All Chapters of THE PRODIGAL BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
63 Chapters
Chapter 31
He sighed and I saw him roll his eyes through the rear view mirror. I almost burst into laughter but decided to put him out of his misery. "You know the Renard Dynasty building. That's where you need to take me." "Buckle up." I would have preferred a quiet ride but then started playing some old times music that I didn't utterly hate. "The classics, better than the ear infections they play today," he said. "That's a new one," I said through a chuckle. Never before had I heard music referred to as an ear infection. Another thing to log into my mental diary. "What, ear infection? That's all there is these days. All of them singing about drugs and guns and women. Nothing of substance," he lamented, shaking his head. Music was never really my things so I didn't have much to say on the subject. "There are some good songs out there though. It's not all filth." He glanced at me through the rear view mirror. Seeing only his eyes made me feel like he was judging me for saying t
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Chapter 32
By the time we got to the event centre, I was fully convinced the oldies had way better music. My driver, Grant, had recommended a bunch of albums for me to listen to to properly experience the essence of ideal music, as he put it.He wound down the passenger window when I got out. “Thanks, Grant. I'll definitely listen to those albums.”“You should. Will be the greatest thing you ever hear. Alright, bye Remi.”I waved as I watched him pull off. Such a great guy, I thought.“Friend of yours?”I nearly jumped out of my skin hearing a voice that sounded like it came from inside my head.“You look like you've seen the ghost,” Jesse said, smirking “I wonder why, Jesse. What are you doing here?”“I was assigned to be your butler basically. You look… nice by the way.”His gaze drifted down my body, unashamedly taking in my entire figure. Any other person and I would have been offended. I placed a hand on my waist and struck a sensual pose. “Wait till you see what's underneath.”He sucked
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Chapter 33
No, no, no. Not today. Any day but today.I was still frozen but Jesse's hand on the small of my back brought me back to consciousness. “Go ahead. The stage is right around that corner.”My legs moved swiftly on their own. My mind was clouded over with racing thoughts and emotions.What the hell was my bastard ex-husband doing here? And how did he know Jesse? I thanked whoever was watching over me that he didn't see me. I didn't know how, nor was I ready to deal with whatever drama came with it. But he was here. I would have to deal with him eventually. Was Celia here too? His new wife? Oh god, why today? Why couldn't I have bumped into him at the mall or something?Standing outside the stage entrance, my heart was pounding against my ribcage. I felt like running. Stop spiralling, I shouted in my head. I took a deep breath to clear my mind. What was I scared of? Oscar? Celia?What could they do to me? Nothing. It was the shock. The last time I saw him was when I was dragged out o
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Chapter 34
What was the deal with these people and hugs? I was trapped. I couldn't stop her or push her off me lest I damaged my public opinion. I didn't know what to do, only that I didn't want a hug from Debbie.I'd rather have stuck needles into my eyes. She missed me? What a joke.“The board will leave any second now, we need to get there,” Tristan whispered. “Miss.” He stepped in front of me and extended his hand.Debbie's face contorted into an unreadable emotion that almost made me burst out laughing.She begrudgingly took his hand. “I'm just trying to say hello to my friend, sir,” she said in a sickly sweet voice.“You'll need to put that off a little longer as she's on a schedule.” Tristan guided her aside and we went on our way.I didn't need to look at her face to know she was probably pulling her hair out of her scalp. Little did I know, the worst was yet to come.“There'll be more of those,” Tristan whispered as we marched down the aisle. “Just smile and wave.”One second, our path
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Chapter 35
“You better not do anything foolish,” dad growled ad he pushed me and mom back into the rounge. “Lock the door and don't open for anyone,” he yelled at us.My heart was pounding. What the hell? How did things get to this? Was this going to be a common occurrence?“You! I worked for you for years. Profitable years but you let your brat come in and toss me aside.”“Watch your damn mouth, you damn weasel!” Dad growled at Mosley. “Remi, come on. You're my last hope,” Debbie whined.I heard footsteps running towards the door and then a crash, shortly followed by a groaning yell.My mind went to the worst. More footsteps came running and loud voices could be heard shouting orders.Not too long after, the commotion quieted down and reluctantly opened the door. Mosely was sitting on the floor against a wall with his hands behind his back. His had a trail of blood down his shirt.Dad was talking to the security guards with his knuckles bloody.Mom ran to him once she saw him.Mosley was glar
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Chapter 36
Laughter erupted from the whole backyard. There didn't seem to be one sober soul in sight. It baffled me that these people who'd seemed so stoic and corporate when I'd first met them could let loose and to such an extent. This was how I'd imagined college parties went.“These parties get wild so stick by me,” Tristan said, scanning the yard.“It's not wild already?” I asked, alarmed.Tristan chuckled and shook his head. “You're only here to mingle with the board, to get to know them and for them to get to know you. Don't get pressured to do anything out of your comfort zone.”I nodded. With all the turmoil I was feeling, I would blow up on someone before I let them pressure me.“Come.”I walked behind Tristan through the yard, passing different people in various states of debauchery. Someone was snorting up a white, powdery line. In the corner, there was a throuple making out, damn near naked. All around me, there was some weirdness going on.“My wife so desperately wanted to come.”
