All Chapters of Alpha Prince's forgotten love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
(SHIELA’S POV)I ran past the rustling leaves and jagged rocks, my movements almost causing me to stumble, yet I managed to maintain my balance along with the cloth sack in my possession. My eyes remained fixed ahead, searching for a hiding spot within the woods, convinced that nobody was close behind. Spotting a large fallen tree, I quickly veered off my path, finding it spacious enough to conceal both my body and my bag, granting me a much-needed moment of respite from my frantic sprinting.Just when I prepared to finally catch my breath and rest, a haunting howl shattered the silence around me. Its resonance, both powerful and desperate, carried an air of majesty that commanded attention without demanding obedience. Before I could fully process the sound, a sudden loud thud followed by the rustling of leaves nearby startled me.I closed my own mouth to stifle any screams. My heart raced as I crouched low behind the fallen tree. I clutched the strap of the cloth sack tightly against
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(SHEILA’S POV)My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed at the fang-shaped sapphire pendant resting in my palm, a token of Orion’s sincerity. My thumb traced the smoothness of the sapphire stone, feeling the weight of its value pressing against my doubts and insecurities. ‘How could he possibly think I deserve something like this?’ I wondered silently.Yet, despite the sweetness of his gesture, I couldn't shake the feeling of unworthiness within me. I knew I wasn't beautiful like the other girls, and surely someone like Orion, with his commanding presence and determined personality, deserved better.Tremors coursed through my body as I struggled to discern Orion's honest reaction to my appearance. Peering through my veil, I watched as his gaze met mine, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before settling into an unreadable expression. The silence stretched between us, thick with uncertainty, amplifying my emotional turmoil."Can you really stay with me, Orion?" I questioned, my
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(SHEILA’S POV)Normally, the scent of herbs in Willowhart's living space would have brought solace to my troubled soul. However, today, even the soothing aroma failed to ease the searing pain in my heart. Guilt and self-loathing consumed me, fueled by chronic insecurities and trust issues that seemed to repel the gentle calmness offered by the herbs.I found myself wailing in the warm presence of my mentor, Willowhart. I was on the ground, clinging to Willowhart's lap as she sat on a low stool. Willowhart offered gentle pats on my back, a silent gesture of understanding as I cried.As the tears subsided momentarily, I looked up at Willowhart with eyes red and puffy from crying. “I... I love Orion. I've actually fallen for him, Elder Willow,” I confessed, despite my trembling voice laced with a sense of resignation. “But he... he deserves someone better. Someone who won't bring him shame in public.”Feeling Willowhart's comforting hand on my shoulder, I met the elder healer's gaze. He
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(SHEILA’S POV)From my hiding spot, I observed Orion sitting alone in the room. Almost immediately upon his arrival, a faint smell of alcohol permeated the air, mingling with the atmosphere. His posture, normally composed and assured, now appeared unnervingly unsteady, his form swaying almost imperceptibly as if caught in an unseen current. His gaze, once sharp and focused, now seemed to drift aimlessly, lost in the depths of his own thoughts, fixed downward as if seeking solace or escape in the worn-out marks of the floorboards.Minutes had passed before Willowhart returned while carrying a tray adorned with steaming chamomile mint tea and delicate biscuits. She set it down on an empty low wooden stool before taking a seat across from Orion. The elderly woman poured him a cup of tea which the latter accepted with gratitude.Turn the scenario into 1st POV, Sheila's POV, use past tense for narratives:"Thank you, Willowhart," Orion murmured, his voice carrying a soft tone of appreciat
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(SHEILA’S POV)Nestling into Orion's comforting embrace, I felt enveloped by his familiar scent, reminiscent of crisp oak. Despite the warmth, a pang of longing stirred within me, the auburn-haired woman. "I'm sorry," I uttered sincerely, acknowledging my own shortcomings. Yet, I couldn't help but ponder whether Orion would find it in his heart to forgive me despite my remorse.And it really didn’t take that long for me to get an answer. Orion reciprocated my embrace with the same longing evident in how he held me even closer. “It’s okay, Sheila.”"Clearly, I've caused you frustration," I stated matter-of-factly, referring to his earlier complaints about me to Elder Willow. "Lies," I added, dismissing any other explanations.“Well, that’s…”Still, my smile persisted as I leaned my head against Orion's chest once more, finding solace in his presence. "It's alright," I murmured softly, my warm breath against his chest. "It doesn't really matter." My words were muffled against his chest
