All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
250 Chapters
Some Family Time
Chris’s POVIt was the next day and I had already sent my private jet to go and pick up Meghan. She would be here in a few hours. I did not want to do this alone, so I asked Lucy to come along. She was more than happy to do so. So now, I was getting ready, I did not really know what to wear because my usual attire was a business suit. If I was not wearing a business suit, then that meant that I was alone with Linda and would be wearing sweatpants and an unironed shirt. But besides that, I was not accustomed to wearing business casual. So yeah, it took me a while to find something to wear. Even after finding what I thought was okay, I still had mixed feelings about it. I can’t believe that I was doing this, but I sent one of the workers to get Hunter so he could help me out. Despite how strained the relationship was, he was still family…kind of. And there were times when we would put our differences aside and help each other. I was hoping this time would be one of those times. A k
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The Hospital
Chris’s POVI winced at the flick to my ear, rubbing it lightly as I watched Hunter walk away with a smirk on his face. Some things never change, I thought to myself, shaking my head in amusement. I was impressed. That was one of the best and most civil exchanges we had ever had, we usually were always bickering and fighting. So that…that felt refreshing. With Hunter’s assistance and his unexpected offer to accompany me, I felt a bit more at ease about the impending confrontation with Meghan. Having him by my side might actually prove to be helpful, despite his tendency to be a nuisance. As I made my way downstairs so I could get on my way to meet Lucy, I met my father. He seemed busy and I think was on a Facetime call with someone. He only nodded my way before peeling away his focus from me. The whole situation with Meghan felt like it was a ticking time bomb, threatening to unravel everything I had worked so hard to build. But I could not dwell on that now. I had to focus on th
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A Father?
Chris’s POVI winced at the flick to my ear, rubbing it lightly as I watched Hunter walk away with a smirk on his face. Some things never change, I thought to myself, shaking my head in amusement. I was impressed. That was one of the best and most civil exchanges we had ever had, we usually were always bickering and fighting. So that…that felt refreshing. With Hunter’s assistance and his unexpected offer to accompany me, I felt a bit more at ease about the impending confrontation with Meghan. Having him by my side might actually prove to be helpful, despite his tendency to be a nuisance. As I made my way downstairs so I could get on my way to meet Lucy, I met my father. He seemed busy and I think was on a Facetime call with someone. He only nodded my way before peeling away his focus from me. The whole situation with Meghan felt like it was a ticking time bomb, threatening to unravel everything I had worked so hard to build. But I could not dwell on that now. I had to focus on th
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Threats And Ultimatums
Chris’s POVI was going to be a father, I was really going to be a father. The very thought scared me, but it also brought me a strange joy. If this was going to be with my wife, it would have been one of the best days of my life. But that was not the case and so it scared me. “I need to talk to you,” Meghan said, her eyes trained on me. “In private…we could find an empty room to do so.”Hunter looked at me, silently asking me if this was okay. I nodded and flashed a smile at Lucy before walking out of the room with Meghan. As she led me to a private room down the hall, my mind tried to think of what she was going to say. But of course, I was not going to be able to do that, I did not have superpowers. Uncertainty gnawed at me but I knew that I could not put this off nor could I escape it. Once we were alone in the room, she turned to face me, her expression unreadable. It bothered me that she was being so nonchalant. This was not how she usually was. “Chris,” She began, her voic
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Home, Sweet Home
Linda’s POVI had been discharged from the hospital and had also made a new friend. Zack seemed like such a nice person and he said that he knew a lot of great places to eat and have fun in China and would take me to see them as soon as I was feeling well. He had pointed out that those places were humble places. And honestly, I was down for it. I was tired of the luxurious and fine things, I needed a small break. But for now, I was stuck in the mansion. I found out that I had bruised a couple of ribs from the accident and the gash on my leg was not too deep. Even at that, they hurt like crazy when I tried to move aggressively. So if I did not move too aggressively, the pain would only be mild. As I settled back into the mansion, the quietness of the expansive rooms felt almost suffocating after the bustling hospital environment. And Chris was not here too, so it just made it even worse. I was missing him really badly. Despite the luxury surrounding me, I found myself yearning fo
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We Finally Got Them
