All Chapters of Becoming successful after escaping death: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 Chapters
Chapter 20
Rhiannon opened her eyes only to find that a hard thing was below. She frowned as she struggled to get up. Seeing the naked chest, images of what happened at night flooded her mind making her blush profusely.“You are awake?” a hoarse voice sounded above her causing her to hide her face as she tried her best to get out of his embrace.“Can you stop struggling? I can let you go if you tell me properly instead of what you are doing,” Octavius said as he looked at the figure above.“Can you please let me go? I need to use the washroom,” Rhiannon said as she gritted her teeth regretting what had happened yesterday.“Sure,” he said releasing her although he knew that she was lying.Immediately Rhiannon was released from his embrace, she covered herself with bed cover before she released that she had left Octavius naked.Seeing his naked body, she blushed and ran away as she felt that if she stayed there, she wouldn’t be able to leave the room till noon.After freshening up, she walked out.
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Chapter 22
“Do we have to go to that restaurant if it is so far away?” Rhiannon asked as she yawned while seated in the passenger seat and Octavius was driving.“I had there are delicious meals there and I want you to try them. You have now started leading the company and you can’t go for something less,” Octavius said making Rhiannon confused.When he saw her confusion, he shook his head. “What I mean is that you have now taken your mother’s company, do you plan on only being in the fashion industry? You are just specializing in clothes not even jewels, I think you should broaden the company if you want it to reach a higher level and also for it to be an international company,” he said causing Rhiannon to fall into deep thought.“Then what does that restaurant have to do with all that?” she asked as she felt that there was something fishy.“It is a very high-end restaurant, you need cards to get there, and also, most people who go there are very wealthy families and their companies are worldwid
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Chapter 23
The young couple turned around and saw Kaylee. Rhiannon’s eyes darkened when she saw the latter while Octavius glanced at his wife in worry. Kaylee and her friends were surprised at how handsome Octavius was and they started feeling jealous. Seeing the jealousy in Kaylee’s eyes, Rhiannon chuckles bringing the latter back to reality. “Sister, who is he?” she asked in a soft voice opposite to the tone she had used previously. “Why do you want to know?” Rhiannon asked coldly as she understood what was going on in her half-sister’s head. “Sister, you are married. I am afraid that your husband will get angry when he discovers that you are with a man in a restaurant,” Kaylee said showing her concern but her words easily swayed away those of those who heard her words. Some started sneering as they looked at Rhiannon. ‘Such a young and beautiful woman but she has already started cheating on her husband! I pity the man who married her,” one of the passersby said with disgust causing Oc
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Chapter 24
The cold voice sounded at the entrance making some people take steps backwards.Although the restaurant was well known and everyone wanted to go there, they feared the boss as he was a no-nonsense man.“It’s just that there is a shameless person who seems to have no manners,” a woman said in the crowd causing the boss’ face to darken.“I have always said that only those who are righteous and are not despicable can come to my restaurant. Who is that person? Kindly tell me so that I can throw him or her outside,” he said coldly as his darkened eyes roamed around the crowd to see who was present and the person the people were saying.When his eyes fell on Octavius, he was shocked and opened his mouth to say something but the latter shook his head.Kaylee panicked when she heard the man’s words. When he saw him looking around, she lowered her head afraid that the boss would know the panic in her eyes and chase her out of the restaurant.She was so afraid of what her father would do to her
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Chapter 25
“I am sorry everyone. Please come in and enjoy your meals,” the boss said with a smile on his face contrary to the tone he was using on Kaylee.“At least the woman is going as I will be able to enjoy my meals,” a woman said after a sigh of relief.Rhiannon stared at the boss and shook her head. Unlike the others, she could tell whether the smile was fake or real. She looked around and when she saw some people rolling their eyes, she understood that she wasn’t the only one who had seen the smile.“Yeah, yeah, yeah. No need to tell us to enjoy when all you care about is whether you earn money today or not,” a man said causing the boss to chuckle.Rhiannon and Octavius were the last to walk in as Rhiannon had been looking around to see how the courtyard was decorated. As the perfect husband Octavius was, he didn’t interrupt her as he was afraid of making her angry once more.“Sir, when did you come to the city?” the restaurant’s boss asked when he saw that there was no one else behind w
