All Chapters of Fated is overrated: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
210 Chapters
Chapter 0141
Lola POV He is staring at me intently, obviously furious about something. He is dressed in all black and his blouse is straining against his muscles. He does look absolutely god-like delicious as he is towering over me, with his mesmerizing eyes and a few of his hair strands hanging playfully acros
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Chapter 0142
Zane POV I am still stunned, rooted to the spot at what just happened. Did she just… kiss me? Lola? The girl that hates and has rejected us? It was confusing as hell. One moment I was in pure ecstasy, and the other moment she walked off right after making a snarky comment that I should leave with a
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Chapter 0143
Zane POV She ponders on it for a while, before answering “give me one good reason why I should”. Well damn, I didn’t expect her to do anything other than shoot me down immediately. Now I am suddenly lost for words. She won’t want me to say anything “sappy” again like the fact that I love her, altho
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Chapter 0144
Zeke POV We ended up talking to Damon for a bit after Zeke let his friend go. He was surprisingly, almost suspiciously, nice to us again. Especially considering Zane almost strangled his friend to death. I wonder why. He gave us some tips on what to do and, more importantly, what not to do. Mom has
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Chapter 0145
Lola POV Although we are sort of surrounded, he doesn’t seem menacing in any way, strange as it might be. “Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Felix. And you are?” he holds out his hand for me to take, but I decide to be the stubborn little b*tch I am for a bit longer. “I am a living nightmare, waiting to ge
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Chapter 0146
Although I would never ever admit that to them. They can take their bimbo from the restaurant, since the beta bimbo is out of order. My taunting has the desired effect when I hear 2 very low growls, almost not audible, but I caught it. I am not in the mood for any more drama, though. I just want to
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Chapter 0147
Lola POV I laugh at him, whilst gently removing his hands from my hips. I wouldn’t like him to get murdered by Zeke, Zane, or even my brother. He seems like a good enough guy. “As flattering and tempting as it may be, I have enough male drama as it is” I wink at him. He looks behind me and nudges h
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Chapter 0148
Zane POV I gulp with the way she is staring at us, her gaze filled with lust. Although I wish it was love, I’ll take anything I can get for now. I really wished she would look at us like that when she is sober. The desire to have her is overwhelming, I am longing – no, craving – for her. Not just p
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Chapter 0149
Zane POV I wake up with the scent of amber wood and jasmine flooding my senses. It smells so divine, so feminine. I can’t help but breathe in deeply and relax completely, crawling a little closer softly. This is by far the best sleep I have had in years. Or maybe even ever. Zeke and I definitely we
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Chapter 0150
Lola POV It cost me everything to fly away from them while they were looking so fragile, so broken. I felt bad for them, as weird as it feels to say. I felt bad for the things I forced myself to say. This stupid mate bond is clouding my judgement, I never would have fathomed even speaking to them n
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