All Chapters of Bestie's Alpha Brother: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
235 Chapters
Chapter 0141
Ava I opened the door to find Elder Bradley standing on my front porch, his red hair practically standing up on end in the dim evening light. “Elder Bradley,” I said, inclining my head politely. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Ava,” he greeted with a curt nod before craning his neck to peer
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Chapter 0142
Ava The fading sunlight caught the vibrant green in Chris’s eyes as he gently laid me down on the bed, the sound of the nighttime crickets filling the quiet of the space. Outside, the world was going to sleep; but, like the crickets and other nocturnal creatures, Chris and I were only just getting
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Chapter 0143
Without a word, Chris slowly climbed onto the bed, crawling toward me on all fours until he was positioned between my legs. His fingers then trailed toward my panties, slowly stroking along the lace trim around my thighs. “My second fight was at a house party,” he mused, either ignoring or not not
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Chapter 0144
Ava I awoke to the sensation of the cool morning breeze hitting my bare skin, sending ripples of goosebumps in its wake. For a moment, I just laid there, letting myself bask in the afterglow of last night as I woke up. I let my eyes stay shut, picturing Chris’s wide body moving over me again, hi
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Chapter 0145
Ava “Well? What do you think?” Chris’s deep voice echoed through the large, lavish hotel room from behind me as I slowly turned in a circle, taking it all in. “Chris, this is… wow,” I breathed, unable to find the right words to even begin to describe it. An ornate crystal chandelier hung fro
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Chapter 0146
Ava Chris and I turned at the sound of the woman’s voice, and I felt my heart practically stop in my chest as I saw a goddess of a woman descending the stairs. She was breathtakingly beautiful—angular, slender shoulders, long legs, silvery blonde hair cascading over one shoulder, and the biggest,
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Chapter 0147
Ava The room was smokey, the scent of whiskey and cologne permeating the air. I furrowed my brow, trying to keep my expression neutral as I looked down at my cards. “I’m all in,” one of the men around the table said, pushing his poker chips to the center. “Wow,” Ophelia breathed as she fanned
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Chapter 0148
“Soon,” he said. “We’ll make the rounds and say goodnight, and I’ll take you back.” “And then some of that room service for breakfast?” I asked. Chris let out a deep chuckle and pulled me close, his fingers digging possessively into my lower back. “You’ll need the energy. As if I’m letting you g
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Chapter 0149
Chris The golden morning sunlight streamed in through the open balcony doors, bathing the room in a warm light. The sound of the city waking up floated through the air, and the scent of fresh baked bread wafted through the hotel hallways. But instead of waking up languidly with Ava beside me
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Chapter 0150
Finally, I managed to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. “She’s really gone,” I said. “No one can find her. It seems she’s fled the pack.” Ava’s eyes blew wide at my words. “Oh, Goddess,” she whispered, pressing her trembling fingers to her lips. “Oh, Goddess, this is all my fault…”
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