All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
250 Chapters
Daddy Issues
Chris’s POVMy heart was pounding as I called. I paced the study slowly, the door closed because I wanted to be able to make this call alone.When the call finally connected, I waited with bated breath for what I was about to hear.There was silence, but not like it was all altogether quiet. It was like he had answered the phone and was doing other things because there were indeed background noises and voices.Then he spoke, his voice familiar, “Why the heck would you not answer my calls?”“How are you, Dad?”“You heard me, right? Why didn’t you answer my calls?”I swallowed, my head feeling heavier by the second. “I was asleep. I’m sorry.”“Asleep? You’re a CEO, you never sleep to the point where you can’t even answer calls at night. You have to be a light sleeper,” He started to lecture me.“What if it was one of your board members calling you last night for an emergency meeting? What if one of your buildings were on fire and they needed you?” He continued, and I listened, not darin
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Chris’s POVI did not like the look on her face. It broke my heart but I could not disobey my father. This had to be done. I didn't even have the luxury of rescheduling, I had to be there. “Seriously, Chris?” She said, her tone low. “We have plans for the day, can’t work wait?”I wished. I wished that this was only about work. But it was deeper than that. It had to do with family. And if I trusted her enough, I would have told her. But the truth was that I did not. She was working with Fallon.I loved her, but I didn’t trust her. I wet my lips as I took a strand of her hair and placed it behind her left ear while staring into her beautiful eyes.“I know that we have plans. I know that today is not a work day, but I’m a CEO, Linda,” I replied, using what my father had said in his lecture when I was on the call with him not too long ago.She swallowed, hurt in her eyes. “I mean, it’s understandable,” she said in response. She forced a smile, I could tell.“When will you be back?” Sh
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The Kingstons' Villa
Chris’s POVAs I walked alongside my father through the grand halls of the villa, memories of my childhood flooded back. This place held a certain kind of nostalgia, a mix of fondness and resentment intertwined with every step that I took. The man led the way with a confident stride, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. Despite the warmth of his welcome, I could not shake the feeling that something was not right; that a shoe was going to drop. We entered a spacious study lined with bookshelves and adorned with opulent furnishings, I could not help but let my mind wander, trying to figure out why I was invited back into this place after all these years.My eyes fell on my mother, she was sitting on the vintage couch, her face holding a small smile. Maybe this was just me and my overthinking but I always felt like she did not like me. I felt like she only tolerated me. “Hello, Mom,” I said to her, and her smile widened, but weakly. “Chris, my love. I see that you are
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A True Kingston
Chris’s POVI furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to process what they were saying. I mean, yeah, I knew that they were talking about Linda. But how could she be a threat?I chuckled. “Okay, but how is she a threat? We have taken care of Fallon and her attempts to destroy our family for years. What more about my wife?”My father sighed, uncrossing his legs as he sat upright. “Listen, Chris. We are not here to argue with you.”“I’m not arguing,” I replied without missing a beat. “I’m trying to understand all of this.”“If you lose the attitude, you might be able to understand better though,” Hunter said, joining the conversation. I glared at him, chuckling dryly. I was not going to fall for his trap. He wanted to snap but I was not going to play his stupid little game.“I’m sorry if it seems that way,” I put aside my pride and spoke in a soft and respectful tone despite the storm raging in me. “It’s okay, honey,” My mom replied, rubbing my shoulder gently before withdrawing her hand. “W
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Stay With Us?
