All Chapters of Alpha Prince's forgotten love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
(SHEILA'S POV)Willowhart along with most of Silverthornians, embarked on our journey towards Luminous Edge earlier this morning, my heart weighed heavy with the knowledge that we were leaving behind the only home we had ever known. The threat of the Land Enclosure Program loomed over us like a dark cloud, driving us from our cherished haven.Now, as the sun climbed higher in the sky, I stood amidst the dwindling remnants of our once vibrant community. Silverthorn had always been small, even by the standards of the Harvestia Monarchy's villages. But its modest size was fitting for a group of exiles like us, living on the outskirts of society, away from the watchful eyes of the monarchy.As I gazed into the distance, my heart sank at the sight of the deserted streets of Silverthorn. The buildings that had once echoed with the sounds of bustling life were now eerily silent, their empty windows casting long shadows in the morning light. It was a painful reminder of the exodus that had sw
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(SHEILA'S POV)As Emberlyn led me to one of our father's private estates, my mind swirled with apprehension. We were a few kilometers east of the pine woods, not too far from the former Silverthorn Haven, a place I once called home, safely distant from the borders of Harvestia's monarchy. Usually, Emberlyn’s presence was accompanied by a storm of hostility, but today, she remained eerily silent. Her uncharacteristic quietness set off alarm bells in my mind.As we walked, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of confusion. Why was Emberlyn suddenly showing concern for me? It was a stark contrast to the years of abuse I had endured at her hands. From hair pulling to leg stomps, Emberlyn had made it clear that she despised me. The only flicker of kindness I could recall was a distant memory from our childhood when she offered me a few berries while I was locked in the basement. But that was just a fleeting moment among a lifetime of torment.What puzzled me even more was the protective glare
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(SHEILA'S POV)As dusk settled over the woods, I found myself amidst the gathering darkness, my steps muffled by the forest floor. With Emberlyn leading the way, accompanied by her loyal mercenaries, we pressed on in search of Orion. My heart yearned to bridge the gap between myself and my step-sister, seeking an opportunity for conversation amid the tense atmosphere. Yet, Emberlyn's demeanor atop her steed appeared forbidding, her fiery hair matching the intensity of her resolve."Keep your eyes peeled, everyone. Our mission today is to capture this man, father’s order," Emberlyn commanded, her voice cut in the dimming light.The leader of the mercenaries acknowledged her orders with a casual tone, though retaining a respectful demeanor. "Of course, princess," he replied, his confidence evident. "Tonight's the night, boys. Let's ensure we secure our prize," he rallied his comrades, their responses tinged with assurance."The just paid us so good! We won't let him slip away," they af
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(SHEILA'S POV)I woke up with a sharp sting at the back of my head. I shifted onto my side, my auburn hair falling over my face as I reached up to touch the spot, fearing the worst. Thank the goddess, there was no sign of injury, but the nausea lingered. My heart raced, and I struggled to steady my breathing, teetering on the edge of consciousness once more.Then it hit me—the situation I was in. 'You won't be seeing anyone, dear sister,' Emberlyn's words echoed in my mind. 'Mother's already arranged a buyer for you, a slave trader eager to take you.'I took a deep breath, forcing myself to focus despite the panic rising within me. Slowly, I surveyed my surroundings. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls. I was enclosed in a cage, the fabric covering most of it obscuring my view, but I could sense the presence of others nearby. They, too, were likely slaves like me."Slave market," I murmured to myself, the words tasting bitter on my tongue as my mind swirled with t
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(EMBERLYN'S POV)As I stood outside my mother's chamber, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a relentless loop. It had become clear that Orion was oblivious about that incident. He stood before me many times, his resolve unyielding as ever. His fierce loyalty to Sheila perplexed and frustrated me in equal measure.Taking a deep breath, I rapped lightly on the door, hoping for some solace in my mother's presence. Vespera's warm voice greeted me from within, inviting me to enter. "Emberlyn? Come on in!" she exclaimed, her cheerful tone a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within me.As I pushed open the heavy door to my mother's private chamber, I was immediately greeted by the familiar sight of two maids fussing around her. The room was a sanctuary of peace and sophistication, a reflection of my mother's refined taste and esteemed position. Soft light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow over the lavish décor.Sensing my melancholy, my mother, Vesper
