All Chapters of Fated is overrated: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
210 Chapters
Chapter 0131
Steroids is looking at me stunned, and I can see the gears turning in his head. I bet he is wondering if I can feel the mate bond or not, as I am not letting it be known that I do. I link my dad and Damon quickly ‘don’t freak out, and don’t say anything, but I just found my dragon mate…’ I let out i
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Chapter 0132
Lola POV My father closed the meeting by inviting the Alphas to lunch, before proceeding out the door with Damon and me by his side. The vast majority of the Alphas enter the dining hall a few minutes after us and to my great displeasure – so do steroids and his barbie doll. I have to refrain mysel
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Chapter 0133
Lola POV We shoot up into the sky, hovering a little above Dymo. Dymo tries to hit us again, but this time we manage to dodge the attack. I have to admit, moving with this massive form is not easy and I am immediately familiar with a dragon’s weakness now – speed. It isn’t a weakness against other
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Chapter 0134
Lola POV I groan, and my father notices the change in my mood. “I’m sorry, he insisted on coming” my father grumbles. I break away to look at Mr. steroids, and see he even had the audacity to bring his barbie doll. Now I’m even more agitated, as is Justice who is glaring at him and – growling? ‘Lib
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Chapter 0135
Lola POV Why can’t my life ever be easy? Just uneventful, calm and peaceful? For someone who hates drama, I find myself in the middle of it quite a lot lately. I just want to live my life in peace for goddess sake. I need these people to leave me alone. And how the f*ck does Chris know about them b
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Chapter 0136
Damon POV Although I absolutely hate shopping, I can’t wait to do it with my sister. First and foremost because I just want to spend any time with her I can get. But secondly, because she is a stunner, and I want her to stop hiding that. I want her to make those pups, or anyone else of her choosing
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Chapter 0137
Lola POV The most shrieking, annoying voice I have ever heard to this day still, shrieks “look who it is! The fat pathetic orphan is back! Chris, aren’t you allowed to execute those trespassing?”. I try to reign in my temper, but I fail miserably. Out of everyone who have wronged me in my life, the
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Chapter 0138
Lola POV As she tries to punch me, I catch her hand mid-air and snap her wrist in one easy go. She screams bloody murder, and the attention of the entire mall is on us now. My ears hurt from her shrieking screams, this is the loudest woman I have ever f*cking heard. “Aren’t you going to help your g
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Chapter 0139
Damon POV I have never had to restrain myself and Dymo as I did this afternoon, it took everything in me to not tear them all apart. The only thing holding me back was knowing we were in the human world, and still I couldn’t help but choke the b*tch when she called my sister a wh*re. She told me th
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Chapter 0140
Lola POV Damon and his friends, Trevor, Tyreese, Leroy, Mike, Jay and I walk into the club, and I am immediately in awe. I have never been to a club like this before, the vibe in here is something else. I love music and can actually get lost in it. And the way the music is drumming through the plac
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