All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
410 Chapters
Chapter 121
General Bruce was pushing his horse to gain speed. He had a bad feeling when he saw thick smoke come up from the direction of the camp.Not long his horse came into the clearing. There he saw the camp that his west army set up. He saw smoke coming up from burned tents. There was no one on sight."Hiyah!" He let his horse gallop towards the camp.General Bruce’s heart was pounding like drums inside his chest. He remembered his wife who had come to the camp prior to him. ’Is she alright, is she safe?’ These thoughts were swirling inside his head."Anyone here?" General Bruce shouted. "Anyone, please answer me!"The general got off his horse. He pulled out his sword and treaded slowly. The camp seems to be deserted. He looked at the tents that have been burned, they were still some embers left burning.While walking slowly, he assessed what had happened. He deduced that the fire broke out at dawn, and because the tents were made of flamable materials, it burned instantly. The fire ate a
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Chapter 122
[Isabella’s POV] Ragnar has been spending time with me in my courtyard since this morning. He haven’t left my side since then. "Eric, are you not busy today?" I asked while sipping my tea. Midday has gone by. Ragnar and I are leisurely taking our time indoors, drinking afternoon tea with some snacks. He was sitting across me at the tea table. "I have finished all my work beforehand. And so, I have time to spend it with my beloved fiancee." Ragnar1 said while sipping his tea. "And you just had such a bad experience last night. Of course I would want to accompany and comfort you." I remembered what happened last night. Last night there was an assasination attempt towards me. Good thing Philip and Ragnar were there to help me out. I internally sighed to myself. ’I am still soft hearted.’ I know fully well that the men last night were bad and ready to do bad things towards me. But I still hesitated to take their lives with my own hands. "What are you thinking?" Ragnar asked me
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Chapter 123
Ragnar was pinning me down on the couch. His kiss was deep and hungry, as if he wants to eat me up.Our lips were interwined with each other, dancing in the rythm of our heart beat. I was starting to feel hot and wanting.Ragnar’s hands started to explore my body. His hands that were holding my hands up traveled down to my shoulders and then to my chest. He skillfully unbuttoned my dress in front, letting my breast out in the open. His hands kneaded them gently, pinching my budded nipple along the way. "Ahh..." I was surprised with his sudden movements that my voice broke our in a lewd way and my body flinched. "I love your reaction, Isa." Ragnar whispered to my ear while still doing his prior actions. "E-Erik..." My voice came out in a panthing and lewd way. "W-We can’t..."I want to say that we can’t do such things in the middle of the day but I was not able to say the words out because of the sensation Ragnar was giving me. "We can’t what, Isa?" Ragnar asked playfully. "Are
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Chapter 124
I walked inside the hall of justice with Ragnar. There where more people inside than I have anticipated. ’Who is being judged here today?’ I wondered.Ragnar took my hand and led me down the stairs and into the front row seats. While I was walking, I looked at the people at the center. There were two women and a man, with their hands and feet chained to the floor. ’Are these people the ones on trial today?’ I thought.While Ragnar and I are nearing the front row seats, I can see the people in the center more clearly. I am not familiar with the man and the other woman. But the other woman seems familiar to me.Ragnar ushered me to my seat and took the seat right next to mine. "I am sure you are going to love this movie." Ragnar whispered near my ear that tickeled me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up instantly.I was still curious as to what ’movie’ Ragnar was talking about. I looking at the persons on trial at the center of the hall, when I was shocked internally. The other
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Chapter 125
Guards, stop him!!!" The king roared.General Bruce was holding a sword that he stole from a guard and launched right at me. I was in shock with the happenings that I wasn’t able to react fast.It happened so fast that only my eyes were keeping up but my body’s movement felt slow. I see the guards ran towards the general, trying to stop his advance towards me. But the General was a veteran fighter and a master in using a sword. The guards did not stood a chance against him. In a flash, the general was able to fight past against the guards that were trying to block his advance.My head felt heavy and my heart was thumping rapidly. ’What will I do?’ I thought in panic.I can use my magic to stop the general from attacking me. But if I display my magic powers now, I am afraid I would be the next one to be persecuted just by having Spartan blood.🩸 I can sense the danger coming near me, my body was feeling very heavy. I am feeling the fear of losing my life at this moment.When general