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Chapter 37
“Remi, you're an adult. Remember how I told you not to let people's words get to you so easily?”I let out an exaggerated sigh. “I know, I know. But he was… you know what, you're right.”He shook his head at me. “You really are your father's daughter. So stubborn.”I giggled because he was right again. We were walking again, looking for the next board member I'd be introduced to when out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a sight that almost made me throw up.A couple, dancing together, lost in music. She was grinding on him and he seemed to be having the time of his life.This wouldn't have concerned me except the man was Jesse.Why was he here? How could he… why would he… My legs began moving before my mind could process it. I came to stand in front of them with my arms crossed, glaring at him.He had his eyes closed, seemingly lost in ecstasy.“Wait your turn lady. He's all mine,” the girl grinding him said.His eyes shot open and he frowned once he saw me.“What the hell are you doi
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Chapter 38
“Hello?” “Hey Remi, it's–”I would have won a hanging up competition with how fast I dropped the call. It was the night before my first day of work and I was gearing up to start with a bang.I was thinking up ideas for new implementations when my phone rang. At first, I didn't recognise the number even though it looked familiar. But hearing Oscar’s voice almost made me fling my phone across the room.“This bastard has some nerve calling me.” I realised I hadn't blocked his number.When dad had initially brought me home, there had been a flicker of hope that he would come back to his senses and take me back. There were nights I would stare at my phone, crying myself to sleep.My phone rang again. I stared at it until it stopped but just a few seconds later, it started up again.“Hello!” I thundered into the microphone.“Remi, please don't hang up. I have some–”“Listen here, you piece of shit. I don't know what gives you the impression I care about anything you have to say or that y
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Chapter 39
I tossed and turned all through the night, barely getting a wink of sleep. I really shouldn't have stayed to listen to him because his words were all I could think about.Was he really happy about our baby? It's like one second, my recollection was crystal clear, the next, it was hazy at best.Maybe I'd just demonised him in my head so I could move one.I kept trying but sleep eluded me. When I finally drifted off, it felt like my alarm rang two seconds later.Groggy on my first day. Just perfect. Coffee would be my fuel for the day.I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. The drive into work was mostly peaceful because of how early it was. The day had hardly broken when I pulled into my reserved parking spot. Being CEO and all, I thought I'd set an example for my subordinates.“You can't park there, miss.” A security guard came barging as I was getting out of my car. “Reserved spot. You need to move right now!”I glanced up, locking eyes with him for a while.“Did you hear me, m
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Chapter 40
Tristan took the file and studied it for a moment before handing it to Jesse. “You're certain?”“I am.” There was just something about her that resonated with me. I just had to trust my gut.Jesse looked the file over. “Molly Renee. My cousin talks about her. She's big with the younger audience. Not exactly our demographic.”Wasn't he supposed to be on my side? “Maybe not,” I seethed.“Just saying. Why take on someone who won't help the company's image?”“Because I want to tell a story of change and growth and I want her to be the vessel. It will not bring immediate results but it will not only help but boost the company's image.”I glared at him, daring him to challenge my authority. Whatever we had with each other was in the past. I would hate to pull rank on him but if he made me, I will.He only shrugged.Tristan leaned back in his chair. “That's your pitch to the board.”“It is?” I'd said it in the heat of the moment but thinking about it, I was speaking from the heart. I belie
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