All Chapters of My One Night Stand WIth Mr CEO: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
92 Chapters
Chapter 31 Damn her boyfriend!
(Damn her boyfriend!)‘Jacob Hempstead'‘Pardon'‘Jacob Hempstead', he said drily, ‘He's your boyfriend right?'.‘Yes sir'‘When?'‘Sir??'‘When did you both get together?'‘A week ago I guess. I'm not really counting'.‘Ohh'‘Yeah'.Silence ensued. Kathleen watched their somewhat okay conversation die down into a depressingly awkward silence which she found torturing. He didn't look thrilled that she had a boyfriend, why would he care anyway it wasn't like he gave two hoots about her right? or maybe he did care about her considering his drunken confession about being sorry for treating her like crap, or maybe she was just overthinking and he didn't really care.All these thoughts wavered around her head meanwhile Grayson was fuming on the inside. She had a boyfriend, for over a week and he didn't know? of course he knew Jacob Hempstead took a great liking to his assistant and after all the failed efforts to sabotage the relationship he came out triumphant—Grayon loathed that, he desp
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Chapter 32 Damn her boyfriend part 2
(Damn her boyfriend part 2)Kathleen groaned loudly as she slumped down on her bed, kicking her shoes off, her body felt sore and she had a throbbing headache—it was the reward she got for taking care of a drunken man until midnight, having to lift seven heavy boxes of A4 paper to his office only for him to flippantly tell her to take them somewhere else.She wasn't sure what she'd done so wrong that he snapped out of his nice self, he nagged endlessly about her not doing her job correctly and for a moment she almost snapped but the remembered what happened the last time—she might actually lose her job this time which was something she definitely didn't want.He was strange, so strange as she could feel his lingering eyes on her for a moment but then at the same time it might just be her head playing games with her. A deep sigh left her as she rubbed the side of her neck, she needed a break and to make it worse she had a date with Jacob tonight—which she might have to cancel because s
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Chapter 33 You're fired
(You're fired)Charisse Watson adjusted her glasses as she took her seat in front of the cafe building, she didn't want to be recognized by anyone even though the theatrics wasn't really necessary. Seated right in front of her was the private investigator, the same man she hired to watch over Grayson and he had some very juicy news to share.‘So tell me', she adjusted the wide brimmed hat on her head, ‘What did you find out??'.He smiled and placed a fat envelope on the table, ‘For starters her real name isn't KathleenTurner...well technically she changed it legally once she turned eighteen. Her real name is Evelyn Boswell, born in Pennsylvania and abandoned at the hospital, at least that's what her records say. She was thrown around in the foster system a lot and ex juvie'.Charisse laughed but then he wasn't amused so it turned from laughter to ghastly shock in the span of a second, ‘Wait you're serious??'.‘Yes I am', he nodded, ‘She changed her name right after she
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Chapter 34 Her criminal past
(Her criminal past)The tears streamed down Kathleen's cheeks as she put her things into the cardboard box. The complimentary office calendar she had a special place in her heart for, her mug which had a picture of badadobee on the side, her highlighter and most importantly—the beautiful butterfly paperweight which was a gift from Ophelia.In the span of a few minutes she lost her job, lost the one good thing going for her all because of a lie. Her fists clenched seeing the judgemental look on his face, she knew what he thought of her—a lowly criminal and wouldn't even give her enough time to explain herself, damn him, she thought as she wiped the tears off her eyes.....she was never coming back to this place ever again.‘I told you she was trouble Gray'. Charisse smirked as they watched Kathleen leave with her box.He frowned deeply, he certainly wasn't happy watching her leave but he felt betrayed nonetheless, ‘You've said your peace, please leave now'.‘Wh...what?!!', she stammered
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Chapter 35 I don't want you here
(I don't want you here)Kathleen shrugged lightly as she sipped her piping hot tea, ‘You know what? I actually don't blame him this time'.‘What??'. Gloria asked her best friend from the kitchen as she was just about to marinate a couple of chicken breasts for dinner.Kathleen shrugged again, ‘I'm talking about my boss. I actually don't blame him this time for losing my job. It was my fault, I went against company's policy and lied about my record'.‘Well it's a stupid record', Gloria grunted as she cut the chicken into smaller pieces, ‘It's highly discriminatory and if he knew the full story you wouldn't have lost that job of yours'.Kathleen chuckled, ‘You're just saying that to make me feel better'.She didn't feel better in any form, in fact she felt worse. She'd just woken up from a five hour slumber after crying her eyes out from losing her job, she felt like crap not because she lied about her criminal past—she cried because she felt judged, she saw the disdainful glare in Gray
