All Chapters of THE PRODIGAL BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 61 - Chapter 68
68 Chapters
Chapter 61
“Deandra Delaney,” she said as she approached me with an outstretched hand. “I'm your lawyer.”“Lawyer? For what?”In that instant, my phone rang.“Hello?” I picked up without taking my eyes off her.“Remi,” dad's voice said. “I sent my lawyer to come meet you. You can trust her. She's there to help you… with anything you need, okay?”“Okay,” I said. I couldn't be sure but there was something in the way he spoke that I couldn't quite put my hands on. I put my phone down still, looking at her. She was sharply dressed in a business suit with a white shirt underneath, simply yet somehow so sophisticated.“Right, the cops will be here any minute. I need you to follow my lead, understand?”“Yes,” I replied, almost on instinct. I had questions but there was something about her that made me not want to disappoint her by asking why the cops were going to show up.“They'll ask questions and try to get you to come down to the station. Don't answer anything I tell you not to.”“Alright. Why a
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Chapter 62
“Hey Sadie, we're still on for today right?”“Yes. I'm getting ready right now,” Sadie replied excitedly.“Alright, see you soon.”She had called me to plan a friend date and it couldn't have come at a better time. I was so excited to tell her all about everything that had happened with Oscar and how I’d met Deandra who was going to make Oscar wish he was never born.It was like a blur how fast I got ready and drove to the cafe we were meeting. I was buzzing with excitement at the thought of regaling my friend with stories of the drama in my life. That's what friends did right?I spotted her up ahead. She was talking to a man and they looked like they were arguing. Whatever I was about must have been a touchy subject because of how hard they were going at it.I started to rush over in case she needed help but the closer I got to the more familiar the man looked. Something in the back of my mind was telling me things weren't quite right.The man's profile was just too familiar but I
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Chapter 63
“He's been recruiting some of the board members to be on his side for when it happens.”I wasn't surprised but it definitely was alarming. That damn old fool just didn't know when to stop.“He tried to recruit me too,” Tristan said. “Of course I joined him.”“What?” I boomed. “How could you–”“Relax, Remi.” Tristan chuckled. “I'm on your side. But now you have someone on the inside.”I facepalmed. How could I doubt Tristan of all people? It made too much sense for me to not have put it together myself.“I'm so sorry. It's just…” I collapsed into the chair.“It's alright. I know things are a bit overwhelming at the moment.”Overwhelming was an understatement. It felt like the universe was giving me in particular the middle finger. “Anyway,” he continued. “it's unlikely to succeed. I just needed to inform you so you could take some counter-acting steps regardless. And you have your father if you need his help. I'm sure he'd be eager to step in once he hears about this. I would have tol
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Chapter 64
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I screamed, angry tears flooding my eyes. My leg was throbbing where she'd hit me. “What’s wrong with me? You're really asking me that question? Are you not the pretender? Are you not a snake? You came in like a thief in the night and stole everything I worked for. My blood sweat and tears, everything went up in flames. Because of you,” she seethed through her teeth, pointing her metal bat at me.Despite the consuming pain, I knew I had to think. She actually hit me; with her car and her bat. I still had bits of class sticking out of my arms. I was bloodied and bruised and could barely defend myself. With the way she was glaring at me, I knew I would have to. But I needed to keep her talking long enough till I could at least get on my feet.“You're lying and you know it. Not a drop of your blood, sweat or tears were shed. You wanted a free ride to the top by riding Mosley. Where's your dignity for Christ sake?”I'd managed to sit up without her re
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Chapter 65
“...the hell out.”“... shouldn’t be here.”“ about her.”Distant voices roused me to consciousness. I sounded like I was in a cave listening to echos bounces off the walls.Slowly, I started to gain feeling in my limbs, wiggling my toes and clenching my fingers. These movements were small but painful, especially my hands.My eyes opened but it was like I had the sun right over my bed. I quickly shut them and slowly opened them back up to adjust to all the light. Everything I could see was white. I slowly turned my neck to the left and right seeing the massive room I was in. The commotion had dulled into hushed tones. I tried to raise my head up but pain sliced up my neck to my scalp.“Don’t move too quickly.”Suddenly, all the light around me was eclipsed and everything went dark for a moment but my eyes adjusted again and the sight before me shocked me to no end.I first recognized my parents, then Tristan and Sadie, then Jesse and, of all people, Petra. It took a bit of eff
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Chapter 66
Jesse left and Petra followed after giving me one final astonished look. Celia watched him go with so much pain etched on her face. I couldn’t find it in me to feel sorry for her even though I knew I should.She was a mother whose son could barely stand to be around her. That ordinarily would be such a sad situation but knowing Celia, she put herself in this situation and probably deserved way worse than him just walking away.“Don’t worry about him, mom,” Oscar said. “That’s how he’s always been. Acting like a spoiled brat. Let him go.”Celia was staring longingly at the door, seeming like she wasn’t even hearing anything Oscar was saying. “I’ll be back,” she blurted out, leaving before Oscar could offer any protest.“I don’t know why she bothers with him.” Oscar scoffed. Multiple feet shuffled over. My neck was less painful then so I craned it up, just enough to see Tristan and Sadie trudged over.“Remi, my dear, I’m so sorry about this. I feel terrible. If I hadn’t–”“Tristan stop
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Chapter 67
“What–”“No further questions,” she said with a smirk. “You’re kidding,” I said, eyes still as wide as saucers.Was she really going to drop this bomb on me and carry on like it was nothing?The bad blood between them now made so much sense. That must have been why dad took Tristan out..“It’s important to me that you know those men would never do anything to harm you. I trust them with my life.”I couldn’t help my “Aren’t they…”“Criminals?” She scoffed. “No more than every other person. Most people do despicable things regularly. You never know who’s secretly planning something nefarious. They’re just discrete with it. These men are open and honest in their misdeeds,” she finished with a bright smile.“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”She chuckled. “Relax. I already told you your safety is important to me. But if you don’t want them around anymore, just say the word.”I stayed silent as she stared at me expectantly. To be fair, the man had helped me. Debbie had overpowered
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Chapter 68
The ride was silent for most of the way. Celia had been wailing but stopped when we kept ignoring her. Oscar was probably battling his own inner turmoil of defying his dearest mother.The silence was finally broken by Celia.“My own son can’t stand being in the same room with me, yet here you are. How is that, Remi? How is it that you are able to forgive Oscar so easily?” she asked, her voice dripping with bitterness.I froze. Of all things, that question wasn’t on the list of things I’d expected.“My son who I carried for nine months and fed from my own breast can’t find it in his heart to forgive me. He wants nothing to do with me–” She tried to stifle a sob. “–but you, Remi, you found a way, didn’t you? Or maybe you have an ulterior motive.”She was digging and striking gold every time. My brain was scrambled. How the hell had she hit the mark so quickly? She was going to blow this whole thing up before it even started.The tracker in my pocket suddenly felt like it weighed a milli
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