All Chapters of Becoming successful after escaping death: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
Chapter 31
“Rhiannon, are you telling me the truth?” her father asked in surprise.“Yes,” Rhiannon responded as she felt there was no need to tell him many things.She was also afraid that if she told them what she was going there to do, they would hide her mother’s belongings and she didn’t want that.“Okay, Dad will instruct the servants to prepare your favorite meals for you so that you can eat when you return,” Mr Clark said happily.‘Favorite food? You have never spent time with me yet you claim you will tell them to prepare my favorite food?’ she asked herself at the same time she felt disgusted by his words and hung up the call without saying anything.Octavius who had been listening to the conversation and paying attention to her was confused when he saw how cold she had become and wisely didn’t ask any questions as he didn’t want to make her feel worse than that.After driving in silence, they arrived at the estate where the Clarks lived.They parked the car outside and another car stop
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Chapter 32
Rhiannon shook her head and said. “That’s where you are wrong. You have always been busy at work and didn’t even know what was happening at home. She never brought me up! My nanny is the one who brought me up.”“Rhiannon! We still paid Mary for the work she did,” Mrs Clark said coldly as she thought that the nanny would never complain to Rhiannon that she didn’t get her salary.Mary never complained as she didn’t care about whether she was paid or not. What mattered to her the most was whether Rhiannon was having a good life or not.“Paid her? Do you take me for a fool? She has never received a single penny from you thus you better shut up! My mother left some money for my nanny. The money was her salary for thirty years,” Rhiannon said shocking them.“What? Dad, are you surprised? You have always given your wife money to pay my nanny but she never did. Even the allowance that I was supposed to be given, she took it all and gave it to Kaylee. At that time, I didn’t see the need to comp
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Chapter 33
“What… what are the police doing here?” Mr Clark asked with a pale face as he glanced at the men in blue then at Rhiannon who rolled her eyes at his cowardice.“Your wife refused to give us my mother-in-law’s jewels and belongings. Of course, there is a need to call the police,” Octavius said coldly causing Clark to glance at him.They were curious about how the man had contacted the police when they didn’t see or hear any call being made.“When you guys weren’t paying attention, I texted one of our bodyguards,” Octavius said when he saw their confused faces and eyes full of curiosity.“We have been informed that there is a case here?” one of the police asked while the other had a pale face when he saw Octavius.“Sir, what are you doing here?” he asked as he glanced at Octavius.Octavius turned and glanced at the man when he realized that the latter was talking to him.“Do I know you?” Octavius asked the police coldly and as he glared at him signaling him to shut up.Seeing the man’s
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Chapter 34
“How dare you talk to me in that tone! I am your mother,” Mrs Clark said angrily.“Mother? My mother isn’t a mistress,” Rhiannon retorted coldly making Mrs Clark speechless.“Sir, madam. I checked my mom’s jewels two weeks ago and they were all there. I am so positive that there is a place where she has hidden them. Why don’t you search the house? I know that the mansion is so big and it would take a lot of time but with my bodyguards, I believe that everything will go smoothly,” Rhiannon said.She understood that Octavius didn’t want anyone to know his identity and also, he didn’t want her father to know that he was so rich that he couldn’t use the latter. She had no problem with it and opted to act along with him.“What! How can they search the house without a permit? Rhiannon, don’t you think that you are crossing the line?” Mr Clark asked angrily.Rhiannon’s eyes turned cold and chuckled.“Crossing the line? Who is crossing the line here? Your precious daughter took my jewels when
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Chapter 35
The people in the room looked at each other while Mrs Clark even forgot about her daughter and what was only on her mind was what she was going to do or say to the police.The police glanced at Mr and Mrs Clark.“Handcuff the young lady as we go to the master room to confirm,” the head of the police said making the policewoman nod her head.She took out the cuffs and put them on Kyalee’s hands by force.“What are you doing? What’s going on?” Kaylee asked as she shouted as she couldn’t understand what was happening.“Mrs Rodriguez came for her things but discovered that some of hers and her mother’s jewels were missing. Your parents refused to hand them over to her thus we came here. After searching the house, we found Mrs Rodriguez’s jewels in your room. Do you have anything to say to that?” the policewoman asked coldly as she stared at Kaylee who was confused as she didn’t remember any Mrs Rodriguez in her life.“Excuse me, who is this Mrs Rodriguez as I can’t recognize one by that n