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Chapter 36 I don't want you here part 2
( I don't want you here part 2)Grayson tapped his foot on the floor impatiently as he checked his watch for the umpteenth time. He'd never been so nervous like this in a long time which was saying something, the last time he felt a sense of dread was at his school's science fair where he blew up his electronic volcano and sending one of his teachers to the hospital—his father was one of the huge funders of the school so he didn't get any long lasting punishment for his actions.Gloria could sense how tensed he was and couldn't understand why he would feel such a way, something about Grayson Hunter just felt so uncanny and she being a keen observer couldn't nitpick what he was really thinking. In the spirit of hospitality she offered him a cup of coffee which he accepted, she genuinely wanted to hear what he had to say hence giving him the benefit of a doubt and fighting the urge to spit in his coffee.Grayson also felt tensed as she handed him a mug and sat at the other end of the co
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Chapter 37 Let your ego down
( Let your ego down)Kathleen heard the knock on the door but refused to heed and open it. She waited patiently as she heard her best friend bid her boss goodbye, still sniffling loudly as he couldn't believe she'd ruined her favorite shirt and blown off another date with her boyfriend just for this—now she had to deal with a disappointed Jacob, and the fact that she was now an unemployed spinster.Gloria pursed her lips as Kathleen finally opened the door half an hour later, ‘Dinner's getting cold. Eat up'.‘I'm not hungry'. She shook her head‘You're gonna be anorexic soon. Eat up Kathy'. Gloria frowned.Kathleen took a breath, rolling her eyes surreptitiously as she reluctantly grabbed the plate from Gloria, taking a seat on the couch and took a bite which was when she realized that she was actually starving. She could feel her best friend's lingering eyes, and the occasional humming which was a signal that she had something to say—Kathleen always hated when she did that.‘If you h
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Chapter 38 Come back to work
My one night stand with Mr CEOKathleen woke up to a box of chocolates right in front of her door and a note. She frowned for a moment which later reduced to a smile as she thought it was nothing short but a gift from her boyfriend. Gloria was fast asleep on the couch when Kathleen carried the huge box of chocolates inside the apartment,placing it on the table excitedly and even more ecstatic as she opened to a giant chocolate teddy bear with a heart on it which said ‘I’m sorry’.Her smile died down immediately, the last time she checked she wasn’t mad at Jacob which only meant one thing– It wasn’t a note from him, it was from her boss. A loud groan left her as she pushed the box to the side and rose to her feet, raking her hands into her hair in a frustrating manner–Why was he doing this? She thought, he had no reason to make her feel so drawn to accept his proposal and he didn’t care about her so why would he apologize?‘Oof that’s a big teddy’. Gloria’s icy tone startled her for a
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Chapter 39 A changed man
(A changed man)Grayson finally smiled as he took a sip out of his drink, however that was short lived as Connor placed a hand on his shoulders, ‘So what's next Mr CEO?'.‘What's next for what?'. He frowned‘Kathleen', Connor laughed as he signaled the bartender for a drink, ‘You're in love with her man. How are you going to let her know?'.‘She has a boyfriend'‘That hasn't stopped you before'Grayson's faced tightened as he grimaced, ‘What do you mean by that? I'm not a woman snatcher Connor'.‘The last time I remembered you said you were willing to play down and dirty to get Kathleen. You're going to have to play harder considering how much she hates you'. Connor muttered.Grayson sighed, ’I just want to make her comfortable with me again before I do anything else, if I fire her boyfriend then she might go back to hating me. Doing all of this is so exhausting'.‘You're new to the game Mr Hunter', Connor chuckled as he winked lewdly at a redhead who brushed past him, ’It's your firs
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Chapter 40 Meet my mother
(Meet my mother)‘So what exactly did you say to him this time?'. Ophelia asked Kathleen three hours later over lunch.Kathleen munched over her sandwich shrugged, ‘I didn't say a word. I just got my job back'.‘Then you must be some guardian angel sent cause Mr Hunter has been nice to all of us today now that you're back'‘Really??'’Yes girl', Ophelia confirmed as she brushed her braids away from her face, ’He's a much decent human whenever you're around, and he comes to the employee's lounge whenever you're here'.Kathleen frowned, ’What are you trying to say Ophie?'.Ophelia shrugged, ‘All I'm saying is, keep up the good work. You've finally tamed the beast'.Kathleen was still in the dark as to what Ophelia meant but didn't push it any further. Instead she focused on her sandwich but just as Ophelia mentioned, Grasyon walks into the lounge and grabs himself a can of Sprite and a packet of haribo gummy worms. Kathleen knew her boss, and she knew he hated carbonated drinks—he was a
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