All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
250 Chapters
The Dotted Line
I was now sitting on the bed, I collected the paperwork that Fallon had thrown my way. With them in my hand, I realized they were the exact ones that I had read that were sent to my email. I was already okay with the terms and thought it was fair. It stated that as long as I helped her get information that would lead her to getting what belonged to her family then I was free from her.Not just free. But free forever. I stared at the paper for a few seconds longer and I think Fallon may have noticed that I was deep I thought because she proceeded to sit next to me.“Are you okay? Am I too late? Have you already changed your mind?” She chuckled to herself, handing me the pen as she sipped more of whatever she was drinking.I let out a wry laugh, my mind playing the events that unfolded in the hotel last night. I swallowed hard, my heart thumping in my chest as if it was happening all over again.“No, it’s not that…”“Then what is it?” She asked, waiting for my response. I could tell t
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Making It Work
In no time, the reading room looked like a small flower shop. And it smelled so good. There were so many kinds of flowers, but the ones that stood up were the roses, those were my favorite and Chris knew that. The guy soon left after getting me to sign, to prove that I had received the flowers. When they had left, I glanced around the room, a warm feeling filling my chest. For a moment, all was forgiven and I had even forgotten about how dangerous his family was. I had forgotten how I had been threatened back at the hotel as I continued to admire the flowers.This was such a beautiful gesture. Then my eyes caught something that was on the table, right in one of the biggest bouquets of flowers. It was white and looked like a note. I walked towards it and picked it up. I chuckled to myself when I saw Chris’s handwriting.He did not have good penmanship, he wrote as if he was rushing. No matter how much he tried; even if he took all the time in the world, his handwriting would stil
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Things Get Steamy
I let go of a breath that I did not know that I was holding. I could see worry behind his eyes, a mix of other emotions.But worry stood out more than the others.“So…so that means that your family did steal the gold from Fallon’s family. Everything she said that they did is…true?” I asked, my heart thumping in my chest.He licked his lips and then nodded slowly. “Yes, Linda. But this is as much as I would like to talk about this. This is all you need to know that I’m being truthful to you.”I stared at him for a few seconds longer before speaking, “But if this is true, then why would you do nothing?”“F*ck, Linda, I told you that I won’t be able to talk about this in-depth,” he said, his eyes pleading. “Please…can we please drop this?” He was basically begging me.I had already signed Fallon’s contract. And even if there wouldn’t have been a contract, I was a human with a conscience, of course, I was not going to turn a blind eye to all of this.Yes, I was now a Kingston and that mea
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Don't Get Caught, Linda
The bed held our weights well, the air was filled with sexual tension. The room smelled like sex.“Go slow at first,” I said to Chris as I felt his manhood go into me. My mouth made an O shape and even though it hurt at first, the pain was pleasurable.“F*ck, that feels so good,” he said as he pushed himself deeper into me. But he took his time, he listened to me.“Yeah?” I started to move my hips higher, causing him to instinctively grab my neck, pushing me down to the bed as he started to get aggressive.The pain was fading away and pleasure was coursing through my body. The harder he hit, the more I wanted.“I f*cking love you, Linda,” he said as he made love to me, not breaking eye contact with me. His moans were out of this world.Every sound and move he made brought me closer to the climax. I held the bedsheet in my hand, squeezing them tightly as he continued to pound me. “Chris…Chris…” I tried to tell him that I was so close. “I’m going to c*m! I’m going to c*m!” I felt my co
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Love Still Exists
I was shaken for the next few seconds, my nerves all over the place. But I quickly composed myself.I picked up my phone from the ground and ended the call as fast as I could. And it was just in time because he had now reached me.“I was…I was on a call with Ben,” I lied smoothly. Okay, not too smooth but still, it was believable.“Oh,” he replied, nodding. “It’s cold out here, let’s go inside and have breakfast.” He placed his arm around my hips and planted a kiss on my cheek before leading me into the mansion.When we were back in, the warmth of the house was not enough to ease my nerves. They were slowly getting eased but they were taking their sweet little time.“Would you like your eggs scrambled?” Chris asked me while we were seated in the dining area, a huge and fancy chandelier hanging over our heads.“I’m hungry, I would like them in any way,” I replied, humor lacing my voice.He chuckled, grabbing the empty plate that sat in front of me and proceeding to put some eggs and ba
