All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
250 Chapters
Tangled In The Hidden
With trembling hands, I flipped through the documents, my heart pounding as I tried to chew on mentally what had just happened. Wait…hold on. So that meant that that was not an accident. That had been planned. That guy had purposely allowed me to bump into me. Who knew how long he must have been waiting for me?And how in the world did he know that I was going to come for a run? Or even use this direction. Sh*t…Fallon. How could I be so forgetful? The bug that she had on my phone. She obviously had heard something that I may have said to Chris or one of the staff at the mansion before leaving that made her say that I was going for a run. Or maybe, my rapid breathing and she could also have a tracker on there too. Damn, this made me feel a bit unsafe. But the only thing that was giving me solace at that moment was the fact that I knew that she did not want to harm me, she only needed my help. I decided to head into a small coffee shop that was not far from where I was standing. I
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Plan goes To Sh*t
As Chris continued to banter lightly, my mind raced with strategies to erase the security footage without raising any red flags. I could not afford for him to stumble upon any evidence that would lead back to the mysterious folder that I had gotten in a very weird way. “You should go and shower, you smell like a sewer,” I joked, and he rolled his eye playfully, pulling me in for a hug that gave me no chance to escape. “But that’s what you like, don’t you?” He went along with the joke and I could not help but chuckle freely. Then I felt something poking me. I pulled away and gave him a look as he smirked. “Not happening, you better go and shower, young man.” He whined like a little child, “Come on, please. You have already woken him up.” He nodded at his boner. I scoffed faintly before laughing lightly. “I did not wake anyone up. Your guy down there should be accountable for his own actions.” I shrugged as I escaped his embrace. “Plus, you have not been going to work or doing anyt
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The Security Room
With a renewed determination, I set out to find a way to access the security room without raising any suspicions. I knew I had to tread carefully, but I was willing to take the risk if it meant Chris not finding out about the deal that Fallon had offered me. I did not know if he was done with his shower yet but I did know that he was going to be stuck in that room to do some work after the bathroom. So I knew that I had some time. I proceeded to leave the hallway, heading on the little mission that I had found for myself. I could feel the anxiety but the thing was that it was now getting normal for me. You see, for the past few days, I had been swamped with anxiety and fear. Over and over. So the thing was my body was getting kind of used to it at this point. I exited the huge house and I approached the security building that was found in another building not far from the residential area. I tried to keep my movements casual as if I belonged there. I knew that appearing too nervo
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The Real Truth
I was back in the mansion in no time. Chris was not in our room anymore but was rather in the living room. I stopped by and said, “Still doing the work that you have been putting off all because you wanted to be a good husband?” “I am a good husband,” He replied, humor in his voice. I could not help but chuckle in response. “Of course, you are. You’re perfect,” I said as I closed the distance between him and me, planting a kiss on his forehead. I knew him to be perfect. And when I say perfect, I was not talking about the dictionary meaning of that. I felt like in his own way, he was perfect. I was glad that I met him and wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Fallon only wanted to come between us. She had already done enough by making me so many disgusting things. Now, what she wanted to do was break up my marriage by planting lies and deceit. And even though I was tempted to believe. Or tempted to want to find out, that did not mean that I would. I knew that it would not be righ
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That Kind Of Day
Chris’s POVIt was the next morning, I woke up to the sound of familiar clicking sounds. When my eyes fluttered open, I saw Linda. She had her laptop in her and she was typing very fast. I furrowed my brows and stirred on the bed, startling her. She quickly closed the lid of the laptop and turned to me, flashing me a forced smile. I scoffed internally, proceeding to sit up on the bed. “Why are you awake so early? My alarm for work has not even gone off yet.” And that alarm was set for 5:45 AM. So yeah, it was pretty early for her to wake. She did a thing that always did with her hair when she was really nervous or about to lie. “Um…I just had some important work to do for my parents.”“And it couldn’t wait? Linda, it’s not even six in the morning yet.” I knew that she was lying and although it annoyed me, I had to take into mind or consideration that maybe she was doing it because she wanted to, but because she had to. “It’s really important, Chris. And they wanted it done as soon
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Work, Work, Work
