All Chapters of Ditch the Ex and Date The Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
27 Chapters
Break Up
Ditch the Ex and Date the Billionaire.Chapter 1: Break Up.*Isabella* Balancing the bento cake on my hand and the strings of red birthday balloons carefully, I walked quietly to the main entrance. I smiled to myself knowing that my boyfriend would never expect what was going to happen. It’s his birthday and I planned on surprising him after I got back from work.I bent the door handle trying to pushed it open but stopped realizing it was stuck. Alan wasn’t around? Tucking a strand of my curly dark brown hair behind my ear, I pulled out the spare key Alan had given to me at the beginning of our relationship and opened the villa's door.The lights in the sitting room were turned off as I looked around confused.Alan never leaves his lights turned off. He always complained of having a phobia of the darkness. I could see cereal boxes and popcorn tubs scattered around the floor, my brows creased while I fixed my gaze on the television which was on.What the ...?I understand that
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Enjoy now
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire .Chapter 2: Enjoy now .“You look so miserable”. Someone say hatefully into my ear just before I manage to sit down at my desk.I fought back a shiver at my coworker's gross invasion of personal space.Zoe is in her late 30s but it’s so ridiculously cringey that she seems to find joy in making my miserable life… a lot more miserable.I arched an eyebrow at her. “What are you talking about?”.“I heard the CEO’s grandson broke up with you.” She revealed with a glint in her eyes. “You do know that you’re only here because you are dating the CEO’s grand son, hm?. So which means illiterate Isabella will soon be kicked out of here like the unwanted trash you are.” She says clapping at her ridiculous statement. If I had the energy, i would remark on how childish Zoe was acting right now but I can barely go into a argument with my emotional stability in shambles.I hate the fact that the unit I was working made the coworkers have a shared cubicle. If not
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A new friend
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire.Chapter 3: A new friend .*Isabella*“Excuse me, Are you holding silent conversations with yourself? Should I be worried?.” I looked away from the mirror that i was staring into and turned to my left seeing Dara, a co-worker and coincidentally, the only nice person in this building.“Hey, Dara.” I say, my voice cracking a little bit.She sighed bringing up her hand to touched my forehead as she gave me a look.“Have you been crying all day, please tell me you haven’t ?.”I’m not sure if it’s the exhaustion of the different panic attacks I had today or the soft encouraging look from Dara that spurs me to suddenly be so open, but I’m too tired and I just feels like I’m failing.“I’m just tired, Dara... .” I rasped out blankly staring at my miserable self in the mirror. “It’s been weeks and I feel like I can’t catch a break in this company.” “Bella ... .” She mutters in response reaching out to hold my hand.“Would it be bad if I wanted to resign?.
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Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire .Chapter 4: Encounter .*ISABELLA* “This is the First Friday night that I have been out without Alan. He’s usually the party type.” I say revealing to Dara.She groaned. “Alan this, Alan that. Isabella, you are not doing a very good job at moving on.”“I can’t move on if you and your boyfriend are giving each other googly eyes in front of me. It reminds me of when—.”“Alright that’s enough.” Riven pulled away from Dara putting some space in between them. “Is this okay?.”“No.” I sigh wistfully. “Everything else still reminds me of Alan. I hate him but I can’t hate the memories we had here.”“Sorry, Isabella,” Dara says, reaching across the table and squeezing my hand. “But I still don’t think putting yourself out there would hurt. Maybe give it a try?.” I gave her a look. “It hasn’t been a month since I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me. So just give me a break.”“I certainly didn’t call you over for a sob story. Your life really is mise
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An Ally
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire .Chapter 5: An Ally . *Isabella* “Wow, Bella. I didn’t take you for a gold digger.” Alan retorted.I didn’t have time to respond as handsome stranger - Archibald defended me immediately.“Watch your tone when speaking to her.” “She’s my girlfriend, I’ll talk to her how I want.” He shouted back before pausing as he realized what he said.“Was.” Archibald corrected him pushing me behind him so he could face his nephew directly. “She’s not your girlfriend anymore so I advice you scram away unless you want me to teach you some manners.” Alan lifts his chin a little, meeting my eye. “I see. Well, I hope you’re enjoying my sloppy seconds, Uncle Archie.”My face contorted into a surprised expression.Is he serious? Archibald huffs quietly, clenching his jaw and squaring up his shoulders.“I don’t even need to ask to know I am much more enjoyable than you ever were,” Archibald says coolly.Dumbfounded. That was what my face was giving.Alan laughs in