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Chapter 36
They all looked at her curiously.Octavius’s mouth curved as he glanced at his wife whose eyes were full of mischief.Although she had hidden it, he was one of the few who could read people’s emotions and expressions. After all, he had always stared at his uncles to know how to always have a cold and indifferent look.“What is the other option?” Kaylee asked as she didn’t want to go to prison.Rhiannon glanced at her and then smirked. The smirk fell on Kaylee’s eyes who frowned upon seeing it.’What are you up to, Rhiannon?’ Kaylee asked herself as she stared at the latter.“Dad, since you keep on insisting that I should drop everything off, I will give you two choices, one is that you either replace them. You be arrested and detained instead of them,” Rhiannon said with a smile on her face.“What do you think Dad? You love them so much thus I am sure that you have no problem with that right?” Rhiannon asked once more when she glanced at her father whose face was angry when he heard h
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Chapter 37
Everything happened very fast and they didn’t see what happened. They only heard a scream and the bodyguard passing them in haste.“Why are you screaming as if you have been burnt or slaughtered?” one of the police officers asked in a displeased tone as he closed his ears due to the man’s loud screams.“He broke my finger. He needs to be arrested for injuring me,” Mr Clark said as he tried his best to stop crying and be brave.Kaylee was so happy when she heard that.‘How can they do such a thing in front of the police? As the boss, I am sure that she would be arrested! Yes, that must be the case.’ She said to herself inwardly.“Who gave you the right to point fingers at my wife? He was just teaching you some little manners on how to behave,” Octavius said coldly causing one of the policemen to sweat.“You! How can you do that in front of us? Or do you think that we can’t arrest you?” Another asked angrily.“Arrest me? Can you? Do you think that your small station is enough to detain
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Chapter 38
Kaylee lay on the wooden bed without a mattress as she stared at her mother with hatred.“Why are you giving me that look?” Mrs Clark asked in an annoyed tone.Even without asking, she knew what was going on in her daughter’s mind but didn’t dare voice it out afraid of voicing it out.“If it weren’t for you, would I be laying here with my stomach aching? Rhiannon is so evil why did she follow her husband’s instructions?” Kaylee said her eyes full of hatred.“Let her be full of herself for a while, we will take everything from her when we get out of here. Although your father was indifferent because of what you did yesterday and how we behaved when he was hurt, we are still his beloved family and he will surely get us out,” Mrs Clark said, making Kaylee hum but after hearing her mother’s words, she felt at least better than before.“Yes. I defeated her once and I will defeat her once more,” Kaylee said with a smirk as she recalled Rhiannon’s cries and begging before they set the house
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Chapter 39
“Uhm, Nanny has told me that everything, mine and mom’s have been brought here,” Rhiannon said immediately after she met Octavius' eyes.“Yeah. One of the rooms will be arranged and you will keep Mom’s stuff there. Or, since you will be moving in with me, your room should be used to store her things,” Octavius said without noticing the stunned look on Rhiannon.After waiting for an answer without getting one, he looked at her face.“What? Why are you looking at me with that look?” Octavius said as he was confused and at the same time worried that he had said something he wasn’t supposed to say.“Mom? You said Mom, do you have your mother’s belongings here? Also, when did I say that you will be moving in with me?” Rhiannon said angrily as she thought of his words.“Of course, your mother is also my mother. As a son, shouldn’t I address your mother as my mother also? About moving in, you are my wife, you should sleep in the same room as me,” Octavius said with a smile on his face.“You!
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Chapter 40
“Miss Rhiannon, what are you doing here?” the secretary asked as he eyed Rhiannon.Rhiannon glanced at the latter and knew that there was something they were hiding from her.“Why shouldn’t I be here? Isn’t this my company?” Rhiannon asked sharply as she eyed her.The secretary avoided Rhiannon’s sharp eyes as he was afraid that he might do something or that Rhiannon would see the panic in his eyes.“I am sorry miss,” he said with his head lowered.Rhiannon glanced at him before walking past him to the president's office.“How dare you open the door without permission,” an angry voice sounded in the room causing Rhiannon to chuckle coldly.“You are fired,” she said to the secretary before walking inside.“Dad, don’t you know the company’s rules? This is my company and I am the president. You are the CEO and should be using the CEO’s office, not my office,” she said coldly as she wasn’t in the mood to entertain the latter.Mr Clark was shocked when he heard his daughter’s voice.“You!
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