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A Breakthrough
I could not stop looking around, truly, the restaurant was not overrated. It looked even better than how it looked on their homepage.It was a really expensive place and I could see why. I even read that Ambassadors had eaten here, and the past president of the United States ate here once.So yeah, I was hyped about the place.“You look like a kid that just got to see Disney World for the first time,” Chris joked and I could not help but laugh while rolling my eyes playfully.There were two waiters that came to our table, making sure to get our orders. I ordered what I had been craving from their menu for weeks now.It was their famous seafood that cost a thousand dollars per plate. I know it seemed like a scam, but really, it wasn’t.I just hoped and had my fingers crossed that it would appear the same way they advertised it.Chris called for something Italian. He wanted the seafood but I told him that he could eat some of mine and I could eat some of his.When the waiters left, I w
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Could Be Freedom
I sighed after the champagne went down my throat. Then I nodded before saying, “Yeah, sure.”He stared at me for even longer then he said, “Are you sure? You look pale.”I forced a chuckle. “I just need to use the bathroom,” I replied, standing on my feet and fleeing away. Before I could disappear down the hallway, I glanced back at Chris and he looked confused, reaching for his phone.I went to the bathroom and then stared at myself in the mirror. My nerves. My stupid nerves. I had waterproof makeup on so I turned on the faucet and splashed some water on my face, trying to feel better.The cold water made me calm down a bit, but I still needed to get to Fallon. I thought about just sending her the picture of Chris’s phone screen that I had taken but changed my mind quickly.If she was able to put spyware on my phone so easily, I could not trust that the Kingstons could not do the same.I did not want that Kirby lady coming after me again. I never wanted to see her again in my life,
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The Walking Dead
Linda’s POVSitting in the room felt like it was a little too much. I felt like my life was being placed under the microscope. They were talking about me and what could have led to the guy in the white hoodie breaking in just to take photos of me.A few of the people at the table recommended that I was put under heavy protection, that maybe a planned attack was in the works, but I did not think so.“But who is this guy?” A very pale older man spoke, he was wearing a suit and looked rich. He also looked like he was the boss. He was asking about the guy in the white hoodie. Liam walked toward something that looked like a huge whiteboard. He then took a small remote in his hand and with a click, the whiteboard came to life.It was more of a TV, and on it was displayed the picture of the guy who was in the white hoodie. There were two pictures.One was the one that we had gotten from the security company and the other was from god-knows where.“Who the guy is isn’t really important, bu
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Chris’s POVI was sitting at the table, the food that we had ordered staring right back at me. I knew that I would not be able to finish all of this.And besides, I had lost my appetite.I didn’t think that Linda would have left, I didn’t think that she would have fallen for the little trap that I set up for her. I needed to know whether she had actually dropped this whole gold thing. But I guess she had not.And she proved it. She fell for the trap. I had intentionally left my phone on the table and pretended to get a stomach ache. It was all an act.In fact, I was not even in the bathroom, I was in the back room of the place, which was very nice. I had gotten someone to email my account just when I had left, so it seemed like it was not planned. Everything that I knew that she had read on tagg email was fake. It was all a lie, and it just proved to me that she was still stubborn and did not want to wash her hands from the affairs of my family.I gestured for the waitress who was
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Chris’s POVIt was so bright. Why was it so bright? I never knew that those lights could get as bright as the sun.“Turn them off, turn them off, please “ I begged Linda.My eyes were starting to adjust to the intensity but still, I wanted them off.“Chris…” She groaned my name, and I smiled. She had a tone that showed that she cared about me. It showed that she was worried about me.And that made me feel like I was floating on clouds.I watched her as she grabbed the empty bottle from the marble floors, taking the glass also before walking away.I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace that I felt. It felt so good.Then footsteps caused me to open my eyes once again. It was her, it was my angel. Even with the frown that sat on her lips, she still looked stunning.She was a goddess, and it spiked my soul that I had slept with Meghan. It was something that I didn’t think I could ever forgive myself for.“You need to drink,” Linda said, handing me a bottle of water. That was true, I was re
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