All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
250 Chapters
Still Her Puppet
Linda’s POVLost while watching the car, I barely noticed the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. It was only when the machine beeped, signaling that the coffee was ready, that I snapped out of my reverie. Pouring myself a cup, took a hesitant sip, the warmth spreading through me like a comforting embrace. I then went back to the window and saw that the person had already parked the vehicle so I expected them to be at the door any minute now. It was not one of Chris’s cars so I didn’t think it was him, but it could be a rental. The front door made a sound, signaling that someone was walking in. With my coffee in my hand, I walked over to the source of the sound. Then I saw her, it was Fallon. I breathed out an air of relief. “Fallon?” She was dressed in something warm and had a dull look in her eyes. “We need to talk,” She replied before walking away and heading to the living room. I followed her, my mind going to the text I had sent her last night. I had a feeling
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Codes And Leverage
Linda’s POVDid I have a choice? Maybe. But what I do know that I had was a chance to be free; an opportunity to free myself from the claws of Fallon Knight. I understood her pain, even if not fully, but I got it. But also, that did not mean that I was willing to give up my life and personal life goals for hers. I was going to try my best to fulfill my part of this contract and to do it as quickly as I could so I could go back to my life. Maybe even after it all, I would go back to the United States. I just hoped that I would not be going alone and would still have a husband by then. I nodded slowly, swallowing hard against the lump forming in my throat. “I understand,” I murmured, my voice a bit weak. I sighed before continuing. “I will do whatever it takes to see this through.” Fallon smiled. “That’s more like it.” She then proceeded to open her bag, pulling out a file and handing it to me before closing the expensive bag. “You failed me when it came to our little road trip tha
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Goal: Don't Fail
Linda’s POVIt was the next day, and Chris was still out of the country. I had tried to reach out to him over and over but had no luck. I did not know if he was safe, pissed at me, or just needed space.To be honest, I just needed him to communicate with me. But so far, so good, it was radio silence. I had tried to escape from Fallon’s claws but I guess she had them sunk in my flesh way too deep and I could not easily get away. She had given me a mission, and although it seemed risky, at least I had some leverage over her this time. Was I worried that she had been at the house yesterday? No, not really. I mean, I was concerned because I knew that there were security cameras almost everywhere in the compound, but there was no way that I was going to confront Mr. Jacobs again. I knew that he would tell Chris about her visit once he came back, or maybe he had already done. But quite frankly, I already had a plan about that. I was going to tell him the truth. I was going to tell him t
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Even More Secrets?
Linda’s POVI waited with bated breath for the woman to say something. She seemed to be doing a lot of thinking in those few seconds.“Um…I think I would have to call him. Is that okay?”I frowned, making sure to sell my act. “How is that okay? So you’re trying to tell me that as his wife who owns half of what he owns, I have no right to walk into his office to get something?” I raised an eyebrow.Her face was getting a bit flustered. She flashed me a nervous smile, glancing at her computer before looking back at me. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Kingston. You have every right to your husband’s office.”That's what I wanted to hear. I smiled, nodding finely before saying, “I’m grateful for your understanding.”“But do know that I would have to inform him when he gets back from London,” She said carefully. I pursed my lips, flipping my hair a bit before gazing at her with a cold stare. “That is something that I would not appreciate.”She breathed out a labored sigh. “It’s…it’s procedure. I could l
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Blinding Lights
Linda’s POVThe sudden darkness enveloped the room, plunging me into a state of panic. My heart raced as I fumbled in the darkness, my hands searching for any semblance of light or guidance. “What’s happening?” I muttered to myself, my voice low and a whisper in the oppressive silence of the room. The only sound was the faint hum of the emergency lights flickering to life, casting eerie shadows across the walls. I cursed under my breath, my mind racing with a thousand possibilities. Had someone discovered what I was doing? Was this some sort of security measure triggered by the codes I had entered?Or was the problem with the codes I had entered? Were they the source of the blackout? I placed the file back in my bag and glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows, checking out the other buildings around us. They had power so that meant that it was only this building that was experiencing the blackout. “Mrs. Kingston, are you okay?” A familiar voice startled me and when I looked at the