Chris’s POVI woke up to someone gently tapping me on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open and my vision soon cleared. When I looked up, I saw that it was a guy. He was wearing the uniform that all the workers here wore. “Sir, I’m sorry to wake you, but if I didn’t, you would have been late for work,” He informed me. “Sh*t,” I cursed under my breath as I sat up, a swinging headache gripped my head but soon dulled away in seconds. “Thank you,” I told the guy as I tried to find my way to my room so I could shower. Glancing at the clock on the wall in the hallway as I headed toward my room, I saw that it was almost seven. I needed to get my butt in the bathroom and get ready as fast as possible. When I entered my room, my eyes fell on the broken phone and I sighed in frustration. What was I thinking last night? Yeah, I was mad and could easily replace the phone, but I still was not going to be in contact with anyone until I did. What if Linda was calling? What if she had forgiven me
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Linda And Her Folder
Chris’s POVThe door to my office opened, and Mr. Jacobs walked in, a serious expression plastered onto his face. He was an older man, with salt-and-pepper hair and a demeanor that often exuded authority. Well, except on days when he would be nervous or emotional about something. As for today, he seemed more reserved than usual. “Mr. Kingston,” He greeted me with a curt nod as he took a seat across from my desk. “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.” He forced a smile. I gestured for him to sit, masking any hint of apprehension with a calm smile. “Of course, Mr. Jacobs. What can I do for you?” He leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk. “Chris, I will get straight to the point. You are like family to me and I have worked with you for years. You know my family like they are yours.” “Yeah, of course,” I replied, my interest piqued incredibly now. This seemed way more than just talking about a pay raise. It seemed to be more than that. “There had been an in
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Unwelcome Visitations
Chris’s POVI was taken aback…no, I was shocked. What was she doing here? “Meghan?” I dropped the file that I was trying to put away. My heart was pounding and I could feel anger rising in me. “How did you even get in here?” I looked behind her to see if Cecil was there, but she wasn’t. She was always there, so maybe the reason she was not was because she took a little bathroom break. That was the only reason I could come up with. Cecil was the kind of person that only left when I did. If I did not leave and spend the entire night here, then that would be her fate too. And it was not like that was something that I had told her to do. “If you’re looking for your secretary, she’s not there. It’s late, maybe she went home?” The stunning girl replied. She was a beauty; absolutely breathtaking but she was a mistake that I regretted with every part of me. I had forced myself to forget about her, being able to finally live with myself. But now seeing her again was bringing up some awful
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A Million Dollars?
Chris’s POVMy mind went blank for a moment as if time had frozen around me. Pregnant? How…how? With my child? The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks, sending a wave of panic coursing through my veins. This could not be happening. I could not have a child with Meghan, especially not under these circumstances. This had to be a joke, it had to be. Maybe it was her way of trying to scam me for money.I released her hand abruptly, taking a step back as if her touch burned me. “That’s impossible,” I muttered, though the tremor in my voice betrayed my inner turmoil. This was not good. This was not good at all. Her smile widened, but there was a hint of something else in her eye, something dark and calculating. “Believe me or not, but it is the truth,” She replied, her tone dripping with certainty. I began to pace the length of my office, my mind racing a mile a minute as I tried to wrap my head around this. F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! How could I have let this happen? I then stopped and said
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Hidden Truths
As I left the office, Rufus drove me home. The weight of the situation clung to me like a heavy clock, suffocating and relentless. The drive here felt endless, each passing mile filled with thoughts of uncertainty and dread. I was never going to forgive myself for what I had done, seriously. It was messed up in so many ways, and now Karma had come to pay me back. When we finally arrived at the compound, we were let in and Rufus parked right in front of the mansion. The door was opened for me by a guard and I got down. The whole thing about Linda and the mysterious folder was no nothing compared to what I was hiding. How did our marriage come to this? All these lies, and secrets. It sickened me. When I entered the place, it was quiet, the only sound echoing through the empty rooms was the ticking of the clock on the wall. Maybe Linda was asleep, oblivious to the storm that my actions had caused. I headed upstairs and proceeded to enter our room. It was midnight already and to my m
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