All Chapters of Becoming successful after escaping death: Chapter 41 - Chapter 45
45 Chapters
Chapter 41
“Okay,” Rhiannon answered as she understood who she had been told about.She arranged the documents on the table neatly and tidied the desk as papers were scattered everywhere.She stood up, took her handbag, and took out the documents that were in before placing the handbag on the desk and started walking towards the door.“Make sure that no one comes in when I am not present,” Rhiannon said to a bodyguard as she didn’t want to leave the office without anything looking after it as some documents could be stolen.Also, the fact that she had just fired the secretary made things worse thus she opted to treat the guards as her secretary for the time being till she could find a new secretary.Although the bodyguard didn’t like standing in one place and wanted to refuse, he didn’t say anything as he had been taught to always follow his employer's instructions. Even if he could have argued that Rhiannon never paid him, she was his boss’ wife thus it meant that she was also his boss.“Yes ma
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Chapter 42
Everyone was shocked at her ambitions.They had always known how ambitious she was, but they felt that that was on another level.“What if you don’t get it?” Mr Clark asked as he wanted to make things for Rhiannon when he remembered what she had done to him.Rhiannon was displeased when she heard his questions while the others curiously looked at the two.“What does this have to do with this? For as long as I can remember, I have been trying and won’t be using any money for what I will be doing until we get their attention. If you think that I will be giving you a chance to make fun of me then you are mistaken!” Rhiannon said coldly as she glanced at the latter.“You! Is this the way you speak to your father?” Mr Clark asked angrily.“The same question all over again. Can’t you ever ask something else? I am getting tired hearing it every time,” Rhiannon said causing the man to be angrier.“I think what Rhiannon has said is true. She will be trying, if she manages then we will get into
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Chapter 43
“What?”Mr Clark and the other members were shocked at the bodyguard’s words.Even Rhiannon herself was surprised when she heard how much they earned as she never thought that Octavius was so rich that he could pay them that amount.Nonetheless, she didn’t dare show her surprise as it would be others suspicious of her and she couldn’t let them be.She was aware that some of them pretended to be friendly to her as they had seen her bodyguards' true strength and didn’t want to cross her.“What? Rhiannon! How can you pay them so much money? Where do you even get that kind of money?” Mr Clark angrily and in disbelief.The money he believed that Rhiannon paid them was so generous that he wondered where the latter always got her money from as he really gave her money.“Why do you need to know?” Rhiannon asked as she raised her eyebrows as she didn’t care about the curious eyes on her.“Why do I need to know? I am your father! How can I not know how much money you got? What if you are doing
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Chapter 44
“Don’t tell me that you sent them to prison because of that only,” Mr Clark asked as he looked at Rhiannon in disbelief.The others were shocked when they discovered that Clark’s mistress and the youngest daughter were in jail. They all were frightened as their stock would fall once more if it was discovered.They wanted to blame Rhiannon and claim that she didn’t care about the company but after thinking about the situation very carefully, they had to admit that both Rhiannon and Mr Clark did a good job in hiding what had happened in their family.If it wasn’t for the fact that the man had asked Rhiannon immediately and without thinking out of anger, they would never have known it. For this, they didn’t bother blaming Rhiannon again but wondered what kind of mistake the mother-daughter duo made to make Rhiannon so angry that she would charge them.Rhiannon glanced at her father without thinking and thought that the man could think anything he wanted as it wouldn’t affect her in any w
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Chapter 45
“Are both of you going to return her things or not?” Mr Clark asked the mother-daughter duo who were seated opposite him.“Why should I return them to her? She has refused to drop the charges. How sure am I that she will drop them after I return them?” Kaylee said sharply and arrogantly.Mr Clark glared at her hoping that she would change her decisions as his position was at risk. He also couldn’t understand why Kaylee turned the way she was.He had expected Rhiannon to be that way as he never provided her with the same luxury he provided Kaylee with but everything that had been happening proved him wrong.“You have to! Rhiannon is the head of the company and has more power than you think! She said that if you didn’t return her things, she would take the CEO position from me. Do you want me to be left with no power in the company?” Mr Clark said loudly and angrily shocking the duo.“What? How can that wrenched girl do that to you? Has she forgotten that you are her father? And if she
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