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The Accident
Linda’s POVThe impact sent my car spinning, the screech of tires and the crunch of metal filling the air as chaos erupted around me. Time seemed to slow as I struggled to regain control, my heart pounding in my chest as adrenaline surged through my veins. When my car finally came to a stop, I sat there for a moment, dazed and disoriented, trying to process what had just happened. Pain radiated through my body, but it was nothing compared to the shock and fear that gripped me at that moment.As I slowly regained my bearings, I realized that I was lucky to be alive. My car was badly damaged, but somehow, I had escaped with only minor injuries. Shaken but determined, I reached for my phone to call for help, my hands trembling as I dialed the emergency number. It was a miracle that I had even found the device. The screen was damaged but it was still working. Just before I could hit the call icon, someone reached into the car and yanked the phone out of my fragile hands, throwing it on
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Fun At The Hospital
Linda’s POVThe paramedics arrived swiftly, their faces a blur of concern and urgency as they rushed to my side. With gentle hands, they assessed my injuries, their voice a comforting reassurance amidst the chaos.“Stay with us, ma’am,” One of them said, their tone firm but kind. “We’re here to help you. Can you tell us where it hurts?” Through the haze of pain, I managed to nod weakly, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I struggled to remain conscious. With their help, I was carefully lifted onto a stretcher, my body protesting with each movement. As they worked to stabilize me, I felt a surge of gratitude wash over me. Despite the terror that had gripped me only moments before, I was now in the hands of skilled professionals, their expertise offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness. With each passing moment, the pain began to ebb, replaced by a sense of numbness that dulled the edges of my awareness. Through half-lidded eyes, I watched as the paramedics loaded me into the wai
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A Grand Ball
Chris’s POVI was at a Grand Ball. The crowd was full of important and rich people; high-class individuals. The soft melody of classical music filled the air as I mingled with the elite guests, exchanging pleasantries and engaging in polite conversation. The atmosphere was charged with an air of sophistication and opulence. I did not want to be here, I really didn’t. But ever since I had stood up for myself and defied my father’s orders for the first time, he made sure that I was going to stay for a few more days before leaving to go back to China. I had been doing daily checkups on the company and on the mansion. And of course, I happened to find out that Fallon had gone to the mansion to see Linda. I did not know what they had talked about but I did not care as much as I did before coming to London and finding out that I was not a true Kingston. It gave me a new perspective on everything. I was so glad that I had not built my life solely on Kingston's money and power, I had bui
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A DNA Test
Chris’s POVTaking a moment to compose myself, I stepped into the lavishly decorated bathroom, the opulence of the surroundings providing a clear contrast to the thoughts swirling in my mind. There was a guy who was washing his hands but he soon walked out of the room. Besides him, no one was in here with me. I locked the door once he was out, and I knew that no one would really care or might not even notice because there were a lot of other bathrooms in the building. With trembling fingers, I retrieved my phone from my pocket, a sense of urgency pushing me to reach out to my wife. Dialing her number, I waited anxiously as the phone rang, each passing second feeling like an eternity. My heart raced in my chest, anticipation and apprehension warring within me as I prayed for her to pick up. But sadly, that did not happen. I tried calling a few more times but it was the same result. I sighed shakily and ran my hand through my hair. The bathroom was really clean and smelled good so
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Almost Like Therapy
Chris’s POVI hung up the call with Meghan, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation washing over me. This situation was becoming more complicated by the minute, and I could not shake the feeling that I was being dragged into a mess that was not entirely of my making.Or maybe it was. I mean, if Meghan was not lying, then it definitely was when it came to her being pregnant. But if it was about me not being a true Kingston, that was not my fault. Turning off my phone, I took a moment to collect my thoughts, the sound of my own breath filling the silence of the bathroom. I needed to focus, to figure out what my next steps should be. First and foremost, I needed to find a way to get in touch with Linda. Not to tell her about Meghan, no! Do you want me to die? It was just that the thought of her out there, possibly in danger, sent a shiver down my spine. I could not afford to waste any more time. Unlocking the bathroom door, I stepped out into the bustling atmosphere of the ballr
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