All Chapters of Bestie's Alpha Brother: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
235 Chapters
Chapter 0151
Ava The corridors of Chris’s towering office building were quiet as we strode toward his office, our footsteps echoing in the empty halls. My gaze roamed over the gleaming surfaces and out the large windows overlooking the bustling human city below—a sight that I wasn’t sure whether I would ever g
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Chapter 0152
“Of course,” I said. The secretaries spent a few moments fussing over my tattoo, and then moved on to other things—like my hair, my eyes, my outfit. I couldn’t help but blush beneath their praise. “You’re so beautiful,” Maria cooed, her eyes wandering my face while Chris continued to busy himsel
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Chapter 0153
Ava I felt my heart pounding as we approached the cell where Olivia had been kept beneath the Packhouse. The dark corridor smelled faintly of mildew and stale air, but I barely noticed it—my mind was racing too much to focus on anything else. We had only just arrived back to Moonstone on the fer
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Chapter 0154
It wobbled beneath my fingertips. “Hmm,” I muttered. I grasped the loose stone and worked it away from the wall entirely, revealing a hollow little pocket nestled in the wall behind it. “Chris,” I hissed, turning back toward the doorway. He held up one finger to stop me, his intense gaze still f
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Chapter 0155
Ava I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other as Chris scoffed loudly, shaking his head. My gaze flitted nervously between him and the gathered Elders standing before us in the dimly lit meeting hall. An emergency council meeting had, of course, been called just moments after we had disco
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Chapter 0156
There was a long silence as Degas gathered his thoughts; not even Chris, for all of his bravado, dared to interrupt the wizened Elder. “You have seen the blight at the old warehouse, yes?” Degas finally asked, leaning back in his chair. Chris nodded without turning. “I have.” “So you have, the
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Chapter 0157
Ava The gentle chirping of crickets outside my bedroom window filled the silence, the soft breeze floating in through the open window as I lazily traced shapes across Chris’s bare chest. The room was dimly lit solely by the single lamp on my bedside table, casting our skin in a warm amber hue. H
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Chapter 0158
“Chris, the omen would bring blight and decay—rotting crops, diseased livestock, poisoned water sources... Our people would starve, or grow sick and die off. You have to think of the pack first.” Chris’s expression hardened as he crossed the room. He reached for me, pulling me close, his fingers f
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Chapter 0159
Chris The sleek black SUV rumbled steadily as we navigated the winding dirt roads that formed the outer perimeter of the Moonstone pack territory. I kept my eyes trained on the densely wooded areas flashing by, searching for any sign of movement, any hint of a disturbance that could lead us closer
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Chapter 0160
Ava I hurriedly pushed through the heavy double doors of the clinic, my boots clicking rapidly against the pristine white tile floors as I hurried down the dimly lit hallway toward the research wing. A sense of urgency propelled me forward, my heart hammering against my ribs. Just minutes ago, I
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