All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
410 Chapters
Chapter 131
My eyes went wide with surprise. My body went stiff with the shock I got from Isabella’s words. "Isa, do you know what you have just said?" I asked in disbelief. Isa nodded shyly. "I would want to be one with you as well." Her cheeks were tinted red with her blush. After her sentence, my last defenses were broken down and torned apart. My will power crumbled in an instant and lust filled my senses once more. "Oh Isa, I hope you are prepared with what you had just said." My voice came out hoarse. Isabella nodded shyly. I see her lips parted slightly and that made the fire inside me burn more intensely with desire. She was ready to receive me. In no time I captured Isa’s soft and sweet lips. I tasted them in my mouth. The kiss was not enough to satisfy my cravings and I gently parted her lips with my tongue, slipping in and tasting the insides of her mouth. I found her tongue and played with them, hooking it with my own. "Ahmmm..." I hear Isabella’s sweet moan. It was just l
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Chapter 132
[Isabella’s POV] I can feel something enveloping my body and it made me feel a little hot. I slowly open my sleepy eyes. The room was dimly lit with the early morning rays from the sun. When my eyes started to adjust to the light, I realized that this room wasn’t mine. ’Where am I? What happened last night?’ I thought in panic. Then I remembered the events from yesterday. Ragnar and I had a misunderstanding and he was angry with me because of it. Because I didn’t want to end the day with us not making up, I decided to go look for him. Along the way, I see Snow. She helped me sneak past the guards and lead the way to Ragnar’s living quarters. When we arrived, the room was empty. Ragnar hasn’t come back yet. ’You wait here for your prince charming.’ I remember Snow said. ’Have fun.’ I was confused with Snow’s words at first. But when my eyes swept towards the big bed, then I realized what ’Have fun’ meant. My cheeks started to heat up. After Snow left, I sat down on the
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Chapter 133
Ragnar accompanied me back to my own courtyard after breakfast. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I felt all the people we passed by were looking at us. Ragnar was holding my hand along the way with a huge grin on his face. "With this, everyone would know that you belong to me." Ragnar chuckled. ’So this was his intention all along.’ I thought. I don’t mind letting him brag that I am his because in this lifetime, he is the only one I intend to love until my last breath. But the gaze the people are giving at us now made me feel shy. I can hear some of the maids chat when we pass by. "The prince and princess look so good with each other." "I know right. The prince clearly loves our princess." "Did you know that the princess spend last night in prince Ragnar’s residence?" "Really?" "Do you think they have went the extra mile in their relationship?" "I don’t mind if they did. They are engaged to be married after all." "The prince looks like a hot blooded young man. With
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Chapter 134
"I know that you have knowledge of your lineage, princess. You don’t need to be wary of me because we are family." Prince Darius takes a sip of his tea casually.My eyes went wide in surprise. ’What did he mean by that?’ I thought.As if prince Darius read my mind, he answered. "It is literally what I meant. You and I are both from the royal blood line of Sparta . Your mother Snow White , was my mother Fiona’s twin sister." He gave me a smile as confirmation. "So you mean... we are cousins." I tried to hide my surprise. "Yes, we are." Prince Darius said. "Then, how did you become the crown prince of Geneva?" I asked in curiosity. "It is like how you became a princess of Wales." Prince Darius said. "But the difference is, my mother became the queen while your mother just became a concubine."I was processing the information Darius was giving me. ’So I still have a blood relative.’ I thought. "And another difference is, I am of purer blood than yours." Prince Darius looked my way.
