All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
250 Chapters
The Devil Visits Me
I peeled myself from the bed and sat up. I could feel the hunger chewing on my intestines, I really needed to get something to eat. But before I could do that, I replied to Chris’s text. I told him that I understood and that I had no issue with him leaving me without telling me. Then I proceeded to reply to Fallon’s text. I told her to send me the address and I would be there, but that if it was about the deal that she was offering, my mind still was not going to change. She then replied, ‘Forget about the meet-up, I have other plans.’I stared at the message for a few seconds and then shrugged lightly. I did not mind. I needed the day anyway; to be able to relax and do some deep thinking. Getting out of bed, I headed for the shower. I removed my clothes and stepped under the warm spray, letting it wash away the remnants of sleep and uncertainty. The water cascaded over me, soothing my tense muscles and calming my racing thoughts about everything that had been going on, if only f
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The Kingstons
I knew. I knew that she was not here for small talk or pleasantries; she was here to assert her dominance, to remind me of my precarious position in her grand scheme of things. She was here to show that she was the puppet master and I was just the puppet. I tightened my grip on the edge of the table, forcing myself to maintain a facade of calm despite the shaky and bitter feeling that sat within me. “I have already told you, Fallon. I am not interested in your deal. I never was, and will never be. I made my decision.” Her smile faltered for a fraction of a second before she regained her composure, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “Oh, I’m well aware of your decision, Linda. I have been aware of your loyalty to your husband.” “Did you even see what was in the file that I sent you?” She continued. “You mean that file that you had a stranger drop at my feet, pretending that it was a mistake?” I raised one of my eyebrows.“To-ma-to, to-mah-to,” She replied, rolling her eyes. “My
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Ultimatums And Truths
Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the cruelty and injustice that had befallen her family at the hands of their ruthless enemies.“Oh my god,” I whispered as I took in the information. She could not be lying, she obviously could not. I could see the pain in her eyes. I could almost feel it, myself. “My father was targeted by their thugs,” Fallon said, her voice barely above a whisper now. Her eyes were glossy, causing my heart to break. “He was brutally attacked, left for dead in the wreckage of his own mine. By some miracle, he survived, but he was never the same. The trauma…it changed him.” Tears welled up in her eyes, and I instinctively reached out to grasp her hand in a gesture of comfort and solidarity. Despite the type of relationship that she and I had, at this moment, we were bound by her pain. “If you don’t mind me asking, did your father return to work? Did he ever try to make the Kingston pay?” She chuckled dryly, taking her hand out of my hold. “He’s
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Silhouettes Of The Past
My heart burned as I saw these things. I’m not going to lie, I was leaning more into helping her now. Everything she had explained…everything was true. She had not been lying just to get me to help her. I was holding the proof in my hand. But why couldn’t she use this to take them down? It looked like this folder had everything that she needed. Then it dawned on me, she obviously may have tried already. And imagine, even while working with the FBI and chief of police here in China, she still could not help her and her family get justice. The Kingston were basically above the law, considering that they were at the top of the social ladder. They had everything, the power, the connections, the money; every damn thing. I looked at the photo once again, a pang of sympathy washing over me. Despite the anger and desperation in Fallon’s demeanor, there was an undeniable vulnerability captured in those eyes of hers. It was a strong reminder that behind all that toughness was a woman burde
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Forcing His Hand
As Chris shifted uncomfortably beside me, I could sense the weight of his unease. His attempt to deflect my questions raised some suspicions in me but I tried to put it aside for now. “The gold,” I repeated, my voice steady despite the turmoil stirring within me. “What do you know about it?” He chuckled as he raised an eyebrow. “The gold that my family stole?” He ran his hand through his hair, some of his confidence returning. “Why do you say it like that? Who even told you that we stole gold?” Fallon had already explained it all to me, and she had even given me all the evidence I would need if there were any doubts left in my mind. “So you know about the gold?” He hesitated, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Linda, I…I don’t know much about it. It’s just a rumor, a story that has been passed down through my family. I never thought much about it, and I’m surprised that you even know about it.” He shrugged lightly. I studied his face, searching for any sign of deception. But
