All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
410 Chapters
Chapter 111
Five men encircled around me with weapons in their hands. They might be thinking because I am just a weak girl, only five men will do to capture me. ’Well they are wrong with their assumptions.’ I smiled internally. "Come now Princess, we don’t want to hurt you. Just put down the knife and be a good girl and come with us." The skinny man said with a sinister smile. "You must think I am stupid! I won’t go with you peacefully. I would rather die than be enslaved by the likes of you people!" I shouted with anger. "Hahaha, then suite yourself. Men take her, but remember not to damage the goods." The skinny man laughed.The men then launched their way right at me. I was ready for their movements and calculated my movements to dodge their attack.One of the men launched in front of me. I side stepped swiftly and hit him at the spot on his spine just below the head with the hilt of my knife. The man became unconscious instantly. ’Good thing I was able to learn the weak spots of the body
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Chapter 112
A sword was sticking out of the man’s body. Blood oozed out from his wound and not long the man dropped down dead on the floor.A dark silhouette was seen walking towards us from the dark alley."W-Who is there?" The boss asked, clearly frightened. "Show yourself!"Then I hear a hawk’s shriek. When I look up, a big hawk was flying above us."It’s Avatar ." My heart felt at ease in an instant. ’That’s good. Because I am at my limit.’ Snow exclaimed.When I looked at my side, the big white tiger was no more. In it’s place was a white snow cat. "How dare you harm my fiancee." It came from a voice I am so familiar with.The dark silhouette stepped out from the darkness of the alley, the light from the street’s lamp post hit his body.There I saw him, Ragnar. He was holding the sword that had just pierced thru the man just now. The blood was dripping from the sword’s blade.Ragnar was walking with calmness. His eyes were staring like daggers, ready to pierce anyone in his way. He was emi
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Chapter 113
By the time I noticed, the boss was a few meters away from me. I quickly stepped back and between us, I made ice spikes that shoot up from the ground. "Aaahhh." The ice spikes impaled the boss’ body. He cried out in anguish and pain.The boss’ blood trickle down the floor. It seems like he was still alive but barely. His breathing was getting heavier by the second. "Y-You...are....monsters." The boss coughed out blood.“Who are you calling a monster?" Ragnar was now in front of the impaled boss. "Compared to you that takes innocent lives, we are the lesser evil." "Hahahaha." The boss laughed while blood was spitting out of his mouth. "At least... I will take that girl with me in death."Ragnar and I were surprised with his words. I can see Ragnar looking at me with wide eyes. "Isabella, behind you!" Ragnar screamed in fright.By the time I heard his words, I quickly turned around. I see the brawny man this morning behind me, his sword in the air ready to swing towards me. I was la
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Chapter 114
[Isabella’s POV]I open my eyes and see that I was now inside my room, lying on my bed.With only a dim light illuminating my room, my eyes adjusted it’s sight to the darkness. That was when I saw a shadow at the corner of my room.My heart felt like it leaped out of my chest in fright. After my encounter with so much death earlier, I was still jumpy. "Do not worry, it’s only me." It was Ragnar’s voice. After hearing his voice, I sighed in relief.Ragnar stepped out from the shadows, the dim light illuminating his body. He was wearing his casual white shirt and black pants. What caught my eyes was his face. He wasn’t wearing his signature silver mask. His beautiful face was out in the open for me to behold.Ragnar’s clean appearance now is a very far difference from earlier from the blood soaked ’Death.’After Ragnar stepped out from the shadows, he stopped just a few feet away from my bed. He was not coming near me. I look at his face and it has a trace of uncertainty and sadness.