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Chapter 126
I look at prince Darius in a daze. I forgot about him. It was embarrassing for others to see my crying face.Ragnar gently pushed me into his chest, burrying my face in the process."I would like to extend my gratitude for helping us stop the traitorous general." Ragnar said politely."Don’t mention it." Prince Darius replied. "Such a man deserved to die. It is just a pity he got away with only a quick death. I was sure king George was thinking of other methods that will make his death more painful."I took a peak from Ragnar’s chest. I see the prince of Geneva smiling brightly at us."Umm... thank you, for saving me." I said to him meekly.I would like to express my gratitude to the prince of Geneva face to face, but Ragnar was hugging me tightly on his chest. As if he doesn’t want anyone to see my face."I am happy to be of help. I just extended a helping hand. You are well loved princess Isabella ." Prince Darius said."Isabella and I will take our leave." Ragnar said. "I am sure m
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Chapter 127
[Isabella’s POV]When I woke up, the sun had just set. I blink my eyes to adjust to darkness in my room. "Erik?" I called soflty but no one answered. It looks like he has not come back yet. ’Maybe he was still talking with my father about some important matters.’ I thought.I stood up and exited my room. Outside the maids are doing their normal routine for the evening. "Princess." Maggie was walking towards me. "You are awake." "Yes." I nodded. "How long was I asleep?" I asked. "Not very long princess. An hour at least." Maggie replied. "Oh." I reacted. So I wasn’t asleep that long. But the nap did some good, I feel refreshed. "Dinner is being prepared. It will take about an hour." Maggie said. "Prince Ragnar said that he will be accompanying you for dinner so I have prepared the usual dishes he likes." "Thanks Maggie, you’re the best." I smiled whole heartedly.Maggie has been with me for quite some time now. I treat her as a big sister rather than my personal maid. She knows
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Chapter 128
After I have helped William bandaged his wounds, there was a knock on the door. ’Knock knock’ "Princess, dinner is ready." Maggie’s voice was heard from the other side. "Okay, thanks." I replied. "You go and eat. I can manage to put medicine on my other wounds." Philips smiled. "Hmm, okay." I nodded in agreement. I stood up and walked towards the door. When I opened it, Maggie was standing in front. I gently closed the door behind me "Maggie, get Phil’s dinner and serve it to him here in his room. I am afraid that if he moves that much, his wounds would bleed again." I ordered. "I understand." Maggie bowed her head. "Oh princess, prince Ragnar has arrived a while ago. He is waiting for you in the dining room." "Erik is here?" I smiled brightly and trotted towards the dining room. "The prince looked for you so I said that you have tended sir Phillip’s wounds." Maggie said while I was walking hastily.I wasn’t able to hear Maggie’s words because I was excited to see Ragnar .
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Chapter 129
[Ragnar’s POV]I have finished eating and heaved a silent sigh to myself. I looked at Isabella who had her head bowed down. "I will be taking my leave now." I said with such coldness. I can’t help myself from feeling this way, with jealousy. "Erik, d-did I do something wrong?" Isabella asked with worried eyes towards me.My heart skipped a beat with her beautiful face and pleading eyes. I want to hug her tightly. I want to bite her soft lips and lavish her whole body with kisses, an adequate punishment for her mistake. I want to bury myself inside her and possess her, making all of her mine. Others would know that she is mine and would never try to come near her again. ’This is not good.’ I thought to myself. Because of my jealousy, I am thinking of bad things. I don’t want her to hate me. ’I need to get some fresh air and calm down.’ I thought.I looked at Isabella with a serious and cold gaze. "I will give you time to think of what you have done and reflect on it." ’And I need t
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Chapter 130
[Ragnar’s POV continues] Isabella hurriedly sat up from bed when she heard my voice. "Erik , I’m sorry. Please forgive me." I heard Isabella’s pleading voice. "I didn’t mean to make you angry. I didn’t think first before I made my actions."Tears started to stream from my princess’ eyes. I wipe those tears away gently with my fingers. "You know what you did wrong?" I asked in a gentle voice. My jealousy has subsided by now and I don’t want Isabella to cry anymore than this. "It’s because I was alone with Phil in his room." Isabella replied. "I know that it isn’t an excuse for being ignorant. I should have thought of your feelings more. I know I have hurt you when I tended Phil’s wounds in his room alone. As your fiancee, it is wrong for me to be with a man alone. Your reputation may also be tarnished because of this."Isabella was sobbing. My little princess is hurt because of me. My heart aches while looking at her tears. "Hush now." I comforted her. "I do not care about my repu
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