All Chapters of My One Night Stand WIth Mr CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
92 Chapters
Chapter 11 I hate my boss
(I hate my boss)Grayson was taken aback, he was expecting something else but certainly not her using the bathroom to defecate. It was already embarrassing as it is and he could see her eyes glistening with tears,no one wants to be in her kind of situation so she was dismissed with the wave of a hand to make light of it.Kathleen nipped on her bottom lip as she walked out of the office—the cowardly voice peered it's ugly head out urging her to quit, to walk away without paying her shame any glance but she was broke....she was out of groceries and hasn't had water in her apartment for a week. All she needed was a fat avaricious paycheck as compensation for her woes.The hours went by quickly and she wasn't yelled at or called in by Mr Grayson, which was a miracle as she couldn't bear looking him in the eye after knowing she had clogged one of his toilets. Her work hours was finally over when she was called in, rolling her eyes she walked into the office and noticed he took his jacket o
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Chapter 12 Criminal..
(Criminal)‘Hey you look tired'. Jacob walks up to Kathleen's desk the next morning with two cups of coffee in his hands.Stretching her arm as she was just interrupted from her open-eyed slumber, she yawned loudly, ‘Yeah I had a rough night'. By a rough night she meant having to iron out two extremely difficult suits, with so much tremble to not burn the delicate material that it was, go through a huge file case and was up until 3am having to figure out her outfit for work tomorrow..... yeah she had a rough night.‘Well you're in for a treat', Jacob smiled, ‘The coffee shop right across are having a party so I got us free coffee and a cream cheese bagel to go with it. Ophelia mentioned you've been eating bagels a lot'.Kathleen's cheese rose with color of embarrassment as it was the pure truth—she'd been eating bagels a lot for lunch as it was the only thing she could get, by that she meant the free box of bagels she in a dumpster near a Costco supermarket. It wasn't expired and unop
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Chapter 13 Back to the roots
(Back to the roots)‘Hello Miss Turner'.Kathleen was puzzled, gobsmacked to say the least. Her boss was standing right in front of her! it wasn't a dream, nor a prank, neither a simulation of some sort which she prayed for it to be.... Grayson Hunter was standing right in front of her—in her apartment building—while she was wearing the most atrocious looking flip-flops worn out sweatshirt....he was standing in front of her!.I hope he didn't hear it, she thought as she blinked endlessly until she could muster up the courage to speak, ‘Wh... what brings you here sir?'.‘You', he responded, ‘I came here for you'.Now Kathleen wasn't sure by what he meant, coming here for her could mean a lot of things and she hoped it wasn't the latter she thought of, ‘Uhhh you came here for me??'.‘Yes', he nodded, ‘I need you to get dressed and meet me outside immediately. No questions asked Miss Turner'.‘I don't work outside work hours s—'‘I'll pay you extra so are you coming down or not??'.mHe
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Chapter 14 What is wrong with Mr Grayson?
(What is wrong with Mr Grayson??)‘Mr Grayson!!!'. She screamed at the top of her lungs in sheer disbelief of what just transpired right in front of her.‘Fuck!'. The punched man got up after a few minutes of being disheveled, ‘You're gonna pay for that man!'.‘Maybe take your time and listen. Then you'll be able to hear the concept of consent when it happens...if a woman doesn't want you just move on'. Grayson said calmly and walked away grabbing Kathleen's hand along.She remained mute as they walked out of the building, dazed and torn between feelings as she couldn't understand why he would hit someone for her—this was the same man who treated her like crap for the last two weeks after denying her existence on the spot and now he's fighting for her like he was her boyfriend.She gulped hard when she got into his car, without his driver when they both drove off and could feel the tension brewing between the both of them, she had to tread lightly use her words with caution or else it
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Chapter 15 Work Husband
(Work Husband)Kathleen returned twenty minutes later with the bottle of vinegar and frowned deeply catching her boss from the corner of her eye throwing it into the bin....there was absolutely no reason for him to send her on such a useless errand, it was all the more frustrating not knowing why he would do such a think in the first place.She sighed deeply returning back to work only for Jacob to return after a while and handed her a neck massager since she complained about how sore she was—he was a charming human, super sweet and really considerate but his gestures were just getting a little too much in her opinion, hence why Ophelia called him her work husband.It wasn't a secret about Jacob liking her and she wished she could reciprocate the feeling but her past relationships were nothing to write home about—her ex boyfriend was a married man, her one night stand happened to be her boss who didn't recognize her for some reason so there was no saying what could happen this time ar
