All Chapters of THE PRODIGAL BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
63 Chapters
Chapter 41
“Congrats,” Tristan said as we celebrated in my office.I clicked glasses with him but an uneasy feeling lingered in the dark corners of my mind.“Thanks,” I said. “That was surprisingly easy.”“You sold them. What else did you expect?”I wished I could say he was right. I gave the hell out of that speech. But that didn't sell them. I'm convinced if Mike and Tristan hadn't been there to intercept, they'd never have gone for it. I was worried why Mike was so eager for it. But thinking about that would have sent me down a rabbit hole. Besides I had other things to worry about, most important being the success of this project.HR had send an interview invite to Molly Renee and I was eager to meet her. I was sure she would be eager to work with Renard Dynasty. Things like that were gold on a resume.“It's a good plan. You have what it takes to make it work,” Tristan said.I did. Why was I worried.****On my drive home, my phone began ringing incessantly. I groaned, wondering what was s
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Chapter 42
“Why are you nervous?” Jesse asked.It was the day of my meeting with Molly Renee and for some reason I wasn’t feeling very confident. Something about her being famous made her seem larger than life and I couldn’t, for the life of me, get past that thought. We were in my office going over what I'd say to her.“It's nothing special. You hung out with Ashley, right? Think of Molly as–”“Molly Renee. She's particular about that,” I interjected. I'd seen a video of her throwing a tantrum over being called her first name only. I should probably have done some research before picking her. He rolled his eyes. “Remi, relax. Breathe.”I took in a deep breath and exhaled heavily. “Didn't make me feel better,” I muttered. “Cool but if you give her this nervous energy when she comes in, she'll give it right back to you. I promise you don't want that. It's easier to just relax and get out of your head.”He wasn't wrong but I was shocked this was coming from him. The shocked look on my face told
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Chapter 43
“Jesse?”He turned to face me, eyes dark with emotion.“I… it was–”My ringtone blared, disrupting the moment between us. I exasperatedly picked it up with my eyes still fixed on him.“Hello?”“Remi, if you'll be free tonight, my wife and I would love to host you.”Tristan's voice eased the tension rising in my chest. “I'd like that, Tristan.”“Great. She'll be so excited. By the way, how goes your project?”I'd hoped he would have dropped the call after my confirmation but I couldn't fault him for asking.“Very well. She was a bit to handle at first but it worked out.”Jesse decided he'd waited enough and left, leaving me with the turmoil of an unanswered question.“I knew it would. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. See you tonight,” Tristan finished, dropping the call.Great. Just after he left.I couldn't very well run after him to get the answer. I didn't want to seem like some desperate little girl.A heavy exhale made me slump back into my chair.At least I had a homemade dinner to
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Chapter 44
“So all of this?” Molly Renee asked.“Yes, all of it. Just make videos with them,” I said. Even through the screen I could see Molly Renee’s eyes light up like a firecracker.“Are you serious?” “Yes it will be like your regular job but you will be promoting us. You understand, right?” She couldn’t contain her excitement. “Crystal clearly. I won't let you down.” I clicked the screen off and ended our meeting. It has been only a week and the board was already breathing down my neck for results. It was quite clear what was going on; that snake Mike was probably poisoning their minds. Why else would they want results for a project that started only a week before. “You just keep doing what you are doing and don't let them get to you. This is how they are but you have to show them who's boss,” dad said.He had it so easy. I was literally his only child, how did I not inherit his ruthlessness? It was so draining. Was it always going to be like this? With me constantly having to justif
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Chapter 45
“This is not a date,” I asserted.He'd picked an outdoor restaurant as our meeting spot. I didn't want to admit it but it had a romantic vibe to it.“No one said it was,” he replied. “So why did you pick this place?”“The food here is amazing. I was hungry. I thought you might be too.”“How very thoughtful of you, Mr. Considerate.”He gave a cheeky smile. “You know me.”I did know him. Which is why I had no business being there, no business answering his calls, no business whatsoever entertaining this man.“So, CEO,” he mused. “What's that like?”The audacity of the scumbag. After everything he put me through, did he really think I wanted to small talk with him?“You can't be serious. Is this why you made me waste my time coming here?”“I didn't make you do anything.” He leaned back into his chair and sighed. “I just wanted to talk, you know, like we used to.”Like we used to? The arrogant piece of shit. I felt my brows scrunch up into a frown.He rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on Remi,