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Chapter 26
“What have you done?”Mr Clark was so angry that he wanted to beat his younger daughter black and blue till she couldn’t be recognized and had the strength to get out of the house to cause trouble for him.“Dad, why are you shouting at me immediately after I walk in?” Kaylee was displeased with the tone her father had used on her. Also, she wished that he would have at least waited for her to get seated before questioning her.She felt so wronged that tears threatened to come out of her eyes and she pouted while staring at her father.Seeing the eyes in her daughter’s eyes, Mrs Clark glanced at her husband with a disapproving look which was ignored by the man.Mrs Clark was so angry but she knew that if she said anything wrong, the two would blame her as always.“Don’t sympathize with her just because you can see tears in her eyes. You have spoilt this girl so much that even when she does anything wrong, she just sees as if we are wronging her,” Mr Adam said coldly as he glanced at h
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Chapter 27
“How can you blame everything on Rhiannon even when she isn’t staying with us anymore? Don’t you have even the slightest shame?” Mr Clark was so angry at his youngest daughter that he felt anything she said was rubbish and looking for excuses.“Dad, how can you say that to me? Is Rhiannon your only daughter cause you have been siding with her every time? Or you are now at her side 'cause she owns the company?” Kaylee said as she cried causing Mr Clark so angry.“You! You are so lucky that you are so far from me cause I would have beaten you up. Also, I appreciate the fact that you know that I have always sided with you. I always believed everything you said without giving Rhiannon a chance to defend herself or ask her what had happened but after what has happened today, I highly doubt whether everything you used to say was true or lies,” Mr Clark told her.Kaylee panicked a little bit. She had indeed done a lot of bad things but claimed that Rhiannon was the culprit behind the latter
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Chapter 28
Rhiannon had a smile on her face since they got out of the restaurant.Not because she was told that the restaurant was hers but because the dishes there were so delicious. If she were asked, she would always go there to eat.“You have been smiling for a long time. Aren’t you tired of it?” Octavius asked as he glanced at her.Most times, Rhiannon always had a cold expression thus Octavius thought she was just like him. None expressionless person but today, she had proved her wrong.“Tired of smiling? Why should I get tired of it and it isn’t like I am doing any work?” Rhiannon asked in a confused tone.“I rarely smile. Therefore, every time I did that, I would think that I would get tired if I smiled for more than a second or minute,” he explained when he saw her confusion.Rhiannon glanced at him and shook her head as she didn’t know what to say or whether to ask why he rarely smiled.“I have always been a jovial person. I love smiling and laughing, mostly when I am with my family an
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Chapter 29
Rhiannon became worried when she heard Octavius' words and at the same time wondered how his family knew when they weren’t in the capital. Seeing the worried look on her face, Octavius felt troubled but knew that he had to do what he did today to let her have a foothold in the capital. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine,” he said causing Rhiannon to hum in response. She laid back in her seat and looked outside. She had initially thought that getting married to Octavius wouldn’t be a problem as she had money and also, she mainly did it to fulfill her promise. But now, she wondered what kind of trouble had she gotten herself in. She realized that she couldn’t lazy around anymore and had to bring the company to higher levels before she set to the capital. She turned her gaze out of the car and watched the scene as they drove past the city. She remembered about her nanny and glanced at Octavius who upon feeling her gaze turned to her. “What is it?” he asked. “Uhm, it’s about my
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Chapter 30
Rhiannon remained silent as she fell in deep thoughts.“Yes, she was never the Clark’s employee in the first place. Although she never left and my mother was gone and there wasn’t anyone to pay her, mom had left some amount in her account as payment for her being my nanny even when she was gone. Since they don’t pay her, I don’t think they have any right to prevent her from leaving the house and if they do, we can meet in court,” Rhiannon said the last words coldly.Octavius nodded his head but anyone who took a closer look at him would see a faint smile on his face.“Okay. You can call her and give her our home address,” he said.Rhiannon nodded her head and at the same time shook it.“No. I think we should go for her. There are a lot of things that I left behind and I think that I should go for them cause if I don’t, Kaylee would get her hands on them,” Rhiannon said causing Octavius to glance at her.“From the way you are behaving, they seem as if they are so important,” he said wi
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