All Chapters of Alpha Prince's forgotten love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
(ORION’S POV)"We found the warlock, Sir!" The voice pierced the chaos, authoritative and clear. Three of our royal soldiers dragged Angelo into the heart of the turmoil beyond the haven's walls. With precise force, they made him kneel beside Nova's lifeless form, her body cold and motionless on the ground, still smoldering from the arrow wound. Grief and shock overwhelmed Angelo, and tears silently streamed down his face as he hung his head low.As Marcus effortlessly freed himself from his fallen horse, seemingly unaffected by the paralysis magic, I observed his calm demeanor. He brushed the dust off his light armor with practiced ease, revealing his familiarity with combat.With disdain evident in his voice, Marcus soothed his jittery horse, his grip firm on the reins until it settled. Towering beside his steady mount, he commanded, "Take heed, all of you!""Emberlyn," Marcus's voice demanded attention, gesturing towards Angelo. His tone left no room for argument.My gaze shifted
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(SHEILA’S POV)"Sheila, when those people arrived today, did you recognize any of them?" Orion's gentle voice reached my ears. It was devoid of any accusation or anger. I understood that he simply sought understanding. I saw concern in his eyes, a silent plea for me to trust him, to let him inPart of me wanted to pour out my worries to him, to let him shoulder some of the burden that weighed me down. But fear held me back, whispering warnings of potential consequences if I revealed too much. Caught in this internal struggle, I found myself speechless, unable to articulate the tangled mess of thoughts and emotions swirling inside me.Perhaps he sensed my distress in my silence. Orion's arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me into a comforting embrace. His warmth enveloped me, offering a safe haven amidst the storm raging within me. "It's okay, Sheila," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody. "You don't have to talk about it if you're not ready. I'm here for you, no matter what."
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(SHEILA’S POV)I awoke early in the morning, feeling the gentle touch of dawn's golden rays seeping through the walls of our modest hut. Stretching my arms, I couldn't shake off the familiar ache in my muscles, remnants of yesterday's tragedy. Orion was already up, getting ready to head out for our daily task of fetching fresh water from the nearby stream—a chore imperative for our survival.As I busied myself with breakfast over the crackling fire, my thoughts drifted back to the events of yesterday. The unexpected arrival of soldiers had stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me, made even more surprising by the presence of two familiar faces among them—my father, Marcus, and my stepsister, Emberlyn.I steadied my nerves, preparing to open up to Orion about my family. "Hey, Orion," I called out, my voice wavering just a bit.Orion turned, a questioning look in his eyes as he paused in his preparations. "Hm? What's up?"Taking a deep breath, I braced myself to reveal the truth. "I d
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(SHEILA’S POV)As Orion pulled me into his arms, the warmth of his embrace encased me like a protective shield. His whispered words, filled with determination, echoed in my ears, stirring a mixture of emotions within me. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe," he vowed, his voice steady and unwavering. "No matter what you choose, I want to be right here with you."His pledge both comforted and unsettled me. I couldn't help but feel grateful for his fierce loyalty, yet I couldn't ignore the danger that lurked around us, especially in defying my father's authority in Harvestia. Marcus, as the kingdom's top farmer, held immense power, his influence stemming from the resources provided by the Alpha King for the Land Enclosure Program. His rule was absolute, leaving little room for dissent. I knew all too well the consequences of challenging him—swift and merciless retribution awaited any who dared to oppose him.I leaned forward, my eyes wide with concern as I reached out to gently
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(ORION’S POV)The mention of Harvestia's crown alpha prince sent a jolt through me, my mind spinning as if caught in a whirlwind. Recognition flickered somewhere deep within, but it remained elusive, slipping through my grasp like grains of sand. A sharp, stabbing pain shot through my temples, causing me to wince and squeeze my eyes shut in a futile attempt to ward off the agony.Sheila, ever attentive, rushed to my side, her face etched with worry. Her gentle touch sought to soothe the torment wracking my mind. "Orion, what's happening? Are you alright?" Her concern was palpable, her voice a lifeline in the storm of confusion.Struggling to steady myself, I replied, my words faltering. "I'm... not sure." Sheila's touch was a balm, though the pain persisted, its grip unyielding. With each passing moment, it seemed to tighten, threatening to overwhelm me.Sheila sprang into action, her panic reflected that my distress was beyond her ability to assuage. Without hesitation, she dashed ou