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Chapter 135
"Saved? You mean..." I was in shock with prince Darius words. "Yes, she was saved. Your mother is alive in Geneva." Prince Darius smiled.I staggered a little in place and lost my balance. When I was about to compose myself before I fall, I can feel warm hands carefully wrapped around me, assisting me. When I look up, a familar warm face greeted me. "Phil." I called his name in a daze. "Isabella, are you all right? Do you feel ill? You look pale." Philips asked in a worried tone.I shook my head. "I-I’m fine. Thank you for asking Phil." I replied. "How about your wounds? Shouldn’t you be resting?" "I have rested all day long. It is not so much hard work to guard you in your afternoon tea." Philips smiled at me. But then he gazed at prince Darius with piercing eyes. I am sure Philip had a hunch that I was pale because of something prince Darius said.Prince Darius and I were talking with a tone only the two of us could hear. I am sure that no one in the vicinity have heard our con
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Chapter 136
At a remote road in the outskirts of the Kingdom, the carriage bringing the ex-queen is seen. The road they are taking leads to the tower of Doom, which is a week’s travel from the capital. At the tower, the ex-queen will be spending the rest of her days in house arrest.Inside the carriage, the ex-queen Charlotte is wearing plain clothes. She isn’t wearing any make up and her hair is only tied into a pony tail. Her appearance now is a far cry from her former self, who was always dressed in luxurious clothes and exquisite jewelry. Her hair is always styled with shining hair ornaments that compliments her beauty.Now she is just a whisp of her former self, traveling to the last destination of her life. Looking at her like this, one would wonder how a queen who was high above all others would plumet down to nothing.The ex-queen was silently seating inside her carriage, outside are royal knights riding in their horses guarding her.Charlotte just took one maid with her. This maid has be
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Chapter 137
Charlotte waited for a while before leaving her hiding spot inside the hollow of the tree. It has been a while when she last heard the footsteps of the bandits chasing them. She looked at the way where her maid ran and made a sad smile. "Please be safe." Charlotte said silently.After that she ran the opposite direction where the bandits chased her maid. She still needs to survive and to take revenge against the king. ’I will surely kill your beloved bastard daughter in front of your eyes.’ Charlotte thought.Charlotte ran under the cover of the trees. It was just past midday, and the sun was still high in the sky.Not long she had come upon a back road. This road is different from the one they have been travelling on. The road towards the tower was a main road used by many, while this back road is small. ’Maybe I can find someone that could help me.’ Charlotte thoughtCharlotte had conjured a story that she would tell when she met someone on this road. She would tell them that she
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Chapter 138
[Ragnar’s POV]Darkness has enveloped the outside as the night had fallen. Charlotte was inside a dimly lit room, strapped on a chair. She was still sleeping because of the drug. "Wake her up." I told Kyler. "Yes." Kyler bowed. He took a vial from his pocket and walked towards where Charlotte was seated.Kyler opened the vial and put it under Charlotte’s nose. Not long, Charlotte gasped awake. "W-Where am I?" She was still visibly disoriented, looking around the room. "My queen, are you awake now?" I hooked one side of my mouth up. "P-Prince Ragnar" Charlotte stammered. "Do you remember what happened?" I asked nonchalantly.Charlotte was visibly distraught. I knew she was now panicking internally. She thought that she was saved by me but in fact it was the opposite. She tried to move but saw that her whole body was strapped on a chair. "What is the meaning of this?!" She roared. "What do you think is it, queen?" I replied with a smile. "How dare you, do this to me?!"
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Chapter 139
[Ragnar’s POV] "No, no, no, no! Don’t come near me!" Charlotte screamed in fright.I walked towards the table beside Charlotte where the torture devices are laid out. I pick them up one by one, inspecting them. "I will explain the uses of each device, your highness." Maze said with respect. "Hmm." I nodded in agreement. "This, your highness is a thumbscrew." Maze picked up a small metal object with a screw. "A person’s fingers are one of the most sensitive parts in the body. This device is used to crush the fingers or toes slowly and painfully." Maze explained. "I see." I hold the device and inspected it carefully.There is ten of this thumbscrew device in Maze’s pouch, which means one for each finger. "Then let me use this first." I smiled wickedly. "No, don’t come near me. Take that thing away from me." Charlotte was squirming from her sit.I take one of her hands that were balled into a fist, she was fighting hard. I acknowledge her fighting spirit. Of course, it would be bo
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Chapter 140
[Isabella’s POV] It has been a few days since Ragnar left the capital for some business. As for me, I have been in my courtyard all this time contemplating the news about my mother being alive. I am taking a stroll at the rose garden this morning, just after breakfast. "Princess Isabella." Philips said while escorting me in my walk. "You have been sighing for many times now. If you have any problems, you know that you can confide with me."I looked at Philip in a daze. He was looking at me with worry in his eyes. This made me snap out from my daze."I didn’t realize that I have been sighing." I smiled at him."Well you have been out of it this past few days." Philips said. "You know you can talk to me, Isa."I looked at Philip and contemplated. He has been a loyal friend to me and I know he won’t ever betray my trust. I sighed heavily and looked at the light blue sky with white clouds passing by."Philips, what if your mother was still alive?" I asked metaphorically. "I mean, what
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