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(SHEILA'S POV)As I stayed in a cave, a new temporary shelter for Orion and me, I couldn't ignore the stinging reminders of our recent encounter with Emberlyn and her mercenaries. Orion seemed relatively unscathed, with only minor bruises from his skirmish, but my body bore the cruel lash marks inflicted by the vile slave dealer we had escaped from. The throbbing ache on my ankle served as a constant reminder of our harrowing escape.The night before, Orion and I had fled atop a stolen horse, desperate to escape the clutches of Emberlyn and her mercenaries. But the adrenaline-fueled escape took its toll on my already injured ankle, and it soon became clear that we couldn't continue riding for long. With no other choice, we left the exhausted animal behind as a decoy in the dense woods, hoping to buy ourselves some time.As the sky fell into a deeper night, we found ourselves weary and desperate, seeking refuge from the biting cold and the ever-looming threat of pursuit. With me cling
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(SHEILA'S POV)I lay there, weak and feeble, the darkness pressing in around me like a suffocating shroud. I couldn't see anything, but the pain... the pain was all-consuming. It was as if I was submerged in the icy depths of some unfathomable abyss. Every breath I took felt like a battle against death itself. The silver arrow that was lodged into my body had left an open burning flesh in its wake. And the wolfsbane venom... it was like molten fire coursing through my veins, scorching me from within.But even in that desperate state, I refused to surrender. I had endured a lifetime of torment, all because of what I was—a mix of human and werewolf blood. The constant rejection, the ridicule, the relentless persecution by those who considered themselves superior... it had all been a testament to the cruelty of this world.But I wouldn't let them break me. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me crumble. My very existence challenged their notion of superiority, and I wouldn't
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(ORION'S POV)I woke up with a splitting headache, the pain pulsating through my skull like a relentless drumbeat. I grimaced, instinctively shutting my eyes against the harsh intrusion of light. Attempting to rise from my bed proved futile—my body felt like it had been trampled by a herd of rampaging beasts. Every movement sent waves of discomfort rippling through me, and I could do little more than grunt in response.As I lay there, a memory surged to the forefront of my mind—a vivid recollection of being lost in the dense, ominous embrace of the dark woods. It felt like mere moments ago that I was fleeing from an unseen pursuer, a nameless dread urging me onward. And then there was the pain, the searing sensation etched into my forearm, a reminder of... what?My hand automatically rose to my forehead, fingers pressing against the throbbing ache. The echo of that memory stirred something deep within me, a primal instinct that set my heart racing. I needed to find her—my mate. But h
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(SHEILA'S POV)As I ventured across the farmland in search of Orion, the afternoon sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the fields. My attention was drawn to an empty cargo carriage, an anomaly amidst the rural landscape. Curiosity piqued, I approached, noticing two figures seated upon it. Two farmers, it seemed, though something seemed amiss.As I drew closer, it became evident that the carriage had come to an abrupt halt due to the younger worker's distress. His elder companion was in a state of near-collapse, sweat beading on his brow and hands trembling. Concern flooded me as I approached, my instincts kicking in.Upon further investigating, I learned that the older man had been neglecting his meals, a fact that explained his weakened state. With a nod of understanding, I sprang into action, enlisting the help of the younger farmer to assist me in guiding the older man to their living quarters.Settling the frail man down, I immediately began to assess his condition, d
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(SHEILA'S POV)I sprinted after Orion and his entourage, my heart pounding in my chest. I looked around and realized the familiar scenery around me. How did I end up here again? The farm where I sought refuge loomed ahead."Orion, please, just a moment!" I called out, desperation lacing my voice. I needed to talk to him, to try and make sense of the sudden and drastic shift in his behavior—or perhaps even to understand why he seemed so distant.As Orion's men spurred their horses forward, one of them, the one in the deep blue tunic, halted at my plea. His horse snorted softly as he turned to face me, his expression unreadable."Alright, stay vigilant, make sure His Royal Highness stays safe," he directed the guards, his tone firm but composed. Then, he guided his horse towards me, stopping at a distance that felt safe.I couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude towards this man, for pausing to acknowledge my presence. Gathering my courage, I stepped closer, meeting his gaze with a m
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