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(SHEILA’S POV)I escorted Willowhart to the entrance of her hut, bidding my mentor farewell as she departed. Once Willowhart was on her way, I turned back inside, immediately shifting my focus to Orion.Drawing from my experience in caring for patients with fever, I fetched a bucket of cool water and soaked a fresh cloth. With practiced care, I rinsed it and then draped it gently across Orion's forehead. My expression, etched with concern, remained unwavering as I stayed steadfast by his bedside. The small space was filled with the sound of his labored breaths and the glistening sweat on his fevered brow.Orion's weakened voice broke the silence, his words barely audible as he murmured, "I don't feel well." With a visible effort, he attempted to sit up, but his strength failed him, leaving him slumped against the pillows. Frustration flickered across his face as he struggled to remove his shirt, his movements feeble and uncoordinated.My heart raced as I observed Orion's weak conditi
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(SHEILA’S POV)Orion's lips found mine in a fervent kiss, setting off a wildfire of longing throughout my entire being. Heat rushed to my cheeks as his passion ignited a blaze within me, my pulse quickening in response. Lost in the moment, I surrendered to the magnetic pull of his embrace, my desires meeting his with an overwhelming surge of emotion.With every tender touch of his lips, I felt as though I was being consumed by a storm of sensations. My breath grew shallow and erratic as I became completely enveloped in the intensity of our connection. It was as if every nerve ending in my body was alight with electricity, sparking and crackling with the sheer force of our mutual desire.As the hurricane of emotions swept over me, the room seemed to shift around us. The soft glow of the oil lamp cast warm, intimate shadows on the walls, accentuating the contours of Orion's face and highlighting the intensity in his eyes as they locked with mine. In the hushed ambiance, our connection
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(SHEILA’S POV)As I looked into Orion's eyes, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed me. There was something profound in the way our gazes met, something that seemed to solidify the unspoken connection we shared. With each exchanged glance, it felt like the threads binding our hearts grew stronger, weaving a tapestry of emotions between us.The warmth that flooded my soul in his presence was undeniable, comforting yet unsettling all at once. Doubts clawed at the edges of my mind, casting shadows on the burgeoning affection I held for him. Was this feeling real, or just a figment of my imagination, conjured by fleeting moments of connection?"Sheila," Orion's voice broke through my thoughts, his expression a mix of concern and vulnerability. His words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty. "A-are you sure?"As I looked at him, every contour of his face seemed to reveal a story of vulnerability, etched deeply into his features. His voice trembled, his jaw quivered, and it was as if he had l
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(WILLOWHART’S POV)As I returned from my meeting with the elders and the chief of our haven, their words echoed in my mind, each one heavy with significance. The weight of responsibility pressed down on my shoulders, reminding me of the delicate balance we maintained within our community.Upon passing by my herb garden on the way home, I spotted Sheila, my diligent protege, tending to the plants with care. A gentle smile graced my lips as I approached her, finding comfort in the familiar sight of her dedication. Despite the pressing matters discussed in the meeting, here in this tranquil corner of my haven, amidst the fragrant herbs, I felt a sense of peace wash over me."It would truly sadden me to part with the garden so soon," I commented softly, my voice carrying a wistful tone as I drew nearer to Sheila. The thought of leaving this haven of serenity behind filled me with a pang of longing, a reminder of the connection I shared with each plant—my kind helpers in healing ailments.
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(ORION’S POV)"Oh, I almost forgot, dear Orion!" Willowhart began, her voice filled with wonderment, drawing my attention away from the task at hand. My gaze snapped to hers, a spark of newfound hope kindling within me. "What is it, Old Lady?" I asked, curiosity evident in my voice.Willowhart chuckled softly at the nickname, then gently offered, "Maybe the healers from the royal city could assist you in reclaiming your memories."Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning, and confusion knitted my brows. "Wow, sometimes I forget I lost my memory," I admitted, feeling a pang of discomfort at the reminder. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it never came back, as long as I can stay by Sheila's side and keep her safe."As I spoke those words, I couldn't help but wonder about the life I had before this memory loss. But Sheila, with her warm smile and unwavering support, was my anchor in this sea of uncertainty.Noticing his reaction, Willowhart arched her eyebrows with a playful glint in her e
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