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Trouble In Paradise
Chris blinked in surprise as the papers scattered around him, his expression shifting from snugness to confusion. He glanced down at the documents, then back up at me, his eyes widening with realization. “Linda, what is this?” His voice trembled slightly, almost beyond notice, but I did catch it. He was trying to maintain his facade. I stood tall, my heart pounding with a mixture of anger and frustration. “It’s the truth, Chris. The truth you have been avoiding. The truth about the gold and everything else.” He scrambled to pick up the papers, his hands shaking a bit as he sorted through them. His lips moved silently as he read, absorbing the contents of the folder. His face paled, and I could see the color drain from his cheeks. “You knew about this?” He finally managed to choke out, his voice strained. I nodded, my anger still simmering beneath the surface. “Yes, Chris, of course, I knew. And I have been trying to get you to tell me the truth, but you kept lying to me.” He loo
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Leaving The Mansion
His silence was loud, very loud. A part of me wanted him to beg for me to stay, for him to assure me of his love. I wanted him to apologize and tell me that everything was going to be alright. I wanted him to tell me the truth about his family and that he would help Fallon. But all those were just in my head. They were not real. And no matter how badly I wanted them to be real, they wouldn’t. So I decided to break the silence. “I’ll stay at a friend’s place for a while,” I continued, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions that were dancing in me. “Just until we figure things out.”He made a small sound with his throat before speaking, “You barely have a friend here, Linda. What are you doing?” Having him say that out loud made my heart do a weird thing. I never really noticed that he was right. I had no real friends here. My life was back in the United States, here was just felt like I was on vacation or was a tourist. I really needed to figure things out. And trust me
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What did she mean by that? I wanted to play her words off but they sent shivers down my spine. She has known the Kingstons longer than I had so there could be some truth to her words. “My husband would never do anything to hurt me,” I assured her in a firm tone. “We may not be on the best of terms right now but he would never intentionally do anything to hurt me. That I know.”She scoffed. “Sure,” she dragged the word in a tone that had me squinting my eyes in suspicion. What did she know that I did not?“Are you not telling me something?”She let out a dry laugh and just ended the call. I should have used her flawed manners by now but it still stung. I was left alone with my thoughts and questions as I drove to the nearest hotel. It did not take me more than half an hour to get there.The building stood tall and luxurious. I parked in the parking area and took my suitcase out of the car before locking it up.Then I headed inside. The place seemed busy, I guess I was not the only
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Dangerous People
Was I tripping? Was I hallucinating what I just heard?It was not a loud and noticeable sound but it did catch my attention. My heart started to pound but I tried to convince myself that it was just my mind playing games.I continued to shower, the water washing away the foam that the body wash had made but some still lingered.My eyes were closed, I did not want to get some foam in them, knowing they would burn a lot if I did.“You should learn to mind your business, Linda,” A voice echoed in the bathroom, causing my heart to drop.I almost fell to the ground as I tried to find something to grip onto. “Who’s there?!” I was panicking, I did not know what to do. But luckily for me, the water from the shower was still pouring.It helped wash my face and body off the remnants of body wash. I quickly opened my eyes, looking everywhere so I could see who was in there with me.I was so scared that it felt like the insides of my head were rising like yeast. “Put this around you, dear,” The
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A New Friend
I never thought that I would be asking Fallon Knight to do this for me; to help me out. The only help that I ever wanted from her was freedom from her strings.But I needed her. Even though I may have hated her to begin with, I now understood her. I knew why she did what she did.I now have it. I got why she had such a hard and frozen heart, it was her way of surviving.Fallon scoffed. “Um…forgive me for saying this, but aren’t you the one who is the wife of a billionaire? You could literally buy a hotel right now,” she pointed out.I really wished she understood. I mean, yes, she was right. But Chris and my finances were kind of intertwined.He would need permission or a sign-off from me if he needed to withdraw a certain amount of money from our shared bank account, and it went vice versa.“Fallon, please. I can’t explain but I need you to help me; just a place to stay until noon,” I begged her.I was scared. I was scared for my life. And the only one I trusted enough to be able to
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