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Chapter 46
“What the hell are you doing here?” Celia demanded.“What's going–”“Get the hell out of here, you bitch. What do you want with my husband?” Rachel's face appeared out of nowhere.“Where am I?”“Somewhere you aren't supposed to be. Get out!”“Leave him alone, you husband snatcher. Get your stinking hands off my husband.”“Get out or we'll drag you out,” their voices said in unison.My legs started to move on their own. I was walking. No, I was running but why was I so slow?Both women were chasing me. Run, I thought. Run faster.But my legs wouldn't cooperate. It felt like I was running through jelly.“You better run away and never look back.”Their voices were further away but I couldn't stop.A figure appeared in the distance but I couldn't tell who it was. The closer I got the less defined the figure became.“Where are you running to? You're mine. You can't escape me.”In a flash, the figure was right in front of me and I ran right into his arms.It was Oscar's disfigured face, w
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Chapter 47
“Is this anyway to treat your boss?” I asked right after his tongue slipped out of my mouth.“Should my boss be making those sounds in my presence?”My heart fluttered as I recalled the peaks of pleasure he'd taken me to. After several rounds on my desk, we still couldn't get enough of eachother so we snuck out of the office and he'd taken me home and ravished me all night long until the day broke.“Bad boy, that was your fault.” Laying on my back with him over me, I cupped his face in my hands. “I should report you to HR.“Then it better for something worth reporting.”My eyes rolled in the back of my head as he slid into me for the millionth time that morning.****“Remi.”His voice stirred me awake and then I heard my ringtone.“Here,” Jesse said as he handed me my phone.“Hello?”“Hi Remi. It's Sadie. I got your number off Tristan's phone. I hope you don't mind.”My mind was still hazy from sleep so I hadn't quite processed what she'd said.“Tristan's phone?”“Yeah,” she said wit
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Chapter 48
Her face contorted into what must have been the look of pure bliss and she let out a howling laugh. I was more confused than shocked as I stared at her for a while then eventually joined her with a nervous laugh that soon turned genuine.I didn't know why but I was laughing so hard. Of course, it was a joke. Maybe a bad one, but a joke nonetheless. And I was taking her seriously. It hit me like a basketball to the face when I realised how dumb I was being. I guess I just wasn't used to having a friend. With your friends, you could be free. Free to express yourself for all the quirks you had, good or bad. At work, I had to be professional… mostly. But with a friend, I could let down that social guard.“You know how crazy that was?” I asked as we caught our breaths.“I know. You were so scared,” said Sadie as she wiped her eyes.“I was. It was a joke, right?”We burst into another bout of laughter that lasted almost as long as the first.“Can you imagine?” she asked. “Anyway, how about
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Chapter 49
The thrill stayed with me as I got ready for my date with my ex-husband. I knew how smug he'd be thinking he was easily winning me back over. Such a prideful person. I made sure not to overdo it so he didn't think it was too easy. But I looked really nice. I made it there and called him. He quickly found me where I parked and gave me a surprise hug. He didn't seem to care when I didn't hug him back. “Okay, don't completely hate me. But…” I already hated where the conversation was going, even more because he had my hand in a vice grip. “...there's someone here to see you.” It must have been seconds from when he said that so when I recognize Celia's face through the glass walls of the restaurant. The anger that erupted inside me must have taken decades to mature. I had this primal urge to walk right up to her and scream in her face. But social decorum wouldn't allow me. I shot Oscar a glare, snatched my hands and turned on my heel. Celia had not been a move I had
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Chapter 50
“He must have thought he had you,” Oscar said with a chuckle, placing a hand on the small of my back.My body jerked forward on its own but I didn't look back. Maybe I was going to lose Jesse but I needed to lure the fool into a false sense of security.Even if Jesse was still going to give me a chance I knew Ashley wasn't. And if Ashley didn't then he wouldn't. “The girl is cute though.” He was glancing over his shoulder and I could see his eyes look down. Pig. “She could really– wait, is that Ashley? She’s all grown up!” He whistled.I was about to ask how he knew Ashley but remembered he and Jesse were brothers. “Let's go,” I said.“All right, baby. We'll go anywhere you want,” he needlessly yelled.Something broke inside me knowing Jesse had probably heard him.I didn't wait for him as I strode to my car.“Hey, wait up.”Immediately I got into my car, I locked the door.He tried opening it but eventually gave up. “Remi? What are we doing here?”That tone. It used to strike fear
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