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Chapter 16 Work husband part 2
(Work Husband part 2)‘I don't know why she would betray me like this'. Grayson said calmly as he returned to his seat in the restaurant after witnessing his ex girlfriend kiss her so proclaimed best friend in a car at the parking lot.He was hurt, hurt and his ego was even bruised the more. Not only did she break up with him, but she made it seem like it was his fault when she was the one going behind his back to cheat with her best friend!.The waiter arrived with the food they ordered and he just couldn't bring himself to chew any of it even though the lobster mousse looked amazing. He didn't love Charisse but he was comfortable with her, she was his woman for three years and even though their relationship wasn't moving forward—he still wanted to end things on his own terms.‘Well technically she's not yours anymore so...'. Connor murmured looking away to avoid Grayson's dirty glare.Grayson frowned, ‘She's not yours but she moved on quickly don't you—'‘You had a one night stand w
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Chapter 17 Dinner from hell
(The dinner from hell)She was beyond confused and shocked learning about the flowers placed on her desk by Jacob before she arrived at the office. Ophelia's disappointment went down the drain the moment the ignorance about the situation came to light—someone was playing foul, foul and was clearly against her relationship with Jacob moving further.Her brows furrowed as she brought out the rose gold dress which was way neater than she imagined, and wasn't in need of any ironing. All that was left was her hair and makeup, looking at the split ends she had it wasn't looking too promising—but she was determined to leave an impression on Mr Grayson's face, that even if she was a woman of low income she still had elegance.‘But who would do such a thing??'. She asked herself again just thinking about the flowers and a soft sigh left her, there was no explanation as to why anyone would do such a thing—the only person close to being a suspect was her boss and he certainly wasn't interested i
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Chapter 18 Dinner from hell part 2
(The dinner from hell part 2)‘Good evening Mr Jacob. Meet my assistant Kathleen Hunter'.‘Oh she's more than just an assistant alright. It's a wonder she's able to last this long considering your strict work ethics'.‘She's very good at what she does sir'.Kathleen breathed a sigh of relief being introduced as Grayson's personal assistant and not just his woman of the night as she feared earlier. She took a deep breath again and used this opportunity to glance around the long buffet table where almost everyone was of high status and calibre, it definitely made her feel out of place.Grayson however conversed with the guests like it was a normal thing to do, these were his people—posh people, pristine people, eloquent and classy people and then there was her—an ex teen convict who lived in the slums of new York trying to make a name for herself. Her confidence went down the drain just seeing the people of luxury, knowing she couldn't be where they were no matter how she dreamt.Grayso
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Chapter 19 I have a date
(I have a date)Kathleen screamed the next morning waking up to a late alarm clock. It was spoiled and she forgot to change the batteries the night before, now she had overslept and an hour late for work.‘He's going to kill me...he's going to kill me'. She sang in frustration as she managed to put on an outfit without bothering to take a shower or brush her teeth—there was makeup wipes and mouthwash in her bathroom which was a quicker substitute, all this wouldn't spare her from the grave cause her boss was so going to bury her.‘Kathy!!'. She heard Mr Garrison's voice and banging on her door which made her scream silently as things were for sure not going to plan. She just had a week left, just a week left until she got a huge fat paycheck and now she was a at a risk of losing that same job .‘Hey Mr Gary'. She put on a wide grin as she opened the door fully dressed and ready to bolt as soon as she had the opportunity.He brought his hand forward, ‘Where's the money you owe me Kathy
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Chapter 20 Tired!!
(Tired!!)‘What do you mean you have a date??'.‘Well... it's when two people who want to get to—'‘I asked a rhetorical question!!'. He yelled and she gulped hard, unable to understand why he was so pissed off about this. All she wanted was to not work overtime because she had a date and now he was pissed, but she wasn't backing down, she just wouldn't break Jacob's heart again.‘I can take the suits to the drycleaners first thing tomorrow sir'. She offered.‘Who's the guy?'.‘Pardon??'.‘Who are you going out on a date with?', he asked, ‘Jacob Hempstead??'.She frowned subtly, ‘I don't see how it's relevant but yes—he asked me out on a date and I said yes'.Grayson was trying his best to conceal his disdain, he hated the feeling of rage pumping through his veins, hated how bothered he was that she was leaving her job to go out with some colleague of hers, ‘Okay then. Do you want a pink slip??'.‘Sir??'.’I asked if you wanted a pink slip tomorrow Miss Turner'.‘No sir'‘What time is
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