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(ORION’S POV)As I ventured deeper into the pine forest, the familiar tranquility of the glade beckoned me. Moonlight filtered through the thick canopy, painting ethereal patterns on the lush greenery below. The air was thick with the sweet scent of wildflowers, enveloping the glade in an otherworldly calm.But tonight was different. Tonight, the peace of the enchanted glade was disrupted. Behind the tangle of vegetation and ancient ruins, a weathered stone square lay exposed, hinting at secrets long forgotten. Bathed in the gentle glow of the crescent moon, I stood at the edge of the clearing, witnessing something extraordinary unfold before me—a werewolf wedding ceremony.The sky, laden with heavy clouds, seemed to echo the solemnity of the occasion. The shaman, a figure reminiscent of a priest in more conventional rites, chanted ancient invocations, invoking the very essence of the forest itself. Torchlight cast elongated shadows across the clearing and the crumbling ruins, shroudi
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(SHEILA’S POV)Orion and I shuffled back into our humble hut. We sat onto the bed's edge with relief evident in our eyes. The day's events had left us drained, but now, nestled together, we could finally decompress."Wait, the Old Lady won three regional archery championships?" Orion's disbelief jolted me from my thoughts. I nodded, a wry smile forming. "And you said she never went further because she simply didn't feel like it?" His curiosity lingered, eager for more of Willowhart's legend.I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I dabbed at the last remnants of blood on Orion's neck with a damp cloth. "That's what Madam Runa always told me during our days in the haven," I reminisced, the memories flooding back. Putting aside the soiled cloth, I reached for a fresh one from the basket at my feet. "Let me clean your hand," I offered, turning my attention to the gash on Orion's palm and tending to it with care.Orion seemed speechless. He was clearly perplexed by the revelations of my m
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(KING RAGNAR’S POV)In the Harvestia Monarchy, nestled within the grandeur of the Magnaheimer Continent, our kingdom stands as a humble yet vital presence in this vast land. Though we may not match the towering might of the three dominant superpower monarchies, Harvestia boasts a richness that sets it apart — a richness born of our abundant natural resources, which pulse with a unique vitality.Surrounded by expansive pine forests, our kingdom thrives upon the mastery of forestry and woodworking, utilizing timber in myriad ways to bolster our economy and enrich our cultural tapestry. These forests, with their towering sentinels and whispering boughs, are the lifeblood of Harvestia, sustaining us with their bounty.Just as veins carry life-giving blood, so too do our rivers flow through the heart of Harvestia, binding communities and facilitating vital trade that fuels our prosperity. These waterways, weaving through the land like threads of connection, are the arteries of our kingdom
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(SHEILA’S POV)As Orion and I made our way back to the village, the scent of pine still lingering on our skin from our afternoon gathering of herbs and medicinal plants, we noticed a group of soldiers passing under the wooden beam of the haven's doorless gateway. Their presence immediately drew my attention, the emblem on their shields—a majestic werewolf head crowned by a crescent moon, entwined with vines and leaves—marked them unmistakably as soldiers of the Harvestia Monarchy."Why are the palace's soldiers here?" I couldn't help but voice my confusion, my brow furrowing as I watched them move."Is that a bad thing?" Orion's response was quick, his tone reflecting his own concern.I exchanged a glance with him before admitting, "Honestly, I don't know." My gaze lingered on the soldiers in the distance, a sense of unease settling in. "It's just... unusual." My words trailed off, my thoughts swirling with questions and apprehension.After waiting for what felt like an eternity unti
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(SHEILA’S POV)As I prepared to tend to Willowhart’s herb garden beside the community healer hut, the tranquility of the morning shattered under the heavy tread of soldiers arriving at the haven. Their ominous presence sent a shiver down my spine, quickening my pulse with a sense of impending danger.The sight of their increased numbers only heightened my concern. Hurriedly, I abandoned my gardening tools and rushed back to my modest hut, my mind racing with the need to protect Orion.I burst through the door, my heart hammering in my chest as I scanned the room. Relief flooded through me as I found Orion still peacefully asleep on the bed, unaware of the imminent threat lurking outside."Orion, wake up," I whispered urgently, my voice barely audible as I gently shook him awake. "We need to leave, now.""Sheila?" Orion's voice was thick with sleep-induced confusion as he struggled to rouse himself. But as realization dawned on him, he began to stir, albeit still clouded by drowsiness.
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