Chris’s POVI thinned my lips and nodded, accepting what he had just said. Even if I did not, I did not have any real choice.“You should know that I only allowed us to use Kirby that night because I wanted to get Linda back, right?”“Yeah, but she also needed to know that if she tried to fight a battle that she was in no way equipped to fight, that she was going to lose; and bitterly at that,” My father explained, flashing me a small smile.Silence hung in the air for the next few seconds, the only sound was the one of my mother sipping the liquor from her glass as she watched the exchange.“Back to the question…” I broke the delicate silence. “What was Hunter talking about?” It should not have bothered me like how it was, but it did.I needed to know. “The thing about you not being a true Kingston?” Mom asked, her voice a bit raspy. I peeled my eyes off Dad and looked at her. Since he was not giving me answers, maybe she would. “Yes, is he right? And if he is, what does that even
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Car Trip
Linda’s POVChris was in London and I had not gotten a phone call from him since he left. I was a bit worried about him but again, he was a grown man; a Kingston, to be exact, so of course he would be able to take care of himself. Yeah, honestly, having him leave had hurt me a bit. But I guess I deserved it considering that I had canceled our date also. So I guess it was now even. Where was I right now? I was in a car, driving my way to Fallon’s place. And yeah, the fact that Mitch was alive still seemed like a fever dream to me, but nevertheless, I was starting to embrace it, but very slowly. As I navigated through the familiar streets, so many thoughts raced through my mind. The events of the past few days still had me reeling, struggling to make sense of the chaos that decided to become friends with me. Mitch, alive after all this time. The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of relief and disbelief coursing through me. I could not believe that he had faked his dea
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Pushing Past Fear
Linda’s POVFallon’s reassurance about Chris brought a small measure of relief, but it was fleeting. But it was more than that. It was not just about my husband, even though what she had explained made me feel a bit better about it all, it was more about what was going on in me. As the miles stretched on, the anticipation of reaching our destination weighed heavily on me. And I don’t think that it was only me, when I glanced in the rearview mirror, I caught a glimpse of Fallon, she looked lost in thought, her eyes glossy and her face filled with an emotion that I could not decipher. Glancing at Mitch, he was asleep. Of course, he was. I rolled my eyes and scoffed very faintly as I looked back at the road. The small town held the promise of answers, but it also loomed as a battleground where the truth would clash with the shadows of deception. I did not like how I had acquired the information about the town. It had been Chris’s and my date, I should have put everything aside and pu
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Tricked And Embarassed
Linda’s POVMy heart pounded in my chest as I stood face to face with the guard, his weapon trained on me with unwavering intensity.The weight of the moment pressed down on me, threatening to crush me beneath its suffocating grip. But despite the fear coursing through my veins, I refused to back down. This was a risk I had chosen to take, a gamble in the high-stakes game we found ourselves playing. “We mean no harm,” I said with a firm tone, staring directly into his eyes, adrenaline coursing through me. “We just need to speak with your superior. It’s a matter of importance.” Where did all that boldness come from? When had I become so brave and courageous? I never even knew that I had it in me. But maybe it had always been there, and for the past couple of weeks, after being dragged on the very floors of hell, it developed. And now, it was finally showing. But to be honest, this was one of the craziest things I had done in my life. The guard’s gaze bore into mine, his expressio
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I Want To Be Free
Linda’s POVThe weight of the failure hung heavy in the air as we trudged back to the parking lot. Each step felt like a reminder of what had just happened and the consequences we now faced. Especially me. I glanced at Mitch, his expression mirroring my own sense of defeat. “I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice heavy with resignation. “I have no idea what we do now.”Fallon was nowhere to be seen, her absence a sharp reminder of the rift that had formed between us. I could not blame her for being angry – I had let her down, just like I had let Chris down. Mitch slid into the passenger seat beside me, his silence echoing the weight of our shared disappointment. “I guess we go home,” He said finally, his voice smeared with resignation. Home. The word held a bittersweet promise, a reminder of what I had done. Home, the word reminded me of my husband. And what did that remind me of? Failing him. I started the car and decided to give Fallon a call before leaving, but as expected, she di
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A Rainy Day
Linda’s POVAs I sent the message to Fallon, a wave of uncertainty washed over me. Was this really the decision? Could I really walk away from everything that had happened, from the tangled web of lies and deceit that had already ensnared me?But deep down, I knew that I couldn’t continue down this path. The weight of my conscience was too heavy to bear, and the thought of just making things worse was unbearable. I just wanted a way out. With a heavy heart, I pressed send and watched as the message disappeared into the digital ether. There was no turning back now. As I lay in bed, the events of the day played over and over in my mind, each moment seared into my memory like a brand. The guilt that I had been trying to ignore gnawed at me, a reminder that I had f*cked up. It was late and it had been a long day, I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to claim me, hoping that tomorrow would bring some semblance of peace and clarity. When morning came, there was no sun beaming in my eyes.
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