All Chapters of Bestie's Alpha Brother: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
235 Chapters
Chapter 0131
ChrisThe scent of disinfectant and herbal remedies stung my nostrils as Leonard and I made our way down the narrow infirmary corridor. My boots echoed off of the walls, my steps short and clipped.“Are you sure you want to see her?” Leonard asked. “After what she did, no one would blame you.”“She
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Chapter 0132
I leaned in closer until I could see the tiniest flicker of uncertainty flickering behind Olivia’s impassive mask. “But you would do well to remember that she has also been known to unleash her unforgiving wrath when the circumstances demand it.”As I spoke, I thought back to that warehouse in the w
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Chapter 0133
Ava The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air as I kneaded the dough, my fingers coated in a light dusting of flour. It was a simple task, one that normally brought me peace and allowed my mind to wander. As I worked, however, Olivia’s words echoed in my head—that cruel taunt about
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Chapter 0134
I pinched the bridge of my nose, smiled, and shook my head. “I’m not complaining. It’s just… you’re both laying it on so thick.” There was a brief silence before Chris spoke up again. “Alright, alright; we have good news. But let’s save it for later. I’m hungry.” “Very well.” With that, the th
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Chapter 0135
Ava I stared at Chris, my heart pounding in my chest as his words settled in. If he was staying here in Moonstone as Alpha, then… “Chris,” I began slowly, trying to keep my voice steady despite myself, “we’ve been over this. I—” “I know, I know,” he interrupted with a wave of his wine glass. “
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Chapter 0136
“I always knew,” he continued softly. “Deep down, I always knew that no matter how much time passed, no matter how far apart we were… we would find our way back to each other eventually. It was fate—destiny. A gift from the Moon Goddess, if you will.” I blinked rapidly, trying in vain to stave off
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Chapter 0137
Ava I fidgeted nervously in my seat at the long council table, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the lines in the wood. Across from me, the five vacant chairs meant for the Elders seemed to loom larger and more imposing with each passing second. Chris sat beside me, tapping his foot on the floor w
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Chapter 0138
Chris held up a hand to stop her. “I have no romantic interest in Lily,” he said coolly. “I thought I made that clear.” “Well.” Olivia huffed and exchanged a look with Fatima. “You must pick someone, then.” “Don’t worry.” Fatima leaned back in her chair, tilting her chin up at Chris. “I already
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Chapter 0139
Ava I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, holding up a flowy dress that felt down to my ankles. It was a bit heavier than what I would normally be wearing right now, but the human continent was always a bit colder than it was here on the werewolf continent—thanks to the volcani
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Chapter 0140
Ava I turned to find Chris standing in the doorway, his eyes wide as he took in the chaos that had once been my tidy little cottage. Tools scattered across every available surface, puddles of water and paint splatters decorating the floors, various home repair supplies strewn about in organized di
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