who found her?" "One of the guards. He heard her scream. When he came in, h
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Chapter 87
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVWhen the coffin was brought up, we searched for any clues of Emma. Even though it was empty, I was certain that we would see something that could lead us to her. Inside, I saw a tooth - just one piece. I looked at it. It looked old. It didn't look like it belonged to the young girl in that picture. Emma seemed too young to have this kind of tooth. This tooth looked weathered and decayed... Like it belonged to an old werewolf. Could this have belonged to her? Or was this for someone else? The more we dived into this case, the more confusing it became. Everything about this situation was confusing - the virus, Isabella's nature, the fact that Emma might not really be dead. It was all overwhelming and my head was starting to spin. I never once envisaged that the virus that threatened to destroy my pack would somehow be linked to the fake murder of a little girl. How was that even possible? Why did Emma fake her death? Had someone kidnapped her? I had so many question
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Chapter 88
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVI looked at the mansion in surprise. The drawing of the tooth matched the tooth we found perfectly. What could this mean? "That's weird" Yaz muttered. "Tell me about it" I looked at the tooth in my hand and back at the drawing on the mansion, just to make sure I was seeing the right thing. They looked like a perfect match. The mansion was obviously a sign. We had to go inside. Maybe we could find someone who could help us inside. "Let's move" I said. "What if they attack us?" Wes questioned. "Then we fight""Are you crazy?" Yaz shrieked "Do you want to start a war with the rogues?" "We'll find a way to settle amicably. We'll tell them that we're not here for war. They might listen to us" "Since when have the rogues ever listened?" "Are you coming with me or not? We don't have time to stay out here arguing. Let's go. That's an order" We walked towards the mansion. The mansion was huge, surrounded by tall gates. Surprisingly, the gates were opened so we walk
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Chapter 89
ALPHA KYLIAN'S POVEmma and I looked at each other intensely. Her chest heaved up and down as she breathed heavily. She looked like she was ready to kill us. I had to be diplomatic about this"Emma, listen to me," I said calmly "We didn't come here to fight or to harm your wolves. We came here because of Isabella."At the mention of her sister's name, Emma's expression shifted, if only slightly but her face became hard again. She quickly masked her emotion with a hard glare. "Isabella?" she spat "Why would you bring her into this? You're annoying me even more""You have no idea what's going on. She needs you," I said "She wants to see you. She—" But before I could finish, Emma cut me off with a harsh laugh. "You expect me to believe that? After all this time, you think you can just waltz in here and mention my sister to manipulate me?""That's not it," I insisted, taking another step forward. The wolves around her growled, but Emma held up a hand, and they subsided. "Isabella attem
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