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Big fish
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire . Chapter 6: Big fish . *Isabella’s POV*That seems to be all the confirmation Archibald needs. He leans in, closing the tiny bit of remaining distance between us, lips pressing into mine, gentle fingers cupping my jaw. His mouth is soft, and kissing him is easy, just like all the rest of this has been. It’s not logical, but it feels like the right thing to do. He hums against my mouth, like he can hear my thoughts and he’s agreeing to them. It’s slow and cautious at first, it seems like neither of us sure how far to take it. We are playing a game with no rulebook. But my brain is chanting at me: more, more, more, so I tentatively sweep my tongue across Archibald’s bottom lip, and he reciprocates, opening up to let me in. I sigh into his mouth, and Archibald’s hand trails around to the back of my head, fingers tangling in my hair. He pulls a little, tilting my head back for better access. I should probably not be surprised that my hot,
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Schemes and Surprises
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire .Chapter 7: Schemes and Surprises .*ISABELLA* Big fish. I caught a big fish that would help me take revenge on my sister and my stupid ex boyfriend.I don’t need hear the rest from Dara. I’m already turning back into the bar as I frantically search for that flannel shirt in the crowd. Shit. Shit.I emerge on the other side of the dance floor and scans the booths lining the far wall, pushing up onto my tip-toes. The bar is so packed that it’s nearly impossible to see, and I am about to give up, but then I see him—he’s just about to sit down, joining a man and a woman who is already seated on the opposite side of the booth.The man looked like he was in his late thirties, handsome, with a strong jawline and deep-set eyes that seemed to hold a world of experience. He had a rugged look, with a bit of stubble on his face, but it only added to his charm. His smile was warm and inviting, and he carried himself with a confident grace that drew atten
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Back in line
Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire . Chapter 8: Back in line . *ARCHIBALD* Alan’s fists clenched at his sides, his anger evident as his jaw clenched. “I’m not telling you twice. Stay away from my girlfriend.” “Ex girlfriend.” Archibald corrected him immediately. Alan scoffed. “She’s only with you because I dumped her. If I wanted her back then I would.”“Keep thinking that.” Archie replied lazily reaching out to take a sip of Warren’s alcohol.Alan gritted his teeth and was about to argue more when Lisa cleared her throat interrupting.“Alan, that’s enough. Do not talk to your uncle like that.”“I will talk to him the way I want. He lost my respect when he went for what was mine.”“What was yours? Isabella is not an object.” Archibald said getting visibly annoyed by the way the conversation was going. “Stop talking about her like that.”“I’ll stop when you leave her alone.”“Isn’t it past your bedtime?.” Warren spoke up talking to Alan.Alan halted at the words as he scornful
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Ditch the Ex, Date the Billionaire . Chapter 9: Failing? . MONDAY MORNING *ISABELLA* It’s Monday and I’m surprised that no one has made an attempt to make fun of me this morning. Have the lucky charm finally gotten to me? First I bagged a very handsome billionaire and now I’m being left alone at work. I resist the urge to bask in it. After turning on my computer and logging in, I’m actually surprised to find jobs in my inbox that relate to my job position. I am to walk to an office on the top floor, find the hard copy of permission forms for artists to be able to be on camera and then I have to scan them onto the computer to file away electronically. I can do that. Maybe my third week in this new month will prove to be better than the first two. Throughout my ride in the elevator to the top floor of the tall building, I suddenly becomes aware of the caliber of person that would occupy a desk on the very top floor. The head of my department. Honestly, I should know
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Ditch the ex, Date the Billionaire . Chapter 10: Embraces . *ISABELLA* “Isabella, open the door. I’m worried.” The world goes black for a second before I blink my eyes into awareness. I unlock the door but have no energy to move from my spot on the closed toilet lid. Warren carefully opens the stall door so he doesn’t startle me. His worried eyes meet the tear filled ones of mine and I had to clench my eyes shut, the tears overflowing down my face. Warren quietly takes my hand and places it on his own chest, over his own heart. “Copy me.” Warren’s calm voice speaks. “In for 3, hold for 2 and out for 4, copy me.” I copy him. For several moments I keep my eyes closed as I copy Warren’s deep breathes. Once my breathing is under control, I open my eyes, but I don’t meet Warren’s. I stare at my hand clutched in Warren’s grip, feeling the soft fabric of his grey overcoat. Unlike I expected, Warren doesn’t remove my hand. He lets my hand fall from his chest but keeps
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