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Chapter 115
"This is not good." Ragnar parted his lips from mine. "If I go on any further, I am afraid I can’t stop myself from eating you up." He smiled.My cheeks felt flushed after our kiss. Ragnar’s words made me shy instantly. "T-Then let’s talk about something else. So we won’t do unnecessary things." I suggested. "That sounds good." Ragnar nodded in agreement. "Then what should we talk about?"Ragnar adjusted his seating position. He sat beside me with his back leaning against the bed frame. I on the other hand, was nestled in his broad chest with his arms encircled my waist perfectly. "You know who is behind the assassination attempt against me, right?" I asked him. Ragnar’s smile quickly faded and his expression became serious. He nodded in confirmation. "Can you tell me who ordered it?" I asked. "It was the queen’s grandfather, General Bruce." Ragnar replied.This I am not surprised. After the incident with Helena, I heard that my step mother the queen was under house arrest. I di
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Chapter 116
[General Bruce Estate]It’s almost day break, everyone was in disarray. It was still dawn and the sky was still dark. The staff and maids of the estate were busy moving things inside the carraiges. "Come on, pick up the pace you damn servants!" General Bruce scolded.Two of the male servants are seen carrying a heavy chest."Be careful with that. The contents of that chest are precious. Not even your lives can pay for it if you damage them." The general glared at the two servants."Dear, what is happening." The wife of the general asked. "Why are we leaving the capital in a hurry?”"What I am doing now is to save our lives." General Bruce replied. He was wearing a bitter face."Did something happened to our business?”The wife asked. “Did the king caught wind of our illegal business?”"It’s because of that brat crown prince of Avalon, Ragnar. He knew that I was the one that ordered the assasination towards his fiancee, princess Isabella." General Bruce said. “His information network i
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Chapter 117
The sun was just about to rise when the carriage boarded by general Bruce and his wife left his estate.As general Bruce planned, they travelled light with only one horse carriage. Their fortune and valuables were taken in a different route out of the capital. "It’s quiet." General Bruce exclaimed with a confused face. "What do you mean by quiet dear?" His wife asked in confusion. "It is not yet day break, so there are no people out in the streets by this time." "I know that. But I don’t like it. It is too quiet." General Bruce gritted his teeth. "You, soldier." He called a soldier in horse back that was escorting them. "Yes general?" The soldier pulled his reigns and got near the carriage window. "Is the west army at the location I have ordered them to be?" The general asked. "Yes general. They are just a few kilometers away from the walls of the capital." The soldier replied. "They are on standby, awaiting orders from you my lord."General Bruce nodded in satisfaction. Once th
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Chapter 118
Both parties held their swords, pointing them at their opponents in the opposite side. The men were wearing serious looks, readying themselves on the enemies attack. "Charge!" The men from the west army roared. "Charge!" The royal knights replied with their own battle cry.The men on horses charged towards one another. Not long, both of the armies met and the sounds of swords skirmishing was heard.The men from both parties were fighting hard, not one was letting the other get the upper hand. At first, they look equal in strength. But after some time, a difference in abilities could be seen.The west army’s soldiers were all trained in warfare. They are commoners who enlisted to have financial support for their families. Some of them joined the last war when they were young, making them more experienced in the battle field. Such experienced soldiers trained the new recruits of the west army, making them more knowledegable in fighting opponents. They are also stationed at areas whe
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Chapter 119
Not long after General Bruce escaped, the men of the west army surrendered. Their numbers were now few, the remaining that are alive were taken as prisoners.“General, all of those that are still alive have surrendered. They are all tied up and captured.”The captain that led the Midnight platoon said. He was a young man in his mid or late twenties.General Marcus looked at the captain meticulously. These were prince Ragnar’s men from Avalon. He has heard the rumors about the Midnight army that is personally led by the crown prince himself.It is said that these men were hand picked and trained personally by the crown prince of Avalon. These men’s backgrounds were unkown, thus they cannot be used against their own master. These men are sworn to their master himself, their loyalty is binded with their oath. It is said that there is only one way to get out of the Midnight Army, and it is only when you are dead and not breathing anymore.General Marcus has seen the ferociousness of the Mi
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Chapter 120
General Bruce escaped the battle between his men and the royal knights that was led by General Marcus."We should have won that confrontation." General Bruce said with gritted teeth. He clenched the horses reigns with anger. “If those men in black uniform didn’t come to help them, we should have won."General Bruce was full of regret. He lost a lot of trusted and loyal men and the ones that were still alive sacrificed themselves so that he could escape."Do not worry, I will avenge all of you. I will surely take the throne and let them pay ten fold." General Bruce swore.General Bruce maybe hungry for power, but he still values his men’s loyalty and honor. He believes that every ruler should have trusted men around him, and an army backing him. That is why he had nurtured his west army so much because it will be his power.While his horse was galloping, General Bruce noticed smoke in the direction of his army’s camp. His heart beated fast in nervousness. He knew that such big smoke co
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