Linda’s POVFallon’s words sent a chill down my spine. What did she mean by “we finally got them”? And why did it feel like she was still playing this dangerous game, one that could cost me my life? “Fallon, I don’t care how close you think you are,” I said firmly, pushing through the pain in my ribs to maintain my resolve. “I’m not risking my life any longer. I need time to lay low, to figure things out.” There was a hint of desperation in her voice as she responded, “Linda…” She sighed. “Please, we are on the verge of finally exposing them. Just give me a little more time. A day?”But her pleas fell on deaf ears. I could not ignore the danger any longer, couldn’t pretend like everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t. This could be like the time when we went to that town, we had thought that we were so close to finally putting an end to all of this, but you know how that ended. I could not keep doing this. I did not think it was worth it for me to lose my life over Fallon getti
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Fixing Things
Linda’s POVI had showered and had breakfast, and had enjoyed both. I was back in the living room, and one of the maids helped me to take my medication. So I had nothing to do but just to watch reality shows and relax. But my heart kept getting slung to Chris, I missed him. Maybe I should call him? Maybe I should put my jealousy and ego aside and call him. Yeah, that was what I was going to do. I was going to call him. I reached for the landline that I had had the maid put on the coffee table for me in case I wanted to make or receive a call. I grabbed the colorless receiver and dialed Chris’s number, my heart pounding with anticipation. After a few rings, his voicemail picked up. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to way since I thought he was actually going to answer. I mean, he was the one who had been trying to reach me for the past few days. Taking a deep breath, I decided to leave a message. “Hey, Chris, it’s me,” I started, my voice showing that I was slightly nervou
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Like Old Times
Linda’s POVChris’s words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of truth. I knew all too well the power and influence his family wielded, and I could not deny the fear they instilled in me.Still, he could have told me the truth. But I understood, considering my connection with Fallon, he was just being careful. “I understand,” I said softly, though a part of me wished I didn’t have to. “But still does not excuse what they have done. Your father is literally capable of murder, has that not dawn on you?” A weird feeling stirred in me once I said that. Was I not capable of murder too? I had killed two men already, and even though I told myself that I had no choice or my family would have been harmed, that still did not change the fact that I had done what I did. So I kind of felt like a hypocrite talking about Chris’s father in that light. “I know,” He sighed, the weariness evident in his voice. “And I promise you, I will do everything I can do to protect you from them. You are my
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Champagne Paired With Victory
Linda’s POVSeeing Fallon’s car outside immediately sent a jolt of emotion through me that I could not decipher. What could she want now? Had something gone wrong? Or was she here to provide an update on our plan to take down Chris’s family? Despite my hesitation, curiosity got the better of me. I needed to know why she was here. With a deep breath, I made my way to the door, each step a reminder of the pain still lingering in my body. Opening the door, I was met with Fallon’s determined expression. She wasted no time with pleasantries, her gaze sharp and focused. “Linda, we need to talk,” She said, her voice low but urgent. I nodded, stepping aside to let her in. As she entered, I could not help but feel a sense of unease. What she had to say, it could not be good, could it?Leading her to the living room, I gestured for her to take a seat. Once we were both settled, I waited for her to speak, my heart pounding in anticipation. “I have some news,” She began, her face serious as
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Chris’s POVI had ended the call with Linda and things were way better now. I liked how we were now, it made me feel really good. With her reassurance still echoing in my mind, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Despite the challenges we faced, knowing that she was safe and we were in this together brought me a sense of peace. After a few hours, I decided to go for a jog. I was not a big fan of cardio and that was Linda’s type of thing but I decided to try it out. I wanted to practice now so that when I went back to China, I would surprise her with a jog. She had been begging me for the longest so we could go on runs and jogs together, but I would turn her down every time because that was something that I was just not into. But as I said, I wanted to surprise her. We were getting back on the right track and it made me feel wonderful. But I could not ignore that I still had demons to fight, I still had things to deal with. One of them was that I had an unborn child with a perso
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